


5 years, 4 months ago


Tabby | She

Name: Tabitha

Age: 20

Pronouns: She

Race: Sephardic Jew

Nickname: Tabby

Height: 5'1

Gender: NB Woman

Alignment: Earth

Tabitha, or as she is more commonly known, Tabby, is a lapsed Earth devotee. She is a nonbinary woman and is one of the workers in the traveling group Riley joins. Both of her parents passed when she was too young to remember them, but Suze has taken her as an adoptive daughter.

  • She's practiced in hand-to-hand fighting, basic sword-fighting, and lock-picking.
  • She was encouraged to go into pottery, but her creations were always very lackluster and she quit as she didn't feel it clicked quite right. Now she illustrates, despite it being a less Earthy creative pursuit.
  • She doesn't know much of her parents and has little to no memory of them, and is unbothered by that. She is perfectly happy with Suze and the group, and gets annoyed when people say she shouldn't be.
Design Notes:
  • Very dark brown hair & tan skin with an olive undertone.
  • She usually wears pastel colors, particularly pinks, purples, and greens.
  • She's fat, and just curvy enough you couldn't quite call her 'stout.'
Blood doesn't actually determine much, you know?
  • Fresh Fruit
  • Botany
  • Illustration
  • Empty Promises
  • Assumptions
  • Pickled Foods
3192474?1544925877 Suze: Adoptive Mother

If it weren't for her, I don't know where or even who I would be. I'm thankful and I love her more than anything. I feel a connection with her, and I think I understand her better than a lot of the other people here, which isn't saying much.

11012802_2Ke_3192465.png?1613202752 Shane: Friend

He's a helpful guy, he joined a while after I had been here. He's always ready to lend a hand where it's needed, and he's a quick study - especially with animal care.

3192402?1545011570 Riley: Friend

Seems like a sweet kid, his shyness is something I can relate to. I'm going to give him space and let him choose when to open up. He probably gets enough high energy attention from Shane.