Texe Del-Nara



5 years, 6 months ago


Texe Del-Nara
Bounty Hunter
Nar Shaddaa

Texe was raised by her father Rhoc on Mandalore, deeply entrenched in Mando'ade tradition but never feeling especially connected to her father's people. She never knew her mother; any time she asked, Rhoc only told her that she was a brave warrior who died when Texe was young. As she grew older, she became more frustrated and restless, and eventually stole a ship to seek her own path in the galaxy. Today, few beings know where Texe came from, and she prefers it that way.

Nevertheless, Texe is a rising legend among bounty hunters, ruthless and efficient both when pursuing contracts and her own personal missions. She doesn't care where her jobs come from, but she does have a lengthy history in work for the Sith Empire, which led to the end of a brief friendship with Althya years ago. To Texe, money is money, especially in the business of blood; does it really matter what side of politics it comes from?

When one of the Empire's most talented agents defected to the Republic, Texe was hired to clean up the mess and eliminate Althya's crew for good. After weeks of chasing, however, the bounty hunter ended up at the smuggler and her crew's mercy. There they did the unthinkable: offered Texe to break contract and join the Republic as Kerria had. Texe refused at first, but over time they appealed to the light in her (and promised a mountain of credits) until she finally agreed. She doesn't fully trust her companions (not do they trust her), but she's finding that Republic work might not be so bad after all.


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Althya Solari - Leader/Partner

As far as Texe is concerned, she's only the leader cause she owns the ship.

Spoilers below

There's nothing here yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Kerria Veir - Partner/Fellow defector

Closest friend amongst the crew due to their shared previous employment, and appreciation for professionalism and precision.

Spoilers below

There's nothing here yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Daemora Covell - Partner

Some Jedi. Doesn't get along too well at first, but Texe admires her calm and control.

Spoilers below

Unbeknownst to either of the two at first, Daemora and Texe are long-estranged mother and daughter.


Rhoc Del-Nara - Deceased Father

An old man whose obsession with tradition led to his predictable end.

Spoilers below

There's nothing here yet, but maybe someday there will be.