


8 years, 3 months ago


Code By lowkeywicked


Role: PkMn Trainer
Hometown: Saffron
Height: 4' 9"
Build: Slightly Lean
Demeanor: Sure and Certain
Theme: TITLE
  • Ghost, Dark, Psychic, and Electric Types
  • Challenges
  • Mysteries
  • Losing
  • Bug-Types
  • Being Lied To



"Victory is worth fighting for."

Victoria is a 12 year old from Saffron City, just barely young enough to enter The Pokemon League. She's ambitious, and eager to prove that she could be more than just some Trainer who entered The League. But, that she would win. She'd become a champion, maybe even the champion.

Though she is extremely driven to achieve her goals. Victoria does care for others, and will feel obligated to help those who help her. In particular, she will worry a lot about their safety. Unsurprisingly, these are often the people who become her friends. However, Victoria will quickly become frustrated and dismissive if anyone gets in her way, even if they are her friends. So, because of that, she doesn't have many friends. Though, the ones she does manage to make she does consider extremely close or at minimum, have an understanding that this may happen at some point.

While Victoria will take risks semi-regularly (usually in the form of challenging someone, or a challenge presented to her), she also tends to be rather careful and cautious. This seemingly counter-intuitive trait actually comes from the fitting logic that she cannot win if she makes mistakes, or isn't prepared.


  • Pokegear
  • Pokedex
  • Silph. Scope

[More Stuff-working on it, jeeze.. I wonder if I can make a link that links to a different paragraph...]

OOC notes

Victoria is a Pokemon Trainer from a Tabletop game that my friends and I played. Ishliayaq DM'd and took place in a Future-World AU that she came up with. In this world/future: PokeRUS had become dangerous, as opposed to benificial to Pokemon. Like normal PokeRUS after the pokeon is infected it always carries it, and has a large window when it is contagious. It ended up spreading rapidly, and ended up killing most Pokemon on the planet. The survivors suffered extreme brain-damage becoming more like animals/less sentient and typically more aggressive due to the, now very dangerous, disease. This became the new norm for Pokemon, as their children also contracted the disease quickly.

An island was created during this time, both as a sanctuary and an attempt to find a cure (when people thought that was still possible). This island never lost its 'sanctuary' status, but throughout the years its purpose changed. It is now the only location were 'classic' Pokemon training is practiced/allowed, and the only 'League' left. It is extremely difficult, and functions very differently than the old leagues, more of 'survival-of-the-fittest' than a tournament. It is dangerous enough where one has to be accepted into it. Though, bribery works extremely well if someone wants their child to participate, and to make sure they get a good/rare/strong Starter. After that, though, the kids are on their own.

As a note: This is what I remember, meaning there are bulletpoints missing, or some of it is a bit off. But, hopefully this gives a general enough idea to show how great this freaking was.


Victoria always wanted to be a Pokemon Trainer, possibly even become a Champion. That was harder than ever, nowadays. Most Pokemon had been wiped out by PokeRUS when it suddenly became damaging, if not deadly, to them. Humans had created a man-made island as a sanctuary to try and save as many as they could. But, by the time that they did, the damage was done. The ones that managed to survive the viral outbreak weren't nearly as intelligent, or as friendly, as stories once described them. In fact, many were now extremely dangerous to be around. Thus, all of them were sectioned off at that same sanctuary. But, all that meant to Victoria was that it would be more of a challenge. However, as Victoria's 10th, and then 11th, birthdays passed, she became less hopeful that she could even try.

Close to Victoria's 12 birthday, she overheard that her uncle, a CEO at Silph Co. had noticed her desire to go to the island, and had been attempting to convince her parents to allow her to go. He apparently believed she could be quite skilled, if given the chance. She also overheard that, apparently, he had been trying to convince them for the last year. She was excited, and this certainly explained why her uncle had become so interested in what her favorite Pokemon, and types, were.

Victoria was exstatic hearing this news. She knew that her parents still hadn't actually agreed, but it was exciting to hear nonetheless. Victoria immediately began studying up, learning about the island, the Pokemon on it, and all its various terrains. She also began planning on what she would bring with her, just in case.

On her 12th birthday, her Uncle actually showed up, even though it was on a work-day for him. He presented her with an old Silph Scope. Victoria tried to contain her excitement, a Silph Scope would only come in handy if someone was to go looking for, or studying, Ghost-Type Pokemon (one of her favorites). Her parents then gave her the news, that they had agreed and she would be going to the island on the next ferry. Her Uncle winked, letting her know quietly that they had only agreed because he had been willing to foot the bill to make sure she wasn't shorted on her starter. Victoria didn't care what the reason, she was going, and she was going to prove to everyone that she could be the best.

The Setting

  • General Information

    This story takes place in the Future of the Pokemon World. In it, the parasitic virus Poke'RUS suddenly became extremely detrimental to the Pokemon it infected. In fact, most pokemon on the planet died from this sudden change. The "survivors" weren't much better off. Their minds would become permanently damaged, causing them to act like wild animals, certainly not anywhere close to as intelligent as they had been. On top of that, it was also quite common for them to become aggressive.

    Its incredibly fast spread is often attributed to Poke'RUS's traits before the sudden change. For starters, once a pokemon is infected with Poke'RUS it can never be truly cured, as Poke'RUS can also be described as a parasitic lifeform. Another is that it has a very long window during which it can spread, and very minimal amount of contact required to spread the virus. Finally, it was already capable of infecting any pokemon, no matter the species. Given all of this, it was unsurprising its spread was extremely quick.

    In an attempt to save pokemon, and potentially find a cure, an island was created as a sanctuary. Many pokemon were brought to the island, ones that had been infected with Poke'RUS before the change, ones that seemed to be 'clean', and a few of the ones who had contracted the current strain. It quickly became apparent, however, that a cure was not going to be found soon enough. The spread was too fast, and the damage had already been done. After this discovery, the island's purpose quickly switched to a hurried preservation attempt. This required quite a bit of terraforming, and caused a lot of development on the island, making sure that all forms of envorionment were available to every species.

    However, eventually it was accomplished so that every terrain and environment is located somewhere on it. There is even a section of the ocean around the island that has been protected to include aquatic Pokemon. The Pokemon, themselves, are primarily kept wild and are free to roam around the entirety of the island. Though, stronger pokemon species have been 'sectioned off' into areas farther away from the island's single port to try and provent any...damages.

    This was the new norm that the Pokemon World fell into, and the island sanctuary became the only place in the world where most species of pokemon could be found.

  • The Island/League Island

    "League Island" is the island that was initially created as the sanctuary and research island when the Poke'RUS plauge started, and it is where the Modern Pokemon League takes place. It was after the many pokemon species began actually living on the island, and were allowed to roam free, that the island's purpose changed again.

    It not only became a sanctuary and preservation for the many pokemon species. But, it became a new form of The Pokemon League. This new form functions differently than older variations of the contest. It is not a tournament set-up. Instead, in a strange parody of the old Pokemon Journies, contestants are put in a sort of Survival-of-the-Fittest scenario. They are supposed to travel/wander around the island, collecting pokemon and challenging eachother as they do so. Certain areas are off-limits until a trainer and their team meet certain requirements (specifically in strength and skill). This progresses until someone reaches the last area and has beaten every other challenger.

    Victoria's Journals

    Day 1/First Day

    We arrived at the island's port today. They lead us to a cafeteria where we all sat down and waited. The food they gave us there was questionable, some stale bread and some suspicious looking chili. The only thing that looked guaranteed was the cheese...So I loaded my chili with the stuff, probably made me look like a nut. But, at least I got a full meal. Some kid lost his appitite, passing me his chili after we got a 'speech from last year's Champion.

    I think he was trying to scare us. He even brought his Umbreon. It was chained up, snarling, and poison was dripping through the holes in the muzzle. Its eyes were the worst though. They were...wild. At least the ghosts back home didn't look at me as if I was food.

    I'm pretty sure I'll see those eyes in my nightmares tonight. I can't blame the girl in the front for crying. She's one of the younger ones here.

    After the speech we were sent to bed in the dormatories. They are very much how I imagine prison rooms to be like. I can tell many of the other kids are scared. If the champion's umbreon didn't rattle them enough, the eyeless zubats that kept flying by the windows certainly did. That, and the...disturbing sounding murkrow before bed I think would seal the deal.

    Day 2/Second Day

    A lot Some of the kids are now gone, about twenty of them left in the night when the ship returned to the mainland.

    We were woken up by a lady with a very loud chatot. I even heard it waking some other kid down the hall. I wonder if it was the same kid who gave me his chili. We were shuffled onto another ferry. The driver looked like he was fom the time of Arceus. There was an abra chained to the front of the cabin, and it telepathically played a message for us. At first, I thought it was possibly a ghost.

    The message was another welome message- this time from Professor Pine! It was a lot more friendly than the Champion's. We later actually met her after we got our pokemon.

    The ferry dumped us at our first Pokemon Center. Here we got our first pokemon! The girl who cried yesterday got a freaking eevee. I wonder how much her parents (or whoever) paid for that. Though, it's not ike I can complain much. I got a Joltik. Uncle must've given them something nice. But, I'm even more excited about what happened later! I caught my first Pokemon! It was even my first battle. It looks like a combination of a Zubat and Woobat. The pokedex calls it a Zwoobat, so I'm pretty sure I'm right.

    My Joltik certainly wasn't keen on being caught. I'm pretty certain it hated me at first. But, after I caught him in the Pokeball given to me, he seems a lot more chill. Though, he also seems like he's half asleep. I don't know if Zwoobat really cared about getting caught or not. But, it is also is a little sleepier than when I caught it. I sent it out during the day and it hung around, so it must be fine. I also sent it out against some kid's munchlax.

    I lost...
    I hope my Zwoobat is okay. I need to make sure we train so that we're stronger when we fight the next kid.

    Day 3/Third Day

    We found a Pokemon Center suspiciously close to the one we started in. There was a line outside of poor saps who'd had their pokemon injured by Beedrill. (I asked)
    After a making a quick stop to gather supplies, and have our pokemon checked, we met a new kid. I don't remember seeing him at the lecture. But, there were a lot of people. He introduced himself as Vince and joined Cable, the kid with the munchlax, and the kid who traded for the flabebe when we went into the forest.

    The trees were unimaginably tall. In some parts, they were also too thick to walk. I'm thankful for the old paths and gametrails in the area.

    The flabebe's trainer spotted the exit. We immidiately started heading that direction. Fearow could be seen in the canopy of the giant forest as we hurried to leave. I am glad they didn't see us. I think a flock would've killed us. Cable walked right into a spinerak web, disturbing several other bugs in the area, though.

    A caterpie, weedle, and something that was in-between. We called it a weedlepie. They attacked us after they were startled. The new kid, Vince, finally released a pokemon. 'Doomsday' who turned out to be a Houndour. I'm a bit confused about how this kid got one, they're rare. Maybe he's related to the eevee girl.

    I sent out Zwoobat, which scared the bugs. Most of them started targeting her as soon as I did. I was scared for a moment, but it allowed Houndour to burn them. it got poisoned by the weedle though...

    Cable caught the Spinerak that 'assulted him'. Percy, the kid that traded for the flabebe, caught the caterpie. I let Zwoobat eat the weedle and the weedlepie after they died. She looked quite pleased with the meal. Cable wandered off a tad, and he found someone's pokeball. The design on it looks a bit like a zubat. Maybe someone got screwed on their starter.

    Shortly after, we heard a fight that sounded pretty intense. We rushed over, following the sound, and gound the end of a battle and possibly one of the trainers. A zibstrika had wandered out of one of the High-Level zones and found a kid with a squirtle.
    It had killed the squirtle... We fled, and were lucky it didn't spot us.

    I can't get it out of my head. I don't know if I'll sleep well tonight. I'm too nervous. The other kid is probably dead. What did we get ourselves into?
    At least Zwoobat is keeping watch tonight.

    Day 4/4th Day

    We found a girl today who lost her friend. Cable and Percy offered to help. I was worried it was the boy with the squirtle until she said that his starter was an Ekans.

    We wandered the forest for some time. She followed us. I wish she didn't. At least we found her friend after a fight with a Beedrill. We stumbled upon it mid fight. Two other trainers were already fighting it. A Koffing and a Spearow. Even then...It took awhile to..kill it.
    Even with Vinny's help, the Spearow had to be widthdrawn after awhile. But, luckily, the rest of us could pick up the slack. The scariest part, though, was when it thought that I had attacked it. It didn't see Joltik. At least that meant that Joltik wasn't hurt.

    We found the kid who owned the zubat ball as we headed to the Pokemon Center. The dork said that he had 'just dropped it'.
    How? What? You need that thing to survive here! How did this kid just 'lose it'? How was he ALIVE?! That kind of luck should've been given to that kid with the squirtle...

    We finally made it to the Pokemon Center around dusk. I settled in prety quickly, but Vinny challenged someone to a battle. They had a ponyta. He pushed his houndour but eventually lost. Afterwards, something odd happened. The Nurse accused him of doing...something. I didn't quite catch it. He claimed that it was for alergies. looked like a dart to me.
    Something didn't seem right about that.

    I let Zwoobat out again. She seems to like it.
    It also helps me sleep better.

    Day 5/Fifth Day

    We found two paths after leaving the Pokemon Center. One lead towads the mountains, and the other lead towards the shore. We headed towards the shore after a vote. We were pretty certain the Pokemon at the Beach would be easier to deal with. A lot of the mountain areas are restricted, anyway. We traveled for awhile and got to a camp, passing people who traveled off the path. I wonder why. It wasn't like we saw that many pokemon.

    The camp looked like a few had settled and others had just joined for safety. It's becoming quickly apparent that Lone-Poochena won't survive. Not on this island at any rate. All of us challenged various trainers, and won! Though, Vinny was debatable. His Houndour almost killed a bellsprout.

    Not like I have room to judge. Joltik almost killed some kid's wingull and a zubat. He got some treats. He seems to really like Razz Berries.
    I let Zwoobat out again tonight to kep watch. You can never be too safe.

    Day 6/Sixth Day

    I...don't know where to start. Things are...complicated.

    I guess where to start would be last night. Zwoobat woke me up, and something HUGE flew over and landed in the forest. I woke up Percy, Vinny, and Cable to come with me to investigate it and- and-
    It was Reshiram.

    I am...conflicted.

    There was this green haired kid we ran into. He lead us to Reshiram. It was even bigger up 'close'. There was an old man there as well. He gave us new Pokedexes. They looked fairly old, though. The new ones don't have Reshiram in them. He also did something to our pokeballs. Zwoobat is now more active, like before I caught her. I'm scared to let Joltik out now. What if he's as aggressive as when I got him? or more?

    The old man said something about Data Limiters. I think he was trying to explain why our pokemon were acting differently, and..for awhile he sounded sensible. Like he wanted the best for people. Then he said 'good' when I told him about the camp after he said something about burning the area.
    He was okay with killing the campers.
    The other Kids.

    He also said that Vinny was related to a Team, but coupldn't pinpoint which one. Vinny didn't deny it, and admitted to tracking pokemon. That must've been what the dart really was. This explains a lot about Vinny's behavior, actually.

    The old man then told us we should leave. We noticed that Reshiram had finished charging its Dragon Fire. Cable and Percy, it turned out, had already fled. Vinny and I started panicking and Reshiram unleased its flames right into the sky It then began to fall like meteors and incerating anything they touched. That was when Vinny and I finally managed to flee the forest. We ran straight for the other campers, yelling and screaming for them to wake up and run. They did, and we all fled to the beach, where we knew it would be safe. We got to the shore around dawn. Many of the kids checked with everyone to make sure they were okay. Some looked like they were going to accuse Vinny of the fire. That was, until Reshiram crested over the trees. Everyone started talking after that hapened.

    I was exhausted. I sat on a rock and tried to make sense of what just happened. I must've fallen asleep because I don't know when all of the talking stopped. I just know that if Percy, Cable, and Vinny hadn't seen it too, I would think it was just a dream.
    ps. Thank you Zwoobat for waking me up.

    Day 7/Seventh Day

    We didn't sleep long, even as exhausted as we were. Vinny and Cable investigated the shore. Percy took to fiddling with his pokegear or some reason. I couldn't get my mind off last night. Especially the pokeballs. I cant get my mind off how Joltik probably would hurt me if I let him out... I want to, I hope he wouldn't. But, I'm just so scared... Percy eventually approached me. He told me in a hushed voice to check my registered pokemon. He looked extremely concerned, nervously looking at the other trainers who were grabbing their stuff and leaving. It made me worried. So I did.

    There were none. Not Zwoobat, not Joltik. None. Percy confirmed his had the same problem. Vinny and Cable came back. Cable proudly boasted he had caught a water type. Both of us hurriedly informed them of the registered Pokemon. Vinny left to make a call.
    I believe whatever the old man did is the cause.

    Gasps and startled noises from the others drew our attention towards the sky. One of the Fearow Policemen landed. The man got off the muzzled Fearow and began asking everyone questions. They were looking for us. A quick glance at Cable and Percy showed they were thinking the same thing. We can't go with them. I am sure they they'd take and kill our pokemon then send us home.
    Not Happening.
    We counted our lucky stars that we hadn't told the other campers our names as we snuck away. That would at least hide us for awhile. But, now what do we do?

    I decided to go look for a Water-Type like Cable. If we're going to be on our own...we need as much help as we can get. I found a Finneon, which Percy was completely enamoured with for some reason. I let him catch it for pointing out a Buizel a little farther away. I caught him. His coat is lighter than the 'standard'. But, I don't think it's bright enough to be a Shiny.

    We're now fugitives on the island. Exhausted, confused and scared. But, I weirdly, I can't help but think everything will be okay.
    But first, some more rest on the beach.

    To be Continued?

    The game that this is all from ended some time ago. But, I love the caracter a ton, and the world she's from. So, I might end up writing up my own little story with this as the starting point.

Pokemon Team



[ Strained ] Joltik was Victoria's starter, recieved from the officials on the island. Before she caught him, Joltik was fairly aggressive. However, after being caught, he became much more docile, almost sleepy. Her Joltik seems to be some sort of mutation, being an extremely pale yellow, with blue accents.

Currently (7th Day), Victoria is scared to let Joltik out of his pokeball due to an incident that has recently occured.



[ Amiable ] Zwoobat was the first Pokemon Victoria caught. Unlike Joltik, there wasn't such a drastic change when Victoria cauht her. However, Victoria did notice that Zwoobat was less active than it had been during the fight. Zwoobat is probably the pokemon that is closest to Victoria out of her team.
(A Zwoobat is the offspring of a Zubat and a Swoobat. They are fairly common in forests that are close to caves.)



[ relationship ] Victoria caught Buizel on the shore. Its fur is lighter than the average. But, Victoria isn't sure it is light enough to be called 'Shiny'. Buizel seems to be decently friendly, even letting Victoria pet it. However, sometimes it will sporadically decide that it is done, or doesn't want to be pet anymore, and will bite. It does not like having its 'fins' on its arms touched.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.




[ Parent ] Victoria was understandably frustrated with her mother, and could easily be described as obstinate.
Between the two of her parents, her mother was the most against the idea of Victoria taking part in The Pokemon League. Victoria did like her mom, and did understand that her mother was doing it because she cared about her. However, it did put a strain on their relationship that neither really quite got over. Especially after Victoria was actually accepted into The League.



[ Parent ] Victoria gets along much better with her dad, mainly due to the fact he didn't actively try and 'dissuade' her from taking an interest in The Pokemon League. When growing up, he did warn her about the dangers of The League. Victoria suspects that some of the things he said was in an attempt to scare her. But, she took it in stride. Really, the biggest differense was the she didn't get in trouble if he found her doing research, or watching League-Specials on TV.


Archibald "Archie" Aureolus

[ Uncle ] Out of everyone in her family, Victoria likes her uncle Archie the best. She likes how relaxed he is about everything, and he openly supports her desire to enter The Pokemon League. Over the years he has gotten her several gifts, in that regard, books to study, videos to watch, and even giving her a real Silph. Scope on her 12th Birthday when she was admitted into The League.
Victoria is pretty certain that it was ultimately Uncle Archie who convinced her parents to let her enter The League, and footed the bill so she could enter at all.



[ Close Teammate ] Being the trainer that Victoria lost her first battle to, she's decided that he is a rival of sorts and plans on re-challenging him later. They teamed up immediately after that fight so they could reach the next Pokemon Center. So, she trusts him quite a bit because of that. Currently, they are working together along with Percy and Vinny to survive the crazy things happening on the island.



[ Friend ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Vince "Vinny"

[ Acquaintance ] Victoria does not trust Vince. It concerns her that she didn't recognize him from the ferry when he joined their group, and that he had a Houndour of all things as his starter. She gets the feeling that he's keeping secrets, and she hates lying. But, he is helping them as they travel, and has saved them once or twice. So, she figures that he can't be that bad.