
5 years, 5 months ago



Name Shilo
Called Courier 6
Birthdate July 31st, 2250
Gender Female
Location Mojave Wasteland
Height 5'6"
Faceclaim Son Ga-In
Nationality Korean-American

Speech and Sniper Rifles
Perks: Black Widow | Cherchez La Femme | Travel Light

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  • Wandering
  • Makeup
  • Flirting


  • Gambling
  • Slavers
  • Not being able to help


(2250) Shilo was born on a small farm outside of New Reno to a very conservative family who wanted nothing to do with the nearby, busy city. Besides raising Brahmin for a local caravan company for a living, the family would rent out rooms to trustworthy traders that ventured through the area to rest for the night.

Unhappy with the way she is isolated from most of the world, the tideous farming lifestyle, and the disatisfaction with her family, Shilo runs away from home at 17 (2267). She leaves one morning with a visiting group from the Happy Trails Caravan. She does a fair share of hard labor, learning the ropes and how to handle a gun under the training of an older caravaneer named Presley. Over the years she becomes more independent and is let to lead caravans by herself from her new home in Sac-Town to across the Mojave.

Not the best at settling in one place for too long, by 2272 Shilo has become tired of waking up near the pack-brahmin everynight and packs her bags and caps and starts walking. A pleasent town on the California-Neveda border called Oasis is the next place she hangs her hat. She lands a job as a courier, part of the Mojave Express, thinking it will keep her visiting new places instead of the same old trade routes. Her paths do become the same over the years, but they are developing into new towns so it isn't much of a bother. In 2275 a new town develops near Death Valley that Shilo has a hand in turning into an important courier relay point. Between the other couriers she visits there and the settlers who are building the dusty town up, while she doesn't set down her roots, it does become the closest thing she has had to a home in a while.

In 2279 Shilo delivers a package to the quiant town. When she arrives at the next city on the map, she hears of how the town was destroyed, and how impossible it is to even try to return to it.

Two years later (2281) Shilo is still continuing her job as one of the wests best couriers. She aquires a mysterious package that is to be delivered to New Vegas, but is ambushed and nearly killed by a man in a checkered suit. She awakens in the care of Doc Mitchell of Goodsprings with no memory. She leaves, both in search of finding who she was and for revenge on the man named Benny. She spends the latter of that year and all of the next helping residents of the Mojave and trailing her way to the Tops Casino, unknowingly getting further and further away from the type of person she used to be.

When she finally reaches the Tops, the plan of revenge she had concocted fell apart as she realized that she had been too set on vengence and lost herself along the way. She takes the Chip and spares his life, later working with the robot Yes Man to try to achieve an independent New Vegas.

A year after fate brings her to New Vegas and two weeks before the Battle of Hover Dam, Shilo followed several messages into a place called the Divide. She meets a man named Ulysses, an ex-Legionair who knows more about Shilo and her adult life than she does. She walks the Divide to meet him, desperate for answers. At their meeting at the end of the road, she persuades him away from fighting and sending more missles and destruction onto the land. As they travel back together to the entrence of the Divide, she asks him questions and listens carefully to his answers, piecing together his beliefs and her past. She spends a few days with him, learning everything he has to offer and watching over the Divide before returning to her responisibilites, but returning as often as she can.




Ulysses [ partner ]

The first person to give Shilo clues about her past, even if they are cryptic and confusing. A week in the Divide together teaches Shilo about her life, and his, and of course, there's tons of trauma bonding.


Arcade Gannon [ relationship ]


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