


5 years, 6 months ago


Harold is an oddity of velvet court. He was the old kings favorite servant and even tried to defend the old king form velvet. Yet even after velvet defeated the old king and took her place as the new queen Harold was spared unlike most there of the kings lesser servants that still apposed velvet new leadership. It was not like Harold didn’t voice his complaints of velvet aloud yet velvet did not do anything to stop him. When he finally called her out on not correcting him as a servant velvet was very blunt with Harold. “she would rather a servant complain about her aloud then to spread whispers behind her back like the other servant where. She respected Harold decided to still show the loyalty to his positions if not to her as his queen. She would never punish a servant that had ligament reason to be distasteful of there superiors.” This caught Harold off guard as he had expected to be slapped like his old master would have. But velvet continued. “many of your complaints are correct I d not fully understand the position I have but myself in and I regard your help more then I dislike the disobedience. It was from this conversation Harold change part of his view about Velvet she was still an upstart queen that had no idea what she was doing but she as mature enough to understand the need for help. Even form those below her. In this Harold has become Velvet second in command among the servant running most of the daily affairs of the keep and town leaving velvet free to d the darker part of running a vampire kingdom.

Harold does not ever open his eyes unless it is the few times his sear ability takes over and allows him to see the future. Yet even with his eyes closed he know everything that goes on around him with his other smaller magic.

he is formal to a tee even if he hates those he talks to. He isa respected servant period.

Harold cannot stand diod at all and spends as much time as he can away from diod. But enjoys snowflake and even grooming redfur for velvet. He is one fo the few velevt allows to have the honor.

Harold does his best to hide his emotions and stay formal but does have his break down in private.