


5 years, 5 months ago


Gender: F
Age: Physical, 7; Mental, 23
Ht: 6'8"
Wt: 100lbs
DOB: Aug 5, 20XX
Orientation: Les/Ace
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White
Speciality: Bladed fan
Creator/Company: ???
Voiceclaim: None yet

Kittsu was the third member of the Bladed Sisters, also being the tallest of the group. She's very shy and almost never speaks, and when she does it's in a very quiet voice. She's known for being the most flashy with her attack, turning them into full-blown performances, much to Sylph's chagrin.  She has trouble fighting female enemies, so Sylph, Lumen, and Corona often cover for her and, generally, discourage her from taking on solo missions. She loves flowers, sunlight, ancient weapons, and forging, and dislikes the government.


 Kittsu's medal was modified by Hoshiro Nokiro to greatly increase her damage output and agility, originally intended to capture a rare medal. However, during testing, it was found that Kittsu would be unwilling to fight most female Medabots. Since the medals she would have to target could be female, Hoshiro gave her a new kit and left her at a shrine, imagining that a peaceful home would prevent her from getting into much trouble and prevent her from being exposed as having an overclocked, powered-up medal. Kepri and BlackJackal were the next two experiments, and could be considered Kittsu's siblings.

Kittsu is happy at the shrine and likes tending to the nearby garden. She remains very shy and noncombatative by nature, barely speaking except for in a soft, mellow voice. She meets Ginseng by chance and they hit it off well, eventually forming a relationship.