


5 years, 5 months ago


Human name: David
True name: Drazgarthn
Age: He old
Gender: Male
Species: Incubus

Can form wings out of shadows so he can fly around. He has a natural aura that lures certain people in. He doesn't usually try to mask it since it doesn't have a extremely strong affect on people unless he is focusing on one person. This is how he lures people for sex.


Usual personality:
He uses this one towards nearly everyone. He acts annoying and like a jerk to push others away due to his life style he doesn't fully trust anyone. Acts high and mighty also acts far too confident which gets him into bad situations. Usually making sure to ruin someone's day when they are near by. Forcefully acts happy and cheeky.

True personality:
David is actually a serious guy who has feelings. He is a really deep thinker and that leads him to being quiet. Not many get to see this side of him. Usually like this around people he trusts which is only a few. He does a good job at hiding his emotions but when he is around people he trusts they usually leak out. Is usually more sad when he is being himself.

David born out of the desire of lust and has been the result of an incubus and a succubus being together. Though neither of them knew how to raise a kid so he had one strange childhood. By the time he was ten he knew everything there was to know about sex due to his parents. He had seen far too much for a ten year old. Everything else he was taught afterwards. Sex was the most important thing to his parents after so of course you would teach that first. By the time David his his teenage years he had strong lustful cravings. This was when he began to go and sleep around to quench his cravings. Though it just made him crave sex more. But he did learn to control these cravings over time. During his teenager years he was pretty powerful due to all the lustful energy he would gain due to his cravings. But as he got older and learned how to control it he grew weaker.

Soon he changed up his ways and began to travel to the human world to have some fun. It turned out to be more fun than he thought. He ended up living in the human world more than in his own birth place. It was just full of more things than just sex and violence. He found other things he did enjoy doing and even made a few connections. Even got himself his own crappy apartment and job. Of course he did still lure people in for sex when ever he really needed it but he would get caught up in other things that he tended to forget about it. One night this very thing happened and he went a little wild. He went to the closet person around which was his next door neighbor. It was a student who went by the name of James. When James opened the door he was instantly tackled down by David who flooded him with passionate kisses. Well the situation escalated quickly and the pair ended up having sex for the whole night. But during their night James found out what David truly was.

Fortunately James agreed to keep it a secret after he had finished freaking out about it. After that James and David began to hang out a lot more. For company and sex. Over the time they spent together they got really close and eventually became friends. Though after that David ended up bringing problems to James just due to his nature. Like him encountering other demons of different kinds and being involved in stuff that he really shouldn't be. But David keeps him some what safe and tries not to trouble him when he is studying for tests. To this day David still lives next door to James.

Facts about David:
He loves to eat strawberries and strawberry flavored things.
David usually spends more time at Jame's place than his own.
Surprisingly likes to knit and finds it to be a good way to deal with stress.