


5 years, 6 months ago


silver was born the daughter of a ruthless warlord. As soon as she could speak she was taught the way of war and self defense. Training under many masters and teachers. She ever wanted for anything but she did have to earn it. She understood the power of self dispelling. Yet when she was only 6 years old tragedy struck her. As rivals of her father broke into there strong hold and murder everyone that got in there way. Silver watched as her body guard and nurse maid where cut down defending her. Silver did try t fight back but she was only a 4 year old vs grown men. She was briefly wounded and would be dead if her father patroon had not stepped in to save her. Wraith, he took silver healed  her and raised her under him as a student of war. Teaching her all the things her father would have in the ways of running an army.  Silver is older then her adopted sister Velvet. Even with them both having extended life and Velvet goring into the queen of her clan She still respect silver and her insight.

For being trained by wraith in the ways of war my war it self silver is still a rather kind hearted person. Cruel and ruthless to her enemies and those that cross her she has a kind heart and a gentle touch to her subjects and those of lesser situations.  Never really flaunting her power or statues but simply going by as velvet personal Guard to most so many would come to her for help to afraid to speak to velvet directly. And silver would always do her best to help these she tough deserved a second chance. With her and her sister they have loyalty of there subject of dedication and respect. The most important rule both knew by heart a real commander earned respect a tyrant demanded it.

Silver is a simple concrete person she like things she can work on with her hands and physical actions. This a lines with her magical ability. The ability to shift and alter anything she touches. Changing and tfing things and people into new forms. She sues this to both reclaim broken material and repair tools. It can also be sued to punish enemies turning them into item. The one major draw back is silver needed understanding of the items she wants to turning others into. It is a small thing as silver has spent many long years to widen her ability yet there is a clear draw back when coming to medical healing. Thought she her self can passively heal if someone around her gets hurts the best silver can to is turn them into a item or tool to let them recover. Most of silver personal weapons are people that have crossed her in the past. Those that tried to kill her now killing for her.

When not in official meeting and royalties. Silver runs a rather odds and ends repair shop. Facing anything and everything people will bringer her. Using he abilities to rebuild and repair even the most damaged good. It make silver happy to fix family air looms and treasures items. Most time she doesn’t really take gold but good faith with the subject of the mountain city.  Silver is a dark powerhouse of power but far more mortal then her sister.