


5 years, 4 months ago



Name Riley
Pronouns He/they
Age 19
Gender Nonbinary Man
Race Japanese & Chickasaw
Birthday July 3
Sign Cancer
Birthplace Northrest, Hacontiq
Alignment Space
Aesthetic Board

Riley is the reincarnation of the personification of space and sky. As he grew older, he developed a dark purple birthmark on the palms of his hands that he did his best to hide from his parents, not wanting to find out how they'd react. Later, he runs away from home to travel with a caravan and finds a new family there. He then leaves the caravan and travels on his own as all the Souls are foretold to do, pulled by a mysterious feeling in a certain direction to where the Souls would all end up meeting and convening.



Riley has a short, slim build at 5'4. He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail and thin eyebrows. He wears gloves everywhere to hide his birthmarks that show he's the Space Soul.


Shy, quiet.



Riley was born on a small farm outside of Northrest in Hacontiq. His mother and father were abusive, and at 15 when he realized he was a man he also knew that coming out would not go well. A caravan came through Northrest in the winter every year, so he planned to run away with it next year. At age 16 in the early morning, he stole as much money from his parents as he felt he could risk, threw out all his feminine clothes, bound his chest, and walked to Northrest. He gave all he had to one of the caravan wagon groups in return for a seat and a job with them.

Travelling in the Caravan

He worked and travelled with Cayla's group which consisted of Cayla's fiancée Leoshai, Shane, Suzie, and Tabitha. They usually had some extra hands that came and went depending on the seasons, location, and chance. Starting out in his travels with them, he knows he has to hide certain parts of who he is because they could be taken advantage of. He binds his chest the majority of the time and passes as a young cis man, and wears gloves at all times to hide the Space symbol on his palms.

Travelling Alone

He eventually left the group to go his own way after a few years. At age 19 he took a ship to the North Chari Islands and then from there another ship to Broken Tooth Bay in Froskh.



Shane [ friend ]

When Riley joined Cayla's group, he was given Shane as his roommate. Riley, Shane, and Tabitha are all around the same age and so gravitate towards spending time together regardless. Riley came out to Shane after a few months of travelling and awkwardly trying to hide it when they share a room and Shane reacted very positively. Shane appointed himself as Riley's mentor of all things male, and often gives Shane little tidbits of advice on things that men do. Riley doesn't mind as it makes him feel safe, seen, and cared for and Shane takes a very light tone with it that shows that he is part joking and part just excited to have someone he feel he can mentor after being an apprentice himself for so long. One of Shane's stipulations on how to be a good man is to always dress well, and he and Riley wear similar clothes that are usually a collared button-up shirt and vest alongside trousers and boots.


Cayla [ boss ]

Cayla was the only one who even gave Riley the time of day when he was looking for a group to join with the meager money he had. She keeps an aloof persona up but from trying to hire on with other groups, Riley knows she took a huge risk on him to accept him even for all of the money he had. She's firm in her instructions but never harsh or really even 'strict' but Riley always does his best to get anything she asks for done to show he appreciates the chance she took on him.

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