Aurora (Aurora's human form)



After visiting Evelyn, Aurora learns that she is unable to stay in her deity form in the mortal realm, and in exchange for a favor she earns a charmed bird pin. When worn the bird pin can grant her a human form. 

However, once she has regained her deity strength, she can no longer use the pin to gain a human form because the human form does not have the capacity to contain her divine powers. 


  • Her human form has shorter hair, and that signifies that she now has a mortal lifespan
  • If she dies in her human form, she can no longer return to being a deity or a human soul- but instead becomes a "Frankenstein" mix of a wandering soul with a portion of her pre-existing powers. This hybrid form is also very prone to corruption because of the instability caused by the mix of two different forms. 


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