Gemsona - Rhodochrosite



5 years, 5 months ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.
"Oh, Howdy! 💖"

- Rho.


Featured Art by TheGirlwithaWhiteMask
ALIASRose (human name)
WEAPON(S)Ribbon Whip
HAIRDark Red
AFFILIATION(S)Lonely Stars (formerly)
Lost Stars
OCCUPATION(S)Earth Refugee
MUSIC THEME♪♫♪ Lovely ♪♫♪
layout by porcuMoose | special thanks to @artyrambles

Rhodochrosite is the Gemsona of "The Girl with a White Mask". She is an Earth Refugee, one of the core members of the rebel group "Lonely Stars". Rho is a very humanized gem, she is overcooked and was puffed by humans early on her life, her gem was used as a collar like a lucky charm to attract love, after being found by Markis, she started to hang out with the gems to learn how to be one of them. Today she is one of the principal members of the group.


[describe this character in detail to make a nice paragraph about their visual appearance; leave out traits about personality, this slot is purely about their physical body]

"Are you finished?"

- Rho, vs. Corrupted Gems.

[describe this character's demeanor and behavior (s), including quirks/tics and defining traits about their nature]


A defective era one gem, Rhodochrosite "born" like an overcooked gem after the war, her first encounter with humans didn't go well, resulting in them puffing her and making her Gem into a collar. Time passed and the collar acted as a lucky charm was passed down by generations, she was aware inside her gem all these thousand years and learn a lot how to be a human there. It was said that her gem brings luck for love. After the collar broke, she was finally free for the first time in years, she was used to living in a place were Humans hate gems because they fear them. When the students discovered that she was a Gem, she became a target of bullying and serious trets. She ran away and encounter a corrupted gem and was saved by Markis in the forest. She begins to encounter the Lonely Stars and became one of them, she teaches the gems about human behaviours and they teach her how really be a Gem. 

[describe this character's abilities outside of natural Gem abilities and skillsets, as those will be described below]


  • When fused with Markis, they form an unknown gem, they are normally called "Rhokis" thanks to Black Pearl.
  • When fused with Almandine, they form Erythrite.


  • SHAPESHIFTING: The ability to change one's physical body at will; all Gems thus far are perceived to have this ability.
  • "BUBBLING":  the process where a Gem encases a specific object inside a Bubble via contact or energy projection, and either take it with them or transfers it to a different location; all Gems thus far are perceived to have this ability.
  • ENHANCED DURABILITY: [As a deep cut gem, she normally can take a lot more hits and keep fighting for a long period before loose her form 


  • SMALL RESISTANCE TO HEAT: [She lived most of her life on tropical climates, the heat doesn't seem to bother her too much. 
  • GRAVITOKINESIS: [She has a small control of gravity, she is still training this new ability so it's not normally used on combat, but she loves to make things fly and float around. With time and training, she can make herself fly and destabilize the gem natural ability to automatically adjust to different levels of gravity. 
  • EMPATHIC TELEPATHY: [She can sense and connect with the emotions of the others around her when she is with her eyes closed to get multiple targets. Normally is a passive ability, because she can see primary emotions just looking in the eyes of someone fixedly.



"You know, for me, you will be forever dearly beloved, you know this, right?"

- Rho.

Markis was the first Gem that she met, he saved her life and he was the one who understood her the most thanks to the time he used to hang out with humans. With time passed, both of them develop a crush for one another, but both were too scared to confess until they start to fuse and the feeling passes through both of them. After the incident that made her poof, Markis started to heavily realize how much he cared about the little Gem. Today, they are romantic partners in crime.


"Wulf! Put it down! This is not food!"

- Occasionally when they are on the base.

Wulf was found by Lilac, Rho was the one determined to help him get out of the corruption, but she failed, they got pretty close and always create time to snuggle and sleep.

The Pearls

"Do you want help with the house today moms?"

- .

For Rho, Lilac and P are like mothers for her, her old human owners never give enough love back to her as the pearls do. Lilac was the one who teaches Rho how to be a Gem and the things about their long-gone manners of the Homeworld society, Black Pearl, however, teaches Rho how to fight and find her gem inner self. She helped both of them realize what they feel for each other after all those years, she supports their love and makes sure that they don't push themselves when fused. But she likes to taunt when they are flirting saying to both "get a room" or "if I knew that I would be the third wheel, maybe I wouldn't help both of you".


"We both know that our old flame burned down..."

- Both as Erythrite.

Almandine was a Homeworld Gem until Rho reformed her and teach her the beauties of Earth, without the responsibilities that her old life had. Almandine was more interested in the feelings and excitement that humans experienced. All the relationship they had was an experiment of this mature attraction that they both feel. As a result, their fusion Erythrite is their "worst" characteristics, making them quite violent and wild. But this mixture of the worst of them brings the best. Today, they just fuse if they have work to do.


  • She has some human habits, like sleep, eat, drink and cook. Of course, she doesn't need to do it but is like second nature.
  • Her favourite drink is Tea.
  • Brazilianite gets mad with her often because she eats the flowers as a snack. Mostly the Roses.
  • Almandine and Markis said once that her kiss tastes like sweet strawberries.
  • Even being a warm gem, Rho doesn't like spicy food.



Gemstone Information

  • Rhodochrosite is known as the crystal of love
  • The largest specimen of this stone found to date was in Germany
  • Rhodochrosite is known to have the benefits of #Peace, # Love and # Energy
  • It is common to be carved in heart shape like Rose Quartz
  • The signs of this gem are: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio


It is a pink defective heart, the left side is normal, the right one has a tip that tries to simulate a flame.

monetary outlay: x
obtained: self
status: never for sale/trade
can you draw them? :
YES! Please do ♥
gore(blood guts etc)? :
mature(sexual solo etc)? :
Hell no!
smut(sexual duo etc)? :