
5 years, 5 months ago


XII The Hanged Man

A charismatic, if enigmatic young man whos Light has been fused with power of the ancients. Making his abilty to control water far more powerful than the average. While a very capable and pragmatic person at heart, he spends alot of his time chasing skirts and enjoying the freedoms of living by himself in the city. When push comes to shove hes a natural leader, with the quick thinking and strength to pulls his precious friends out of danger. Just, dont go expecting him to pay his tab off..

  • Flirtatious
  • Lazy
  • Charismatic
  • Easy-going
  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie. Lemon drops caramels brownie chocolate bonbon jelly beans topping caramels halvah. Tootsie roll wafer sweet oat cake tootsie roll chocolate cake cheesecake tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummies carrot cake. Marzipan gummi bears brownie. Liquorice cake lemon drops jelly dragée bonbon jelly-o chocolate cake pastry. Marshmallow chupa chups wafer bonbon marshmallow. Icing carrot cake tart sesame snaps. Donut powder donut cotton candy sweet oat cake chocolate bar. Soufflé brownie pastry. Jelly brownie sweet.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie. Lemon drops caramels brownie chocolate bonbon jelly beans topping caramels halvah. Tootsie roll wafer sweet oat cake tootsie roll chocolate cake cheesecake tootsie roll. Cotton candy gummies carrot cake. Marzipan gummi bears brownie. Liquorice cake lemon drops jelly dragée bonbon jelly-o chocolate cake pastry. Marshmallow chupa chups wafer bonbon marshmallow. Icing carrot cake tart sesame snaps. Donut powder donut cotton candy sweet oat cake chocolate bar. Soufflé brownie pastry. Jelly brownie sweet.

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  • Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra
  • Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis
  • Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum
  • Pretium non libero eu ultricies

Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.


Character Name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Toffee chocolate cake caramels brownie dessert pudding cake. Dragée sesame snaps pie cupcake macaroon croissant icing. Pudding candy candy apple pie cake wafer macaroon cotton candy pie.

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