


5 years, 4 months ago


  • Raphael Einsgard

  • Age ???
  • Gender Male
  • Race Witch/Magician
  • Role ???
  • Affinity Gravity

"Are you lost? Here, let me help..."

Earnest and hardworking, his constant smiling hides his deeper and darker thoughts. Growing up as the son of the Distortion Witch, he was told to be careful who he made connections with... and whether to share his identity or not. It is also difficult to determine whether his jokes are genuine threats or innocent remarks, so watching your choice of words around him are necessary.

Those lost in the nearby woods of their home and to those that are kind to his mother or himself will always be regarded with warm hospitality, and those that are rude... well, let's just say they never make it out of the forest. Cross his own path for greedy reasons and face his wrath and like for bloodshed.


DoB: Spring
Nicknames:Ralph, Rapphie
Height: 5'10"
Build: Lean
Demeanor: Happy
  • Cooking
  • Taking care of... "things"
  • Keeping his mother happy
  • Rude individuals
  • Mother's... "cooking"
  • Persistent suitors



Fighting Style

Raphael has a multitude of abilities that he can utilize on hand, given his background as a witch and a magician. Inheriting his mother's ability to wield the family's two-in-one ax and hammer, he often will swing the weapon to scare away intruders or to swiftly end a fight by chopping the other individual's head off or smashing it into the ground. Any leftover organs are used for dangerous types of potions, which, if he feels is necessary, will poison their foods with.

Other abilities that he inherited from his mother include the usage of spacial-distortion to fast-travel to locations, hynotic abilities via words and whispers, sheer strength to rip things apart, and shifting eye-power concentrations to see different "layers". The shifting eye-powers allows both his mother and himself to see the dead, spirit possessions, and magic vigils that mark a person's family lineage.

Unlike his mother who is more timid in the current days, Raphael spares no mercy when it comes to dealing with others, often opting to shred people apart if he feels no use for using his ax/hammer. An excellent close-range fighter, and one not to mess with.


Living with his mother in their small dwelling at the edge of a forest bordering a large mountain, Raphael tends to his mother's clumsiness and pesky annoyances. Often will Raphael venture into other cities and towns, but continues to avoid certain cities due to constant harassment of courtships while he went to save his mother and after he killed a murderer and made a name for himself.

The Six Houses

Out of all the possible families that are created within his world, only six "houses" or bloodlines have unique marks or "vigils" that are so complex in design that no other individual could attempt to replicate unless they gain it by natural birth. The vigils only show when the individual touches a specific rune, which happens to be drawn in a lot of important places to signify who is dangerous, or if the person summons their "true" weapon of which is passed down through the generations. "True" weapons varied considerably between the houses, and their true power would never be told for fear of abuse and manipulation by outsiders. Only those considered extremely close and loyal were allowed to bear the next generation, held with strict rules and standards. One who belongs to a house can only be killed by another house. This is due to the fact that great powers can only defeat other great powers. It keeps power in balance.

Suspicious Murders

People started to go missing, in the most oddest of ways. It appears that the moment they got hurt or lost a certain amount of blood at non-fatal levels would die. Upon death, a vigil could be seen for a quick glimpse, revealing the end of a contract that the individual had. They would die in odd locations, such as a side alleyway, a backyard, or beside a swimming pool, and there would be no signs of cardiac arrest. Witnesses would call for the police immediately, only to leave the policemen puzzled at their seemingly random and no connected deaths.

Rumours of the perpetrator eventually reached one of the six houses. This house realized this as he happen to see it before his own eyes - he was able to identify that this vigil was more complex than others but didn't have enough time to distinguish which category it fit under. He warned the other houses to keep an eye on possible suspects as the suspect was most likely related to one of the houses, sketching out what he could remember of the vigil.

Normally, Raphael would not have been interested in keeping an eye open out for such a suspect. There were no deaths that impacted the village nearby his home, nor did he think the suspect would arrive at his secluded location. However... he had seen something similar to this vigil before. Raphael had personally witnessed a death in another city at the request of a friend to help save his mother, but never made the connection... until now. His interest had been piqued.

The hunt would begin. Raphael grinned. This man had meddled in his affairs in reawakening his mother.

He would pay.

Traitor Found

Upon arriving in the city of the death that he had witnessed, he had started with a weak lead. Using his ability to look into a person's body to see if they bore a complex vigil. To his surprise and delight, he witnessed a fight between two girls, one of which had a weird darkening cloud wrapping her wrist.

Pushing the girl to the side to grab the other's arm and breaking the surprisingly weak contract, he could see the vigil used up close before it vanished. He couldn't have been more estatic. He HAD seen this vigil before. It seems it was time to pay a certain man a visit.

A Glamourous Death for a Flashy Villain

Suddenly appearing before the man, Raphael approached the perpetrator with a cold, devilish grin. Working his way through the perpetrator's bluffs, he slashed at his neck with brute force. Raphael was interested to see what effects the contract gave out to, and soon arrived at his answer after he hacked away at the "body" nine times over.

In broad daylight and in a public setting, his sudden rashness scared many, but what scared them more was the apparent reincarnation of the dead man.

"The way the contract works is that, for every person who does not succeed in protecting themselves from losing a certain amount of blood, will forfeit their life to add another to yours." Raphael explained to no one in particular. "Because your vigil is based off of one of the six houses, I will be your opponent. My duty," he said as a snide remark, "towards you."

Revealing his family's weapon by summoning his vigil, the ax-hammer combination was used to chop the other's head off, finishing his cruel deeds. By the time the police had arrived, Raphael was finished.

When a head of the six houses arrived on the scene, he gauges the situation, examining the bloody mess that had just occured. Looking to the man that had decapitated the other and based off of his facial features, he determines who he is.

"You're Petunia's son, aren't you?" he asked.

Raphael grinned, vanishing within a blink of an eye as the police were left with this mess.

How the Traitor Came to Be

He was a man who did not belong to any of the 6 houses but was able to inherit one of the six vigils due to a defect. This defect was created by a transmutation of blood, because one of the household heads pitied him in his dire and sickly years. Every so often, this head would provide this man with her own blood until he was strong enough to hold his own health in check, and eventually kicked him out of her custody after as she had completed her promise. This man realized, after he was forced to leave her home, that he could use her vigil. Her ability allowed him to make contracts with others to obtain a stronger special ability - but this would only act as an enhancer. Lying to his victims and never telling the conditions of the contract, he was able to give people "miraculous" abilities they could have never dreamed... only to die in anguish.


Petunia and Raphael often make potions for the nearby village to use, ranging from healing wounds to increasing the resilience of housing against the weather or fire. This is often because, although the village realizes and respects the family's power, they often do favours for the family by warding off strangers who venture too far to their home or help them get groceries and other necessities. The two are eternally grateful for their efforts on maintaining a connection with them, as the two mean no harm to the kind villagers.

As a witch, Petunia's and Raphael's eyes constantly change different shades of red. The length it took for their eyes to complete a cycle of colour changing signifies their power as a witch. Petunia's eyes constantly complete a cycle within five minutes while Raphael takes a half hour. The faster a cycle is completed, the more powerful the witch is.


[ mother ] His biological mother and the parent that raised him since he was young. Terrible at cooking but brewing potions is her forte, Raphael learned quickly as those are his earliest memories. He never knew his father until much later in his life, and originally did not care what or where his biological father was. However, when he met his father upon chance, he redirected and rekindled his parent's connection. He thinks they're cute together, and cries over the fact that his father is a great cook.
