


5 years, 3 months ago


  • || Rahas ||

  • Age Unknown
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Species Cursed being.
  • Role Guard of the castle
  • Title The Keeper

"Do not anger the ancient beast which guards the kingdom's catacombs. You will surely regret it..."

To those who live within the Kingdom of Aldin, and even beyond it, Rahas is a well-known figure.

They may not know her true name or how she came to serve the royals, but she is as much apart of the kingdom as the castle itself. She is etched on the kingdom's crest, eyes stitched in crimson and mane blindingly bright. Her name is whispered by mothers telling bed time stories to their children. She's called upon for good luck, well wishes, and safe travels. And sometimes, when the sky is a swathe of ink, people swear they can hear rumbling howls. Like thunder rolling beneathe their feet.

All the subjects of Aldin know is that she protects something precious to the kingdom. Something that has lied deep within the castle's ivy choked catacombs for centuries. The only time Rahas ever leaves the catacombs is when the royals make an announcement or during dire times. There are few people still alive who have scene the keeper with their own eyes.

Occasionally though, a unknown woman will stand beside the King and Queen. The hilt of her sword glimering in the the light. A thick black braid blowing in the wind. She never says a word. She Only stands staring out at the crowd with a empty gaze, one hand resting on her sword.

DoB: Unknown
Origin: Unknown
(Human)Height: 5'9"
(Human)Build: lithe and toned
Demeanor: Quiet and Curious
  • Sunlight
  • Plants/flowers
  • Playing Chess/card games
  • Mellow, calming music. Especially guitars/piano.
  • Quiet areas
  • Birds/bird watching
  • Berries. Especially raspberries
  • Thunder and rainstorms
  • Very Hot temperatues (they make her more unstable)
  • Loud/grating noises
  • Dogs (bad memories)
  • Spicy food
  • Being without something to do
  • Fire

|| Trivia ||

talks softly and often has a gentle smile in human form.


can form broken sentences/words in dragon form, but with great difficulty. Can talk easily in human form.

even tho in dragon form she doesn't look very sentient and doesn't have a wide range of expressions, is very intelligent and tries to communicate to best of her ability

body/eyes gets more distorted with intense emotions. especially in human form

Gets restless easily. Even if it's only reading something or watching birds out a window, she wants to do something

her tail is prehensile, and very bendable! When she isn't flying she kinda does a weird slither/crawl thing since she doesn't have back legs lmao. She can balance on only her tail as well

|| Character ||


|| Before... ||

Before Rahas was cursed, she was a knight.

She remembers she was noble, strong. She remembers light and laughter and the ache of bruises from sparring just before dusk. The way the sun melted the sky and turned the clouds into spools of gold thread. How the rays of sun fell through stained glass windows in kaleidoscopes of dappled light. The smoky scent of burt candle wicks and scratchy scrolls of parchement, riddled with handwriting that she used to be oh so familiar with.

She remembers someone. The person she served. She can't distinctly recall their face, but she still remembers how it felt to stand by their side. How her blood would spark through her veins, and her chest would nearly burn with warmth, with purpose.

And now she's filled with nothing but a cold hollow. The weight of it is suffocating, because she knows it used to not be like that. It use to be whole- she used to be whole.

But she did something, and she was punished for it. Cursed. Perhaps if she remembered why it would be easier to accept. However the longer she spends in this body, the more her memories seem to drift like wisps of smoke between her fingers. The more she reaches for them, the more shredded they get, torn by the claws and teeth of her new form.

So she waits. For what, she doesn't know. Hours feel like days and decades like minutes. She listens to those who order her to because that at least feels familiar. And although the faces of these people change as years go by, all of them smell faintly of her original charge. Maybe that's why she still feels the itch to stay. If not for that though, another force still binds her to the castle. In the same way her curse is etched onto her soul, she feels the castle's shackles on her like a physical thing. The castle had burried iron talons into her heart, and she knew there was no way to rip them out without destroying herself completely.

So she stays. She stays and she waits.

|| Currently... ||

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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
