Sailor Celaeno



5 years, 4 months ago


Senshi Name: Sailor Celaeno
Civilian Name: Alyssa Huddleston
Age: 14
Species: Human
Ethnicity: British   
Gender: Female
Birthday: October 11th
Star Sign: Libra   

Special abilities: She is able to enter into other people's dreams. 

Senshi of: Dreams and Nightmares   

Backstory:  Alyssa grew up in England. Her father is an astronomer and taught her the workings of the solar system. She spent long nights drawing out galaxies and star systems and dreaming of worlds that might possibly exist on them. Her father spends time in many different countries and takes Alyssa along with him. Alyssa loves to travel and has a special scrapbook filled with pictures and other trinkets from her adventures. She doesn't know much about her mother as she disappeared when she was very young.

When she was only twelve years old she met Sailor Maia who revealed to her that she was a Senshi and learnt of her true identity as Sailor Celaeno. She worked with Sailors Maia and Taygate to track down the rest of their sailor team, building a particularly close bond with Sailor Taygete (Iris). During this time she also learnt of her past life as one of the Peladies, a group of seven sister stars that worked together to protect their part of the galaxy. In their past life they were rather good friends with Queen and Princess Serenity until the fall of both of their kingdoms.

Personality: Usually seen with a smile on her face, Alyssa is cheerful to others and loves to make new friends. She can come across as a bit of an air-head and even a little obnoxious. She has a wild imagination which she uses to write stories. She's rather gullible and can be rather susceptible to many forms of mind-control.

Hobbies: Stargazing, writing and daydreaming.
Likes: Travelling, making new friends, dressing up, horror and comedy movies; and spending time with Iris and Silky.
Dislikes: Serious people, not getting enough sleep, insects and thunder storms.

Henshin Item and Description: Pleiades Star Brooch- An ornate carved star shaped brooch which has a light blue gem inside it which lights up during her transformation.

Henshin Phrase: “Celeano Star Power, Make Up!”

Henshin Description: She raises her brooch into the air then taps the star and yells her Henshin phrase. Her brooch then begins to light up before engulfing her in a bright aqua light. An aqua coloured star appears and snakes it’s way around her entire body forming her sailor fuku.

 Weapon and Description:   

  • Dream Rod- A long blue stick that has a silver moon shape at the end of it. The moon is adorned with coloured jewels that light up when she uses it. A blue pendant dangles from the tip of the moon which also lights up.

Attack Names and Descriptions:

  • Dreamers Illusion  -Can produce a vision, whether it be monster or something that her enemy fears that materializes around them
  • Star Dream Surprise: -Raises her rod in front of her before swinging it down. Stuns the enemy.  <b> Example with her initial form: </b>
  • Dreamers Dust-Removes the crescent moon from her wand and a powdery dust will be produced from it. She sprinkles the dust from it on her attacker- it will cause most creatures to fall asleep however it needs to be used in close proximity to the creature to work effectively 

Other Information: 

  • Sometimes referred to as the ‘Dark one’ in her Sailor team mostly due to her powers involving nightmares. 
  • Her father knows that she is a senshi


Name: Pleiades
Members: Sailor Taygete, Sailor Alycone, Sailor Maia, Sailor Electra, Sailor Mereope, Sailor Sterope