Dokyou Honoka (❤️ A3! ❤️)



3 years, 9 months ago


Honoka Dokyou

Honoka Dokyou

"I think you forgot who you're talking to."

Character Profile
Name Honoka Dokyou
Age Year 1 17
Year 2 18
Year 3 19
Height 178 cm
Birthday April 19
Blood Type O
Occupation Year 1 3rd Year at Hanasaki Academy
Year 2 1st Year at Yosei University
Year 3 2nd Year at Yosei University
Image Colour images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcS7cBpVdWfjEiFTd7H2C
Hobbies Boxing, working out, learning new, challenging things
SNS Icon original.jpg
LIME Honoka_Do9
Inste Honoka_Do9
Favorite Food Instant ramen
Least Favorite Food Stir-fried liver
Family Twin brother (Hokuto), mother, father
Strength Physical prowess, critical thinking
Weakness Anger issues, cautiousness
CV Sora Amamiya

「Keep yapping. With the amount of shit that's coming outta your mouth, maybe one day you will say something smart.」

Honoka is a 3rd year student at Hanasaki Highschool. She's pretty well known for being one of the strongest and scariest delinquents in Veludo. Despite all the rumors around her, a lot of clueless males who haven’t met the wrath of the woman, don’t take her person seriously due to her biological sex. She is disregarded by her feminine frame, but those that did cross paths with her, know that Honoka made a name for herself for rightful reasons.

While she takes pride in her physical prowess, she's not particularly happy with her delinquent status, since she knows she's playing right in her mother's hands and that's what she detests the most. Unfortunately, Honoka doesn't know how to stop her aggressive ways and keeps falling further into the hole she created years back.


Honoka is a young woman with straight, dirty-rose hair with black highlights. Her face is framed by usually straight bangs, or sometimes uneven, depending on how her hands guide her during her late night haircutting sessions. The uneven hair dye job at first served a purpose to spite her mother, but admittedly she grew to like it and make it look good.

At school, the girl is wearing a standard Hana High uniform, with rolled up sleeves and an open shirt, that exposes black tank top underneath. Aside from breaking the dress code, she’s notorious for wearing makeup, painting her nails and keeping her piercings at the establishment. Her fit and broader build than other female students unintentionally stigmatizes her further as a delinquent.

Character Description

Honoka’s short temper and outstanding fighting prowess is the main reason for her delinquent status. She can't be tamed and does however she pleases, seemingly with no consequences. It seems like Honoka doesn't care about anything nor anyone, but in reality, the teen puts a lot of thought into things around her. Be it the well being of people around, hers and her brothers future, or her day-to-day actions. She's constantly thinking of many scenarios that may arise, debating possible outcomes, solutions and preventings. So, while making an impression of being blantly stupid, by diving into situations head first with no hesitation and having low grades, we get to know that the pink haired is quite intelligent, or at least mentally mature. Critical thinking is her strongest suit, being able to come up with very practical solutions to problems around her and applying them into real life situations swiftly and in perfect manner. Her practicalness extends outside of her mind, as she likes to learn new skills that might be useful in the future. She particularly favors things that need balance between the mind and the body, as an interesting way to improve herself. For such a reason, Honoka’s favorite pastime is boxing, because not only it allows her to be freely aggressive and treated equally, but also provides a fun challenge.

Outside of her delinquent persona, Honoka is quite withdrawn from social interactions, having no desire to interact with other people. Aside from going to school, her boxing classes and helping manage a family business, Honoka prefers to stay at home, unlike her twin brother Hokuto. Spending time alone for her is very important, and she doesn't quite appreciate when her peace is interrupted. Despite hating being dominated and ruled over, there are situations where the girl puts her stubbornness aside, but only for very few and certain people. She’s not becoming compliant out of meekness, but does so, because she knows that if she deals with the issue at hand faster, she will be able to return to her leisuring faster as well.


Ever since she was a child, she had required expectations set by her mother, which she could never fulfill. Being an older sibling meant more responsibilities, which she understood, going as far as taking punishments for her brother in the belief that “it’s what an older sibling is supposed to do”. No matter how hard she tried to impress her birth-giver, she never lived up to her standard and any minor failures, especially the ones that involved the family business, ended up with physical abuse. It was like this since she remembers, and those particular "lessons” from her mother left her younger self under the impression that any kind of conflict or misunderstanding can only be solved through violence. As years went by, Honoka's fear started turning into frustration - lacking an outlet to vent her anger on, Honoka started rebelling against her mother and started picking fights at school. Unbeknown to Honoka, she played exactly how she expected her to. To her mom it was very convenient that Honoka was spiraling down, because it meant she could deflect any unwanted attention from herself, often pitying herself for having a very difficult child. Even now, her mother allows her to do risky things freely, because it furthers her agenda and serves as a distraction from her misconduct and the dark side of the family business she’s dying to keep in secret.


  • (To Banri Settsu) "Next time you're gonna eat this motherfucking gravel instead of heating it with your ass."

  • (To Enju Ogasawara) "I have this headache that comes and goes... It's called "Settsu"."

  • (To Chitose Akikawa) "Your anger is so funny. Please don't find inner peace."

  • (To Muku Sakisaka) "I don't know what I expected.. but it wasn't that. You were good. Keep it up, Muku."

  • (To Juza Hyodo) "You don't wanna taint my image...? I have equally as bad, if not worse reputation than you."

  • (To Taichi Nanao) "What’s up with you following me everywhere like a lost dog, huh? Can’t you mind your own business for once? Are you THIS desperate? No wonder no one wants to associate with your fake ass. Maybe if you didn’t act like an attention seeking whore for once, you would be more bearable.”

  • (To Sakyo Furuichi) "Are you shitting me?! You think I got nothing to do but pick fights with some pussy ass boys while I'm running fucking errands?"


  • Honoka is composed of 和花, meaning harmony flower, while Dokyou 度胸 means to have a nerve/courage.

  • She comes from a rich family, that manages a private clinic. Aside from being a normal medical facility, the clinic illegally sells organs on the black market and works as a criminal organization.

  • She is half-Korean, with her dad being Japanese and her mom being Korean.

  • Despite living in Japan, she adresses her mother in Korean when she is around.

  • She likes to collect shoes and handbags.

  • Honoka's secret hobby is feeding animals, mostly ducks and swans in a local park.

  • Her favourite dessert would be anything cherry and chocolate flavoured.

  • Honoka is usually home alone and lives off instant ramen and rice, because she can't cook for her life.

  • She has a younger twin brother named Hokuto. She's older by 3 minutes.

  • While enrolling in university, Honoka rents an apartment that she shares with Enju Ogasawara, which is also her former classmate while at Hanasaki Highschool (@astroprinceps).

Profile by Erandia
Edited by mokiiro