
5 years, 5 months ago



Powers: None.

Abilities: Physically flexible (can only do splits), Quick on his feet, Decent cook, Calculating sums mentally, Decently Strong.

Occupation: Bartender and Camboy.

Location: Neo-New York | Cozy two bedroom apartment.

Family: Mom, Jihee Chen, 47 yrs old.
Ma, Vanessa Davis, 49 yrs old.
Little sister, Aimi Chen, 22 yrs old.

Tattoos/Markings: Has a few moles scattered over his body, has a birthmark on the inner left of his thigh. 

Goals: Nothing Specific.

Fears: Spiders, big or small.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral.

Marital status: Single | Reserved.

Love Interest: TBH.

  • Patience.
  • Encouraging.
  • Flirtatious. 
  • Easy going.
  • Talkative.
  • Has a Lazy streak.
  • Trustworthy.
  • Pushover. 
  • Affectionate.
  • Confident.

 Ada Kobayashi

(Best Friend)
Met her at her club Upside-Down, they hang out pretty often when they both have a minute, helps her out when she needs an extra hand or two with a last minute bartender if he's free. 


Gwendolyn Berger

(Best friend)
Met her while she was house hunting, He loved her bubbly personality and how open she just is, not to mention she ended up being his neighbor! They hang out pretty often.


Hope Tanith Fryer

(Good friend)
Met her through Gwen, she also happens to be his neighbor. He loves how sassy and she just speak what's on her mind, He does enjoy hanging out with her from time to time.



(Best friend/Co-worker)
Most unexpected combo, at first he didn't think they'd get along but after the first day they just clicked immediately and have been a good duo at work, getting the other fired up for who gets the most done.


Cassidy Lê

(Good friend/Co-worker)
Met Her when he started to work at REDish, they get along well and hang out rarely outside of work mainly because their outside interests aren't to similar. But he finds her super cool and easy to chill with at work.


Christian Norris

Very chill almost all the time. He let's alot of their mischievous tricks slide but he does draw the line and he has not dared cross it. Thinks he's pretty cool and enjoys working for him.

  • Decora Fashion.
  • Lazy days.
  • Plushies.
  • Colourful and Cute things.
  • Most Animals.
  • Music (Especially Vocaloid, EDM, Hyperpop and Daycore).
  • Staying up late. 
  • Cartoons and Anime.
  • Platform shoes.
  • Rainbow shots.
  • Rainy days.
  • Lemon flavored candies.
  • When his camera dies mid stream.
  • Disrespectful clientele.
  • Insects (Especially spiders).
  • Cold weather.
  • Raw fish.
  • Bad hair days.
  • Scratchy fabrics.
  • Sleeping with socks on.

Adopted into a loving home at the age of three he's only reserved love and the best from his two mothers who adored him to bits, eventually adopting a baby he immediately welcomed with opened small arms. 

Grew up living a normal life, he was a bit of a sassy child and he knew what he was doing. When he wasn't making his mom and sister laughing he was being a bit mischievous amongst his friends starting competitions he was sure to win, something that has changed as he grew but he still enjoys now and again.
Middle school was definitely when he really started to stand out, especially after a holiday where they went to visit some family members and he learned about Kei and Harajuku fashion, first it started with some colorful hoodies and some small accessories he could get and by highschool he got into it even more saving up for any cool outfits and accessories he could find, specifically leaning into Decora fashion while at the same time finding a love for cute plushies and squishy animal pillows.

Around the time he was supposed to go to college he thought of going to med school but it wasn't something he saw himself doing so he took up odd jobs instead trying to figure out if he even wanted to go to college, which he didn't at the end he instead helped a friend at her club where he picked up on some good bartending skills where his current employer found him and asked him to come work for him. 

Been four years since then and now he's one of the REDish bartenders, he's pretty chill with his life choices and jobs and wouldn't want it any other way.

  • Never been bothered by hospitals, he's always found them a bit more fascinating even from a young age, maybe it was because he lived with a nurse for a Ma and went pretty often when he got sick. 
  • Has so many plushies and soft pillows that he's stopped bothering to count them, uses them as decorations here and there around the house but their mainly in the two bedrooms. 
  • He has three pets. Grey Scottish Fold Cat, Whisky (4 years old), Black Shiba puppy, Midnight (11 months) and a Creamy Shiba puppy, Sunshine (11 months).
  • Visits his moms and sister pretty often when they have clear schedules, usually it's over a weekend once a month but they sometimes do it more then once if their Ma is more free on said night to go out. 
  • He knows Chinese and he's very in touch with his Chinese roots thanks to his mom keeping it up and teaching him about it since he could start waddling around the house.

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