


5 years, 5 months ago



Name Seedling/George
Age 17
Gender Female
Race White, British
Year 2087
Theme Jhameel-Feisty




Height 5'0
Build Slim
Eyes Blue
Skin Pale
Hair Natural blonde
Demeanor Energetic



Due to the crop shortages in rural areas in the year 2087, caused by a virus in the pesticides, scientists were tasked with bio-engineering the local fauna to help reduce the dependency on pesticides by allowing them to work as living pesticides while simultaneously fertilising the crops. The main test subjects for this were spiders as their DNA was found to be easy to manipulate.

On a school trip to the new and improved London Science Museum, George is admiring the tanks as another student pushes past her and knocks her towards the spider tanks. She opens her eyes and immediately clocks onto a very small and sickly looking spider right in front of her. It is much smaller than the other spiders and appears to be at the end of its life. Suddenly it’s eyes appear to shimmer in a compelling way that George cannot look away from. She reaches her hand forward and gently touches the spiders head with her finger. The spider nudges onto her hand and softly bites into it. Pulled out of her trance by a call for her, she quickly throws the spider off and rubs at the now red area of her hand before rushing off. When at home she allows herself to inspect the spider bite. Oddly enough it had left three oval-shaped dents in her hand but had otherwise caused no damage.

She woke up in the middle of the night to a sharp pain in her lower back. She reached down to touch it and was met with a sticky residue. Pulling herself up and turning on the lamp, she could see that the substance was stringy in nature and had a slight pink tinge. It looked like really large spider webs. Instinctively she threw it from her hands and scrambled around in her bed to try and hide from the spider. While doing this she heard an oozing sound and she looked down at her now melted carpet. The web had melted straight through like an acid, destroying itself in the process. Two steps away from freaking out she felt a tight feeling in her right hand. Looking down, small black seeds, almost watermelon esc, had started to pop into her hand. Without thinking she threw them at her wall and upon impact the seeds exploded and another line of web came out and joined together from all of the seeds. Thoroughly freaked out and starting to panic she jumped out of bed and tried to step towards the door. Tried to. She, however, couldn’t as her foot seemed adamant to stay where it was. No matter how hard she yanked her foot would not leave its place.

And that’s how Seedling was born. Stuck to her floor in the middle of the night, hundreds of webs cascading down from her wall and the smell of melted carpet fresh in the air. What the hell had she gotten herself into?


  • Pitta Pizza
  • Mythology
  • Dinosaurs
  • Daim Cake


  • Chocalate Flavoured Things
  • Ignorance
  • Buffering
  • Dark Hallways


Links (to be added)

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