Daemora Covell



5 years, 5 months ago


Daemora Covell
Jedi Consular

The Great Galactic War turned the galaxy to turmoil and brought about strange alliances and divisions in many groups involved. When the Republic learned of a Mandalorian clan that could be sympathetic to their cause, Jedi Master Daemora, known for her diplomatic skill, was sent to make contact. It was there that she met Rhoc Del-Nara, a rising leader within the group. As the faction's appointed spokesperson to the Republic, he and Daemora travelled and fought together frequently, and slowly became friends, and eventually, lovers. Despite the strict teachings of the Jedi Order to avoid romantic involvement, the two were married in secret and she soon gave birth to their child, Texe.

Due to their respective duties during the war, they took turns raising the girl on Mandalore, taking any moment they could to be together as a family. But the war spread ever closer to their, and Daemora proposed she take the child to Tython for her protection - and proper Jedi training. Rhoc adamantly refused, refusing to comprimise his pride as a Mandalorian and plans to raise Texe in the same traditions. Tensions rose between them as the stress of the war grew, until one morning Daemora woke up to find Rhoc and Texe gone.

Daemora would not see her daughter again for nearly 30 years. In that time, the war had ended only to re-erupt once more, and the fight against the Sith became far more prevalent than thoughts of somehow finding her lost family. She didn't recognize the bounty hunter that walked in to the Jedi temple with an oddball crew of friends, but a moment of contact shook their inherent bond in the Force, revealing the truth to them both. While she was overjoyed that Texe was alive after all these years, she knows the years of absence has driven a wedge between the two, and it will be a difficult wound to heal.


Texe Del-Nara - Estranged daughter

Daemora desperately wants to reconnect with her daughter, but the years apart and a completely different environment growing up gives them a multitude of differences that are in no way easy to reconcile. She remains confident they can find some common ground to stand on, no matter how long it takes.

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There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Althya Solari - Associate

Althya's plucky attitude and constant joking often rubs her the wrong way, but she knows the smuggler is a loyal friend and ally when the chips are down.

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There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Evanaj Torwyn - Fellow Jedi

Evanaj may be a promising young Knight, but his inexperience, headstrong nature and naivete hold him back from truly being great. She tries to mentor where she can, but is careful not to overstep her boundaries - perhaps too careful.

Spoilers below

There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.