


5 years, 5 months ago



"The very fact of snow is such an amazement."

Name: Wolfwing
Called: Vampy, Shadow, Wolfy, Fluffy, Fluffybutt
Gender: Male
Age: 6 years
Race: Werepyer (Half werewolf/half Vampire)
Mood: Content
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 220 lbs
Personality: |Loyal|Fun|Trustworthy|Brave|

About Wolfwing

Taken from his mother, experimented on by his father and turned into a hybrid creature of the night.

Charisma 50%

Kindness 80%

Patience 30%

Intelligence 50% 

Integrity 40%

Courage 40%

Confidence 60% 

Judgment 20%

Maturity 70% 

Humour 50% 

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Snow
  • Watermelon
  • Heat
  • Horns
  • Fighting
  • Hot peppers


Strength: 6/10
Speed: 5/10
Intelligence: 5/10
Endurance: 10/10
Stealth: 4/10
Medicine: 1/10
Speaking: 6/10
Deception: 1/10
Perception: 6/10
Self-Control: 9/10
Fortification: 6/10
Accuracy: 5/10



[Mate] my wonderful mate. Loves to take a flight during the night time and loves Halloween! She is very king and loving. She will protect her family at all costs and I will protect her with my life. Karemei does like to test out her strength against others though. I guess that's not a bad thing. *laughs*



[Father] I don't know really where to begin on my father.... He is the reason I'm in my current state. He cost us our childhood and a lot of friends along the way. Kiaran also removed our mother from our lives. I can't bring myself to completely hate him but I cannot trust him either.



[Mother] This is the mother I lost during my childhood. I eventually found her again and she somehow recognized me immediately. She did not turn me away or behave any different than a mother would to me. I really wish I had her around when we was pups. Maybe some things would have turned out differently and we wouldn't be where we are now but we would have had her.



[Brother] My third sibling and first in the second littler my parents have had. They, once again, have been altered by my father. Dober has a bit of dragon in him due to his "lovely" horns, along with some plates on his legs. Luckily, the dragon that he ws infused with is not a Primal, so no worries of him fighting over himself and losing control. Him and his twin Toby are mostly by themselves. Hoping that at some point that will change and he will want to be around myself a bit more. 



[Brother] Meet Toby, my fourth sibling and litter mate to Dober. His is a vampire like myself but no werewolf side. Oddly enough he turned out to be more like my mother than my father and has a white coat! His eyes and fans give him away easily though. Toby and Dober both tend to be off on their own, and it seems the brothers take turns on hunting so at least they have each other. 



[Cousin]  He's nice and doesn't like to fight which I can understand since I don't try to myself. Vrouh can be a little to nice but hey that's just him and I don't want him to change at all.



[Pup] This is one of the pups I had from a mate before Spirit. Her name was Katlyn and it didn't really last long. I had no clue about Kaizi and his sister. I later ran into them and they told me they was my pups. I took them in and did everything I could for them. They was my pups after all. He is more like me in being quiet and calm.



[Pup] This is Kaizis sister, Kazza. She is very nice and approachable. They both was born without my knowledge. I really wish I would have known about both of them before. I would have attempted to be there for them. I didn't have any issues with their mother that would have really prevented me from being there. It just fell apart after so long.



[Pup] Well, what can I say about this giant pup? I met his mother through a few interesting turn of events and he was born. He was a tiny, normal sized pup when he was just born but quickly grew into something so giant he can step on me with ease! Luckily, he seems to be more like me than his mother, he is not overly aggressive and doesn't really fight. Mostly just loves to chew on bones and the like. The harder it is, the more he likes it... his teeth as a result have become seriously sharp... I fear them. Better than him having horns though, I do not want to think just how giant those would be... *shudders*



[Pup] The first of my four pups with my previous mate Spirit. Flames name does say a lot about her. She can be very fiesty when she wants to be. Otherwise she is very calm and relaxed. I love her very dearly and will not tolerate anyone trying to harm her!



[Pup] Barkari is Flames litter mate. They was the only two in the litter. Bakari is gentle and tends to keep to himself and his mate more than anything. He is the only one of my pups to have a family of his own.



[Pup] Crystal is one of the last two pups I ever had with Spirit. She is a bit timid and doesn't tend to get into any confrontations. Crystal would rather talk things out rather than get into someones face and fight about it. I only worry what will happen if she gets pushed too far.



[Pup] Barak is the very last pup with Spirit and Crystals litter mate. He is a bit more like his mother in that he won't hide from fights like Crystal. He knows when to stand up and when he needs to back down. My only worry with him is if he gets into a fight he can't handle.



[Pup] Pimli is my youngest daughter and first pup with Karemei. She is very curious for a pup and loves to explore the world around her. She is a half werepyer, half dragon cross breed. Unfortunately she has deformed wings that make her unable to fly. Because of her inability to fly we have given her the nickname Fallen Angel. I hope she never loses her spirit even if those around her pick on her for it. Pimli has one of the biggest hearts I know and I would hate for someone to break it.



[Pup] What to say about this pup? Definitely did not get his attitude from myself, thinks I'm to friendly and let things slide off me for my own good. I am trying to teach him my best as to why I choose to take this path but so far, he remains unchanged. Stubborn little pup! You will mostly catch him with Karemei. He is still very protective over his two siblings so you best not try to anger him, who knows what this pup is capable of doing as such a young age. 



[Pup] Crow is currently my youngest pup with Karemei, he is openly gay and with Tyburius of all wolves! I never expected those two to get along, especially after how Ty treats me. Maybe my son made him find his heart once again, who knows, they are great together and hope for the best. So.... funny thing with Crow, I may or may not have confused his gender at one point... he still holds it against me of which I am terribly sorry over. It was just a moment of pure confusion due to the way this pup acts.  I do hope he forgives me in time and forgets this or at least looks back at is as a funny memory. 



[Friend]Demon is a alright guy. He's fun to hang around with and hes a good fighter as well. He taught Zukeii to fight when he came here. He has a brother named Vourii that is bigger than he is and stronger but Demon is the wiser one. They both love to pick on people.



[(claimed) Pup] This is Ancest. Shes really nice and scared easily. I'm very protective over her as I think of her as my own daughter. She recently went through a change though. Still as nice as she was.



[Friend] Oldoc is one of my newer friends. I am still learning about him but he is a fun guy so far. He is a pirate which is odd for me. I have yet to hang around with one until him. I just hope the rest are as nice as he is. His little pet Akawa is a bit odd. He likes to bite peoples feet if they don't pay attention to him and he steals food sometimes. I enjoy hanging out with both of them and hope to continue hanging out with him



[Friend] Crazy, funny and gingerbread man addict. That is one of the best ways to describe him. He is cute and is very intelligent. He always asks for a gingerbread man when I'm near him. I wonder what would happen if I stopped making them for a while?



[Friend] This would be Tyburius or Ty for short. I can't call him my best friend yet or anything really. I just got to know him. He does pick on me and call me fluffy but I really don't care. He is a fallen angel and holds a grudge against them for putting a demon inside of him. He also practices voodoo.
