Kai London



6 years, 9 months ago



Humble • Reliable • Good-hearted • Sensible     21296214_voOJiz6XSkIqAiy.gif

Name:Kai Mohan London
Birthday:14th September 1993 ♍
Race:Mixed | White/Indian
mbti: INFJ
occupation:Garage Mechanic/ Musician
Pinterest board: ~x~

Kai is a very humble, reserved, and genuine bloke. He's eager to help anyone and everyone at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, this also makes him a bit of a pushover. He's a doormat who always prioritizes other people first, no matter the circumstance.
Kai is kind-hearted and pure, but sometimes his quietness and intimidating appearance can deceive the people around him into thinking otherwise, being 6'4", with muscles to match. Kai's a very skilled guitarist. He has a sincere passion for music and everything that comes with it. His modesty can be a pleasant trait at times, but it gets frustrating easily as he refuses to take a compliment, far preferring to brush it off.

Kai lives in Staffordshire, England. He resides in a nice 3-bed house with his long-term partner, Addison. Kai is a guitarist in a rock band called Snake Bitez, and it's been his main occupation since 2017. His music career, however, has a problematic influence over his life, and thanks to drama within the band, it's not long for this world.
With what little spare time he has, Kai likes to go on long walks with Addison, cook, garden, and ride his motorbike. Most of his time, however, he's running around doing favours and odd jobs for just about everyone he knows.
Most of Kai's live has revolved around Iona, who is the frontwoman of his band and someone he cares about strongly. Unfortunately, she's also the source of everything bad and wrong in his life, which she has dictated most of. Disregarding Iona, Kai's best mate is Matthew. He's also close friends with Martha.
Kai is popular. He knows a lot of people and has a lot of friends. He has a half-sister, Clara. They both grew up with their dad, Kai's mum, and the family pet, Peaches. Kai loves both his parents, and is close with all of his family. The different religious and cultural backgrounds of Kai's parents meant that he always celebrated differences and embraced his own individualism.
Thanks to Iona, and her aggressive tendencies, Kai gets in a lot of fights. He's seen some really violent, serious situations unfold in the past. All of this has left him an anxious person - incredibly eager to protect his loved ones.
Kai's known a lot of people who've suffered with some kind of susbstance abuse. Some, he lost, and as a result, this will always be a delicate topic for him.
When Kai's in a room, his presence is quiet but assuring, like a foundation or a heavy rock. But there's so much weight on his shoulders.

'I can’t be doing this anymore. Putting myself in danger, just because someone needs me. There are other people that need me more - need me alive.'
Warning: This character contains sensitive content.
Violence, Abusive/Manipulative Relationship, Drug Abuse Mentions, Grooming


Kai is a reliable, sweet, gentle giant of a man, with an appreciation for the world around him and a deep love for his friends and family.
He is a very helpful person, and there is nothing he feels more compelled to do than assist others - whether that’s a loved one, a stranger, or an animal caught in fencing. Kai will consistently go out of his way for others, often, to his inconvenience, and occasionally, to his risk.
He feels an intrinsic need to be there for people, and he would do near enough anything for near enough anyone.

Kai is very considerate and empathetic too, finding it easy to place himself in someone else’s shoes, as he always sees the best in people, including those that don’t always necessarily deserve it. He’s open-minded and quick to see someone else’s perspective, which makes him likable and inoffensive, but Kai will also hand out excuses aplenty for the manipulative and problematic behaviour of others. Kai is inoffensive and non confrontational to a fault - he hates conflict.
Unfortunately, this nature of Kai’s means that he is very easy to manipulate and take advantage of. Plenty of times has he been used, taken for granted, and tossed aside - but Kai is the furthest thing from whiny, and he’ll move on without complaint, excusing the behaviour of his peers, and carrying on with his doormat-like ways.
Part of the reason why Kai is such a pushover is because he’s terrified of responsibility and making decisions - he’d much rather have someone else make them for him in his stead.
Often, he finds life overwhelming. He hates having to be the one to make decisions, as he has very poor self-confidence, and overthinks things far too much.
It's unfortunate, then, that Kai, being a big man with a responsible nature, often finds himself in positions of leadership or responsibility, simply because nobody else will. People tend to look up to him for guidance, finding him wise, sensible, and trustworthy.

Kai hates being the center of attention, and would rather blend into the background, making sure things are running smoothly behind the scenes. He shys away from compliments - excessively modest, Kai simply cannot accept praise. Instead, he will become awkward, and will prefer to brush any compliment off as a fluke, or something else equally out of his control.

While Kai is usually very mild, he becomes quick to anger if someone he cares about is threatened or in danger. This adrenaline can give him one hell of a confidence boost, to put it mildly, and he will intimidate someone if needs be. Kai can be very intimidating when he wants, in fact - but even when he’s not, a lot of people are frightened of Kai.
He’s a gentle giant through and through, but sometimes, people make less pleasant assumptions about his personality, mostly based on his alternative appearance and his quiet, slightly withdrawn nature. Kai is involved with the aesthetics of metal subculture, taking a liking to leather jackets and body mods.

Kai has a huge appreciation for the world. He loves flora and fauna, and feels perfectly at home in a tent under a mountain. Morally flawless, Kai has a strong set of personal values that really highlight his altruistic ways. He finds it important to remain thankful, and to appreciate the beauty in everything. Kai is agnostic, but he definitely believes in higher powers of some kind, and he always takes time to remember to value everything they do. He was raised with multiple religions.

Kai has an inclination to worry and fret, which is appropriate, as he often seems to find himself in troublesome situations, despite his well-mannered and respectful nature.
Due to Kai’s connections with a particularly dubious character, he finds himself involved in perilous circumstances far, far more often than he’d like. He’s seen a lot of dreadful things that he’d like to forget, and been left with both physical and mental scars.
He’d like to leave this way of living behind, but Kai’s devotion to his responsibilities and his relationships makes it near impossible. He’s in too deep and there are people who he just couldn’t bring himself to leave behind, but this environment, weirdly enough, also represents a kind of stability to Kai. It’s familiar, and Kai is often very uncomfortable with change.
Most of the dangerous situations Kai finds himself in are in shady clubs and equally questionable nightlife establishments - usually a place he’s been performing at with his band, in which he plays lead guitar.

Despite certain things getting to him a lot sometimes, Kai is good at talking about his feelings and has a calm, level-headed attitude. He has healthy coping mechanisms, such as music and his guitar, which is an important vent for him. While he often does neglect to think about himself, you'd never know he was struggling.

Sweet, thoughtful, and absolutely lovely, Kai is a very valuable and loyal friend. His dedication to protecting others is admirable, and though it’s unfortunate that he never prioritises himself, it really speaks true of his selfless nature.


Motorbikes, Metal music, Guitars, Tattoos, Working out, Nature, Long walks, Relaxing baths, Skincare, His family, Helping, Cooking, Gardening, Tea, Tearjerker films, Vanilla.


Shellfish, Drugs, Drug dealers, Conflict, Annoying noises, When rockstars smash their guitars on stage, Being the center of attention.


  • Kai is 6'4". He was tall, even as a child.
  • Kai's body is big. He's strong and you can see this, but he has a thick layer of chub too and his muscles aren't that defined.
  • Kai's hair is thick, fluffy, and a consistent length. He had it cut short once and hated it.
  • Kai has a broad face, handsome, but simultaneously very pretty. His nose is a little bumpy and it fits his face well. He's quite attractive.
  • Kai has big, dark, deep eyes, with long eyelashes. Both his eyebrows and his beard are neat and very well-kept.
  • All his tattoos mean something to him. He has many and he's still getting more! I draw them very inconsistently.
  • Kai's ears are both pierced in 9 places, and he has two in his nose, too.
  • He has a lot of body hair.


  • Kai's favourite guitar is called Damien.
  • Kai likes gardening, and is pretty good at it, too.
  • Kai isn't a good swimmer. He could probably make do during an emergency, but usually prefers to stay in the shallow end.
  • He can put together flat-pack furniture remarkably well, and remarkably fast. You could say he has a bit of a knack for it.
  • Kai likes a lot of food, and isn't picky in the slightest, but his favourite will always be his mother's Indian cuisine.
  • Kai smokes, but it's a habit he's working on kicking. Living with Addison... maybe doesn't help. He frequently uses a vape pen.
  • He has a bad habit of biting his fingernails. He's desperate to stop, so he often puts bad-tasting nail polish on them. Despite this, his nails always look perfect. On odd occassions, he paints them with black nail polish.
  • Kai wears a lot of black. Most of the time he looks like a backstage worker. Probably about 90% of his t-shirts are band merch.
  • Kai's always the one to cry during a movie. Always.
  • He has a mild to moderate shellfish allergy.
  • Kai's very fit. He spends a lot of time at the gym and is on a basketball team with Martha. He's strong and will nearly always win in a fight.
  • He loves all body products. Far too much. He also has a dedicated skincare routine, and moisturises daily.
  • He mostly gets around on his motorbike, a sleek, beautiful thing, which he takes very good care of.
  • He's very muscially skilled, and god-like with a guitar, but his voice is phenomenal, too - deep and smooth, very pleasant to listen to. He doesn't often sing publically, however - that's Iona's role.
  • He has a lovely speaking voice, as well. Deep, relaxing, with a bass-like quality to it. It can be surprisingly comforting - or incredibly threatening.
  • Kai often instant messages his cousin, who lives in India. Speaking to Kai helps him learn English.


Early Life and Childhood Friends

Kai was born in 1993, England, in a Staffordshire town known as Denman. He grew up in a comfortable home with his mum and dad, Indira and Dominic London, and his half-sister, Clara Bell-London.

His household was lively and gregarious. They had an abundance of family friends, but actual relatives were few and far between. Kai had a few uncles and cousins scattered across the country, but they were lucky to see them once a year, and his paternal grandparents both tragically died in a traffic accident a few years after he was born. His maternal grandparents lived in India - they, nor any of his Indian relatives played a role in his early life, estranged from Kai’s mother before he was even born.

Kai and Iona Jacobs, who was 2 years older, were friends from a very young age, and she played a very significant role in much of his life.
Iona was the daughter of Cliff Jacobs, a family friend and an ex-bandmate of Dominics.

Kai was a happy, polite child, if not a somewhat anxious one. He didn’t like making decisions for himself or rocking the boat, so it came naturally to him to let other people take charge.

Music was big in the London household. His dads background in music and his passion for rock greatly influenced Kai. He loved it when Dominic played guitar, and he was over the moon when he received his own to play on his 8th birthday.
Iona loved music, too - so much in fact, that the two of them formed their own band - inspired by Dominic and Cliff, and their old band, Starstruck Ape.
Iona decided that her and Kai’s band would be named Snake Bitez. At this time in their lives, calling them a band would be generous. They weren’t even teenagers. But they did have a real passion for what they were doing.

That same year, Kai, who had been attending cub scouts for a few years by that point, was assigned as buddy to a newcomer - Matthew Navarro (though when they met, Kai knew him as both his birth name and as a girl). Matthew was rude and antisocial, but after only a few weeks, he began to warm to Kai, and they became friends.

Iona and Matthew were Kai’s closest friends, but despite being a chubby kid with a withdrawn nature, he was popular at school, too. He was smart, hard-working, and mature for his age. Other pupils thought he was very cool.
Kai got more and more proficient in guitar as he grew. He learnt a lot from his dad, and with Dominics expertise and Iona’s momentum, they started writing and recording songs. Things really started to come together when Matthew came on board as their drummer.

When Kai was 13, his family adopted a puppy they named Peaches. She was a close companion of Kai’s through many of his teenage years.

Teenage Years

Kai’s relationship with his sister blew hot and cold, and their love for one another, though substantial, was usually left unsaid.
In 2008, Clara left home to move in with her boyfriend, and Kai became the only child in the London household.
Kai matured fast. He was taller (and hairier) than all of his classmates, and, most of the time, he was more sensible, too. Kai earned a reputation as someone who was mature, helpful, responsible and capable.

But the influence Iona held over Kai’s life only grew stronger as they both aged. Spending time with her and her other, much older friends made Kai sometimes forget that he was still a kid. She talked him up to all her friends and soon, Kai had a lot of connections - so long as he was there to respond to Iona’s every beck and call.
When Kai was 15, he had his first sexual encounter with Iona - who was two years older than him.
Kai and Iona’s relationship, however, remained exclusively platonic. He had his first ‘proper’ girlfriend at 16, a girl in his year called Sinead.

After Kai finished secondary school, he didn’t know what to do. He was an anxious person and hated making decisions for himself, convinced he’d make the wrong choice. More often than not, Kai would go to others to find out what he should do. Kai’s parents noted his intelligence and potential, but Iona said that higher education was completely pointless. He eventually ended up taking a course on music at College.

When Kai was 17 and out on a drive with Matthew, he told Kai that he was transgender. Kai, his knowledge on the topic virtually nonexistent, was confused at first, but told Matthew he’d support him no matter what. Kai clumsily sort-of came out as bisexual during the same conversation. His sexuality, in truth, was something that had been on his mind for a long time.
Unexpectedly, he got an awful lot out of this conversation with Matthew and came away feeling a lot more at ease with things.
It was only a few months after this that Kai came out as bisexual to his family and peers, something that was met with nothing but support. Were it not for Kai’s dad being bisexual too, he probably wouldn’t have come out as soon as he did.

As Kai grew older, he only became more popular. Even before he turned 18, Kai (who’d had a fake ID for nearly two years by this point) had a reputation around the pubs of Denman as the likeable guitarist dude who could always be counted on - for anything. He got into a habit of smoking, influenced by the rest of his peers, and it wasn’t long before he found himself in all kinds of situations.
For instance, Kai was involved in a physical conflict for the first time when Iona provoked a drunken man looking for a fight. This, unfortunately, would not be the last time Kai had to throw punches on a dark street.
Kai, as liked as he was, was still an intimidating character to a lot of people. He was thought of as reliable and cool, but also, to some, as tough and cold - not to be messed with. Some people didn’t like that.
This worried Kai. He had a role to fill now. There were a lot of people out there who did not like Iona. If he wanted to be able to protect the people he cared about, he needed to be stronger.
Kai began frequenting the gym. This was something Kai enjoyed more than he thought he would. The regulars there liked him, and he was even invited to play on the basketball team.

Kai had less spare time nowadays, though. Snake Bitez still had a very significant role to play in his life. They played the occasional show - and years earlier, they’d put out a ‘proper’ album called Night Tremors, for which they’d even rented a studio to record in.
In 2012, he stopped speaking to Matthew, who left the band after the two of them fell out. Kai had confronted Matt for the demeaning remarks he often made about women, which struck a nerve with him. By the end of the year, they’d made up.
Kai finished college, and afterwards, started work at Joel Karson’s garage. Joel was a family friend and best mates with Dominic, who he used to play with in their band days.

Kai met Martha Anderson, Addison Ellis, and Sylvi Dee one evening when Matthew invited them over to watch them play as a band. This would not be the last he saw of them. In fact, he liked some of Matthew’s friends from Post-16, and soon found that he was meeting up with them most weeks.

Kai was 19 when their band finally got its 4th permanent member. Julian Bailey was an easygoing bassist who Kai got on great with from day 1. Abigail Shepley was another person who entered his life during this time. She was a fan of the band, and a friend of Iona’s - who was absolutely nothing like her.
A lot of things happened during this period of his life. Snake Bitez only continued to build momentum, gathering themselves a small following, and with their popularity, Iona only seemed to be getting herself into more trouble. Kai fractured his eye socket after a fight. He became more sexually active, having the occasional hook-up and short term open relationship. At the end of 2013, he started dating Abigail exclusively, infatuated with her.
He travelled to India with his family after Indira reconnected with her parents, and met some of his relatives for the first time, including both of his maternal grandparents, his aunt, and his cousin. Though a language barrier often made it difficult to connect with them as much as he’d like, he really appreciated being there. He’d always felt a little detached from his mother’s background and that side of himself, and it was a really important journey for him.
Ali Safaya, his cousin, spoke some limited English as he was in the process of learning it, and he seemed to love talking with Kai. They stayed in touch afterwards, exchanging online messages on and off throughout their lives.

All the while through this period of his life, Kai became hopelessly obsessed with collecting a number of piercings and tattoos. This solidified his identity as he went into adulthood.

Adulthood, Finding Trouble, and New Love

In 2015, something odd happened. It was sometime mid May when Kai got a weird phone call from Matthew. That afternoon, he showed up on Kai’s doorstep, frantic, not at all himself, but refusing to clarify anything.
Addison, who also seemed out of character, and Sylvi, who seemed just as confused as Kai, later joined them, and together, they drove out north to find Martha walking the streets, before she greeted them as she broke down into tears.
What Kai didn’t know and will never know was that he witnessed the end of Impossible Years. He knew something terrible and a little bit surreal had happened that day, but had no idea what. In the days following, he learnt that whatever happened had been explained to Sylvi. Kai became quite bitter. Matthew was his best friend, and he was close to Martha, too.
What could possibly have happened that he didn’t have the right to know?
Sylvi tried to explain to Kai how the fewer people that knew, the better, but it didn’t help. He had too many questions. Why, for instance, did Addison and Matthew seem so close? Last thing Kai knew, they hated each other, but now, they spoke like they’d been friends for years.

It took months, but eventually, Kai begrudgingly accepted his role, especially since his friends seemed to need his support more than ever.
Life only seemed to get harder after this. Matthew, who worked at the garage with Kai, seemed completely unstable for most of 2015, in a way that Kai found extremely disconcerting.
But soon, life threw another curveball at Kai, and he had more important things to worry about.
Abigail was someone that Kai loved with all his heart - their relationship was serious and he truly pictured a future with her. Unfortunately, the discussions about their future were thoroughly put on hold.
Kai knew something with her hadn’t been quite right for a while, but he was dismayed to discover she’d been abusing drugs. Heroin, specifically. Heartbroken, he told her that they could get through this.
But things with Abigail and her situation got worse, quickly. It was clear to everyone that she was in no state to be in any sort of relationship. Heart-wrenchingly, Abigail and Kai both knew this.
After two and a half years, they parted ways.

Drugs - it was no secret that they were a big part of the lifestyle that Kai found himself in. He’d never had a lot of interest before, but now, he was determined to abstain entirely. Seeing what it did to Abigail, her relationships, her life... it left a substantial impact on Kai.
Iona was a user too - she had been for years. Kai didn’t know how she always seemed to keep her wits about her, but the drugs were practically a part of her identity by this point. He couldn’t let himself ruminate about Iona’s drug use. It was Iona, after all, and Iona's life seemed to follow a different set of rules.

Kai was 23 when he moved out of his parents to live in a flat with Matthew. Though he was still a far cry from his old self, Matthew seemed better - mostly. But living with Matthew soon gave Kai a new perspective. Kai was convinced that he was drinking too much, and it became something he couldn’t ignore. Matthew told Kai he was paranoid after what happened with Abigail. Matthew was convincing, and Kai was still distraught about Abigail - so he found this easy to believe.

Life was in an uneasy balance, and Kai was only just holding things together. He still found himself in bad situations, and often seemed to end up in violent fights that nearly always involved Iona in some way. Kai acted as her unpaid bodyguard a lot of the time, only even joining nights out so she didn’t get herself hurt or killed. Kai had a lot of loyalty to her, and eventually, he found comfort in the familiarity of it all.
Everything that happened with Abigail had hit him hard, and it didn’t help that other, minor friends and acquaintances had drug problems, too. He lost track of the amount of times he called emergency services after someone's overdose, or following a bad fight.
After Snake Bitez got signed to a record label, Kai had no time left for anything else, and he grew a little distant from his family. Exhausted and anxious, Kai balanced music, chaperoned Iona, and somehow, still held a full-time job, too. Not to mention, Matthew was hardly the textbook example of a good flatmate. Kai often found living with him and his worsening mental health problems difficult.

Kai was desperately looking forward to the two weeks he’d booked off to travel the United States with some of his friends. In June 2017, all 6 of the odd little friendship group (Kai, Matthew, Martha, Addison, Sylvi, and Matthew’s brother, Charlie Navarro) rented a car, and road tripped across the American Midwest. They had an incredible time - staying up, lighting campfires and drinking lager under the stars, skimming stones, telling stories and sharing banter until the sun came up.
While they were there, they also met a young woman called Dakota Laney, who by chance, ended up joining them for the remainder of their road trip. At the conclusion of their holiday, Matthew and Dakota entered into a long-distance relationship. Kai was happy and relieved that his friend seemed to have something good in his life to keep him on the right track.

Only one month later, Kai was stabbed.
It was an unassuming pub they were in, but Iona had been getting herself involved with all kinds of shady characters, and Kai being her bodyguard and right-hand man put an impressively large target on his back. What had happened to Kai was only supposed to be a warning, but it was a deep cut, and though it missed any vital areas, he had suffered muscle damage.
Though Kai's life wasn’t in danger, what happened wasn’t pretty, and he was stuck in hospital on the hottest week of the year, while missing close friend Mike Morgan's birthday party. Kai was completely miserable. He’d have been a lot more miserable if it wasn’t for the surprisingly frequent visits from Addison.
Addison was… not like other people. The black sheep of the friend group, Kai didn’t think Addison really liked him - or anyone really, for that matter. He was confused as to why they visited nearly every day, just them alone, sitting, speaking only occasionally.

Things became clearer a month or two later, when Addison approached Kai to simply state that they’d like to spend more time with him. Just the two of them.
Kai caught on and, trying to keep an open mind, agreed to go out on a date with them. Kai didn’t particularly have feelings for Addison at first, and in fact, was even a little uncertain about the entire situation. But by the end of the year, Addison had won Kai over, and the two of them were an item.

A month later, Kai quit his job at the garage, taking the plunge and doing Snake Bitez full time. He and the rest of the band had to work hard at this to make ends meet, pushing themselves well beyond their limits.
By this point, he was seriously concerned about Matthew. Iona was as problematic as ever, and Kai still found himself in fights at least once a month. Stressed out and fed up, he became quite a pessimistic, depressed man with very little patience.

Addison and Kai often spoke about getting their own place, but Kai was reluctant to leave Matt. By this point, his tendency to binge drink was common knowledge. Kai’s intuition last year had been more than correct, and he wasn’t sure how well Matthew would cope by himself. But, after a very bad argument that escalated into a fight, Kai made his decision, and in the late summer of 2018, Addison and Kai moved into their new home.

The End of Snake Bitez

Kai was elated to be sharing a home with his partner, but not much else improved. Tensions in Snake Bitez were great, and now Addison was a bigger part of Kai’s life, they wanted to know what was going on. Kai became very, very nervous about Addison getting even slightly involved with anything related to the band. He knew how Iona treated people by this point. This quickly became a source of conflict for the couple. Addison, understandably, wanted to know the reason that Kai so often came home with cuts and bruises, and when he went away on tours for long periods, they felt very much in the dark. Kai refused to tell Addison very much at all. After all, Iona’s activities were often straight up illegal, and Kai had been doing her dirty work for a long time now. She was investigated after the mysterious death of a rival frontman, during which Kai gave statements to the police which were untrue. He was disgusted by his own behaviour, sickened by the fact he went against his own principles pretty much every time Iona was involved in anything. He started to feel on the wrong side of the law, and morally corrupt.

In 2019, Kai was dealt another blow. Abigail had died from an overdose. Until her funeral, he struggled to comprehend it, but afterwards, he was a wreck. Addison tried their very best to comfort him, but this only did so much good. He was overcome with grief, but he couldn’t waste time mourning. Snake Bitez’s latest release was on the horizon.

In 2020, Snake Bitez released what would be their third and final album. It’s production and release was wrought with drama, both within the band and outside it. Matthew’s behaviour was a hindrance, to put it lightly - showing up at the studio too drunk to play or not at all, constantly saying that he’d get better but never really seeming to try. Iona was Iona - she couldn’t seem to go 5 minutes without causing some kind of commotion. Julian was sick of Snake Bitez, and he was certainly sick of Iona. He had constant screaming matches with her - they hated each other. He threatened to leave the band every other week.
Kai couldn’t even think about leaving. Iona, Matthew… if Kai wasn’t there, he was pretty much convinced that they’d be dead within a week.

Next year, Snake Bitez were playing at a very shady venue when it was raided by police. Kai, unlike the rest of the band, immediately complied with the law. While the others were embroiled in a car chase down the motorway, Kai was co-operating.
Snake Bitez got off lightly. In fact, Iona always got off lightly when it came to the law, which she broke often. Kai always had suspicions as to why this was the case.

A few months later, Julian sat down with Kai and Matthew. He explained that he was leaving the band - and suggested the others leave, too. For some reason, this idea terrified Kai. Being without Iona, without the band? He struggled to comprehend it. Matthew didn’t respond to the suggestion positively either, reminding Julian that he’d never be able to hold a normal job. The band provided him with the only semblance of structure in his life.

Iona did not take it well when Julian left, but even she couldn’t do anything about it, and Snake Bitez became a trio.
For a couple of months after this, Snake Bitez had a break. Kai was looking forward to some time with Addison and with his family.
But frustratingly, Kai couldn’t relax. His sister was pregnant and he couldn’t wait to be an uncle, but all he could think about was Iona and Matthew. He was snappy and constantly on edge, and Kai’s family hated what the band had done to him. In fact, his mother had tried to intervene several times throughout the years, but it never went anywhere.
He was actually relieved when Martha called out of the blue one morning, asking if he and Addison were free to help her with something - she wanted to clean Matthew’s disgusting apartment. She was convinced this would help him. Kai and Addison spent the day going through years worth of Matthew’s crap and depression hoard, which benefited their friend in the long run, though he didn’t admit it at the time.

That autumn, Kai’s nephew, Joey was born, 2 days before his Kai’s own birthday. This was the distraction he needed. Kai, surrounded by his loved ones, was finally able to forget about the last few chaotic years and focus on the things that mattered most.

In 2022, they went on tour as a band again, and it really didn’t take long for things to go sideways. A violent incident backstage at a concert left most of the band badly hurt. Kai found himself very winded, bruised and sore afterwards.
Addison wanted to know what happened after he returned home, but Kai still refused to tell them anything. He was well aware of Addison’s confrontational nature, and desperately feared a conflict between them and Iona.
But this time, Addison wasn’t going to give up so easily. After squeezing the information from Matthew instead, they went out to find Iona one night while Kai was babysitting his nephew.
Kai didn’t know a lot about what happened that night. He got a phone call from Matthew in the early hours of the next day. All he told Kai was that Addison had been badly hurt. Kai, in a panic, left Joey with Dominic and Indira and rushed to hospital.
He found Addison there in a coma. They’d been assaulted, and for a short while it was touch-and-go. Matthew said he found Addison at the recording studio. He’d been concerned after Addison told him they were going there to talk to Iona.
But it appeared that the studio had been robbed. Thousands of pounds worth of equipment was stolen - Addison seemed to have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Iona had an alibi. She seemed as shocked as everyone else.

Addison woke after a few days, but was unable to remember anything that happened that night.

For a short while, things returned to semi-normality. Addison made a remarkable recovery, but Kai was shaken.
One night, Kai received a string of mostly incoherent text messages from Matthew, who despite having been doing better as of late, had a bad relapse. It was only the next day that Kai properly read what Matthew had sent him - and Kai couldn't believe what he was reading. They seemed to allude to Iona being the one who attacked Addison.

Kai found Matthew, still hospitalised after the previous night, and demanded to know the full truth, threatening the complete end of their friendship if he didn’t. Matthew had never in his life seen Kai that frighteningly serious, and it freaked him out. Emotional and conflicted, Matthew told Kai that it was Iona who attacked Addison, but made it very clear that he couldn’t let on that he now knew. Iona had very seriously threatened Matthew, forcing him to help her cover up the evidence. Kai, still furious, said he didn’t give a shit about what happened to him or anyone else. He stormed out, leaving Matthew at his wits end.

Kai didn’t want to go back home yet. His world crashed around him as he came to terms with the fact that Iona had been the one who nearly killed Addison - in a fit of rage, no less. He drove to his parents house and, in their garage, where Snake Bitez was initially started, he completely broke down.
His mother, Indira, found him.
Kai told his mum everything - his mum, who was, helpfully, a lawyer.

After this absolute low, things began to turn around. Indira and all of Kai’s friends helped find a way to make Iona pay for her crimes, and Kai found a way for him and Matthew to leave the band without arousing any suspicion.
Kai and Matthew left Snake Bitez for good. Iona, thanks to everyone's efforts, was sentenced for a crime she committed several years before. The band was over, and the boys could move on.
Kai didn’t know what to do with himself. A life without Iona was unfamiliar. Free for the first time in his life, he learned how to live for himself and for the people who truly cared for him.

In 2023, Kai and Addison got engaged, and later that year, married - though Kai was disappointed that they didn’t come around to the idea of inviting their estranged father.


Kai and Addison enjoyed the normality they’d both found in each other. Life was, for the most part, good.
In 2026, Kai was approached by Iona in a supermarket. He didn’t want to see her, but he couldn't help but stop and stare as she approached. Before he had the chance to tell her to get out of his face, she told him that she was escaping the country. She was pregnant, clean, and planning on fleeing to Australia. Kai didn’t know what to say to this. She explained that she couldn’t go without seeing him one more time. And then, she left, and it was like she was never there.

Many years down the line, Kai and Addison had a son, Seth London, with the help of Martha, his surrogate mother. Seth grew up good friends with Chloe Navarro, Matthew and Dakota’s daughter. Matthew, needless to say, was doing a lot better, and in fact, several years later, he, Kai, Julian, and Addison played a small bunch of reunion shows. These were, hands down, the best shows he’d ever played. They even formed a new band, called Kingdom.

Kai grew old with Addison, surrounded by family and a sense of peace that he never thought he’d have.


Family Tree

Addison Ellis [ Partner ]
Addison is Kai's partner and they are very, very dear to Kai. They compliment each other's personalities well. When they first met, Kai would never have pictured them together, but now, he knows that Addison is who he's meant to be with - they are life partners. Kai and Addison have few conflicts. He wishes they would quit smoking.

Matthew Navarro [ Best Friend ]
Matthew is Kai's best friend. They've been close for a very long time - they are each others confidant and companion. Kai cares and worries about his friend a great deal. Being Matthew's friend can be difficult, and Kai can sometimes be more distant from him because of this.

Iona Jacobs [ Friend ]
There's something distinctly, inherantly problematic about Kai and Iona's relationship. Iona has been taking advantage of him and being an all-round horrendous friend for years, but Kai is completely in denial. He cares about Iona and is convinced that he has a responsibility to look after her. He also relies on her as something familiar and predictable in a world that's neither of those things.

Martha Anderson [ Friend ]
Kai really, really admires Martha. To this day he considers her the prettiest woman he's ever met, and finds both her personality and worldview very agreeable. They both frequent the gym together, and play on the same basketball team. They're very close friends, who both have each others back and always will.

Dakota Laney [ Friend ]
Kai is very, very fond of Dakota, but scared of how he comes across to her - he doesn't want to seem intimidating. They're not especially close, but have a real solid respect and trust for each other.

Sylvi Dee [ Friend ]
Kai... thinks Sylvi is his friend? He doesn't quite know what their friendship is - or what Sylvi's deal is in general, really. He enjoys Sylvi's company, and finds her fun, usually. She's always given Kai a strange vibe though - as though he just doesn't know what her goal is. He sometimes finds her a little pushy, a little domineering.

Charlie Navarro [ Acquaintance ]
Kai has known Charlie for a very long time, with their families being close, and with being such good friends with his brother. They were never much more than acquaintances to each other, but Kai enjoys Charlie. He think's he's sweet, endearing, and a little silly.

Indira London [ Mother ]
Kai absolutely adores his mum. He'll always be there to help her at a moments notice, and he knows she feels the same about him. He wishes his mother would worry less sometimes, and maybe involve herself in his life less, too, but he does actually appreciate her tendency to intervene a lot. After all, she's smart and great at advice. She's saved his skin more than a couple of times.

Dominic London [ Father ]
Kai is very close with his dad, who he loves to bits. No topics were off-limits when he was growing up. Kai and his dad talked about many things, conversations that were both very open and very honest. Dominic also taught and encouraged Kai's guitar playing, which is something he values very highly now.

Clara Bell-London [ Half-sister ]
Clara and Kai didn't always get on. Clara was bitterly jealous of Kai when they were both younger, but was eventually eager to embrace him as her lil' brother, a very protective big sister and perhaps a slightly overbearing one. Nowadays, Clara loves to visit her brother at every opportunity, and they're closer than they ever really were as kids.

Thomas Watts [ Brother-in-law ]
Kai gets on well with Thomas! He thinks he's very nice, and while the two of them dont have a lot in common, they talk to each other a lot and always have plenty to say to the other.

Lydia London [ Paternal Grandma ]
Lydia passed away in a car accident when Kai was only three. He doesn't remember her, but the fond way that Dominic talks about both his parents makes Kai really, really wish he did.

Steve London [ Paternal Grandpa ]
Steve passed away in a car accident when Kai was only three. He doesn't remember him, but the fond way that Dominic talks about both his parents makes Kai really, really wish he did.

Dave London [ Paternal Uncle ]
Kai doesn't know any of his uncles that well, especially not Dave, who is a hermit and tends to keep to himself. They do, however, like each other quite a lot. Dave is a keen outdoorsman, and Kai loves to hear his hiking stories.

Martin London [ Paternal Uncle ]
Martin is an interesting bloke. Kai often finds himself a little intimidated by Martin's outgoing, loud nature, but he thinks he can tell that Martin is a genuinely good guy... at least, deep down. Like all of his uncles, Kai doesn't know Martin that well.

Jane London [ Paternal Aunt (Through marriage) (Martin's wife) ]
Jane is not a particularly friendly lady, but Kai doesn't really have a strong opinion of her. He sees her very, very rarely, and gets the slight impression that she doesn't like the family all that much at all, actually.

Adam London [ Paternal Uncle ]
Kai doesn't know any of his uncles that well, and Adam is no exception. He's quite a sensible, intelligent man, but definitely comes across as caring, from what Kai's seen. He's always been a little distant, but he sort of reminds Kai of a quieter, far more serious version of his own dad.

Jennifer London [ Paternal Aunt (Through marriage) (Adam's wife) ]
Like her husband, Jennifer is quite sensible - but she's also friendly and seems eager to help others. Kai likes her, and though he sees her rarely, she always makes the effort to talk to Kai when they meet up.

Leon London [ Paternal Cousin (Adam's son) ]
Kai and Leon would sometimes play together as kids, during the rare family meetups that they had. Kai got on well with him back then, but he hasn't spoken to Leon properly in a very long time. Leon seems reluctant to interact with the family much now, and when he does talk to them, it's usually about his modelling career. Even Kai doesn't think he's especially likeble anymore.

Danielle London [ Paternal Cousin (Adam's daughter) ]
Danielle is Kai's youngest cousin. Kai can't say that he knows her very well, but she's always been pleasant and friendly when they have spoken.

Akhila Safaya [ Maternal Grandma ]
Kai only met his grandma twice, and the language barrier made it hard to form a proper relationship - but Kai thought she seemed like a quiet, sweet lady. She sadly passed away in 2016.

Rafiq Safaya [ Maternal Grandpa ]
Kai has only met his grandpa a few times, and isn't completely sure what to make of him. He's a serious gentleman with some traditional values, and Kai feels very, very shy and awkward around him. He really hopes that Rafiq likes him. Rafiq does.

Minali Safaya [ Maternal Aunt ]
Kai has only met his aunt a few times, and she seems a very quiet person. It's hard for him to form a proper relationship, as there's quite a large language barrier between them both, but she seems shy and sweet.

Ali Safaya [ Maternal Cousin ]
Kai gets on really well with his cousin, and despite them only meeting in person on a few occassions, they frequently interact and message each other over the internet. Ali's english is by far the best of Kai's Indian relatives, and the two are able to have a good relationship. In fact, Ali finds talking with Kai a great way to practice. They love to talk about football.

Cliff Jacobs [ Friends Dad ]
Kai is mildly concerned for Iona's father, who seems to have a lot of issues. It makes him sad to think about the way that Iona was raised. Kai spent quite a bit of time at he and Iona's flat when he was a kid, and Cliff was as emotionless and detached then as he is to this day. They really don't have much of a relationship at all.

Samuel Ellis [ Partners Dad ]
Kai isn't sure what to think about Samuel. He was a little frightened of him at first, but nowadays, Kai mostly feels sympathetic for him. Kai knows how much Addison hates him, and sometimes, Kai feels guilty for not thinking the same way. Kai can tell that Samuel's had a rough time of it, and wishes that he would reach out and get some help. That said, Samuel and Kai are not close. Conversation is sparse and awkward, if it happens at all.

Jodie Navarro [ Friend's Mother ]
Kai thinks Jodie is very, very sweet! They don't see each other often nowadays, but Kai remembers how welcome Jodie made him feel whenever he was around at their house to play, and he just thinks she's a lovely lady in general. He wishes he could have a catch up more often, or just, any conversation that doesn't revolve around Matthew's bad decisions would be nice.

Lisa Navarro [ Friend's Mother ]
Kai remembers being pretty scared of Lisa as a kid - but nowadays, he sees her in a completely different light, and thinks she's actually pretty cool. The two of them have quite a bit in common, and Kai feels far more confident in conversation with her than he used to.

Julian Bailey [ Bandmate ]
Kai thinks Jules is awesome. He's intrigued by him - Julian is a private person and has an air of mystery that's hard to describe. Kai would consider his bandmate a really good friend. They like each other. They actually slept together once, but it was meaningless, and the two of them are just friends.

Joel Karson [ Boss/Family friend ]
Kai always found Joel a little bit spooky when he was young. He started working for him at his garage after he finished college - Kai got to know Joel a little better during this time. Kai found that Joel had a tough exterior, but a secret soft side. He trusts Joel a lot, and considers him a good, reliable man.

Scoot Palmer [ Acquaintance ]
These two met on a hot, summer night. It wasn't the only thing hot about their night together. Kai and Scoot have seen each other after this encounter, but neither one knows for sure whether the other even remembers them. They're both far too shy to say anything to each other.

Abigail Shepley [ Ex-Girlfriend ]
Abigail Shepley was Kai's girlfriend for 2 and a half years, and Kai was in love with her. Sadly, Abigail was an addict and suffered from drug abuse which eventually destroyed their relationship. In 2016, they mutually agreed to go their separate ways. Tragically, in 2018, Abigail passed away from an overdose. This effected Kai deeply. Now, he tries to focus on the happy memories of their relationship - something he has plenty of.

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