OC Hybrids (Marai Anden)



4 years, 1 month ago



Name Marai Anden
Birthday 11th January 1995♑
Gender Genderfluid (They/she/he)
Orientation Gynosexual
Height 5'10"
Who Kai & Martha
Occupation Sportsperson


Wholesome jock. A precious angel. Marai loves and cares for people with such a passion - empathetic to the point of impracticality. If they hear anything that's ever so slightly sad - well, chances are they'll start crying. They're obsessed with helping people, regardless of who it is - actively going out of their way to cheer up someone else's day. However - they're not a pushover, far from it, in fact. If Marai feels that someone is unfairly taking advantage of their good nature, they won't be afraid to call them out on it. Marai is good at getting their point across - good with words and good at thinking of peaceful solutions everyone will agree with. Marai is a keen sportsperson and a talented one at that, playing in many prestigious basketball teams during their life. They can be very wise, a good advice giver, who always prioritises peoples feelings over all else. They enjoy light-hearted, soft aesthetics. They love a good hike with friends. Animals seem to be almost magnetically attracted to them.


"I've been told that I give really good hugs! It's a good job, because I love giving them, too!"

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