


5 years, 4 months ago


  • Zaruel

  • Age 2071 years
  • Gender Male
  • Race Angel
  • Role Throne
  • Alignment Chaotic Evil

"Me? I'm just as good as any other angel. My methods are... just different, that's all."

Zaruel. An angel with a methodology much different than all the others. Violence is mercy, death is a blessing, war is peace, and lies are truths. A man that strikes terror in some yet inspires praise and blessing in others. Always a liar, always a deceiver. Nobody knows what Zaruel's true intent is, and nobody knows what he's thinking about. As a Throne, it is his job to protect God's throne. Yet angels who have methods and thoughts similar to him fall from grace and descend into Hell as fallen angels. How come he gets to keep his wings, his halo, his position? The golden veil that follows the angel of chaos hides the horrors and shows the truths.


DoB: x
Origin: Heaven
Height: 182 cm
Build: Athletic
Demeanor: Sly
Theme: x
  • War
  • Physical strength
  • Pomegranates
  • The color white
  • Physical weakness
  • Obedience











Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas facilisis ex quis enim condimentum, vulputate elementum lacus viverra. Donec non dui id augue pellentesque aliquam et eget felis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla nulla augue, vehicula id volutpat nec, auctor et ipsum. Phasellus pretium non libero eu ultricies. Proin et est vitae metus interdum ullamcorper vel sit amet augue. Integer et diam eu massa faucibus molestie non vitae metus. Donec cursus lectus eros, in vestibulum sapien porta et. Aliquam ac est lorem. Etiam pulvinar laoreet augue, et faucibus ligula ornare quis. Pellentesque sed leo tincidunt, consectetur dui in, tincidunt nunc.


[ enemy ] They just don't get along. Though he and Zaruel are very much different, they are similar in the most important way. Nobody knows what they are thinking. Zaruel tried to get along with the seraph by trying to get into his mind, but Remiel won't tell him anything


[ acquaintance ] Zaruel and Thaniel aren't supposed to get along, but somehow they do. Maybe it's Zaruel's curiosity in Earth culture, and maybe it's Thaniel's desire to know what's happening in the heavens. They exchange information with each other, and nothing more.


[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
