


5 years, 5 months ago


Content Warning - click for details
Abuse, violence






















April 9th, 2008

store items






16 hands



mane and tail















One gash on each shoulder, some from fights



social life


Fading Creek (formerly)





others met




stolen by






Gamma (NPC) - Blue roan


Alex (NPC) - Buckskin





taken by





Winter Solstice - ex mate
Marionette - fornication
Zerina - ex mate
Circe - mate


Arianna - daughter with Winter Solstice
Kate - daughter with Winter Solstice
Latitude - son with Marionette
Jagged Icicle - son with Zerina
Kelyn - daughter with Circe
Fell - son with Circe





Culan is a respectable stallion for the most part. He is a charmer and knows just how to smooth talk anyone. He likes to pick on other horses to see what makes them tick and it amuses him when they try to insult him in return. He is calm and collected for the most part and is a fun-loving laid back stallion around his family. He is a good father figure and would do anything to protect his family from harm. He is not usually loyal to those that are not of his blood and will usually stab his friends in the back. He is a bit of a hermit and doesn't like to socialize beyond who he already knows. He can be very arrogant and headstrong sometimes and uses situations and others to his advantage. He is a bit impulsive and often questions why he gets into bad situations, blaming everyone but himself. He has a good heart, but as a Dark, he is not one hundred percent sane and can go into fits of rage for no apparent reason. He is capable of murder, but only on certain occasions. He has grown out of his schizophrenia, but in tragic situations, it can come back. He doesn't have a lot of respect for the other alliances, but isn't the type to hunt them down. He prefers a quiet life outside of drama and will critize those that are emotional. You have to impress him in order to gain the cold respect he grants for those outside of his personal family. He doesn't have a whole lot of time for strangers.

in depth









personality type






He was born to two Light parents in a normal Light herd. One day when they were taking a walk, they came across a young filly. Her mother wad dead and her father had abandoned her, so they adopted her. He befriended her immediately. Her name was Winter Solstice. Eventually, they fell in love and it wasn't long before his first child was on the way. However, Culan was growing restless in his herd and wandered farther out of the borders every day, eventually meeting Death, a vixen who became one of his best friends. He eventually he came across a Dark herd. A mare came along named Rhodaka and told him about being a Dark. They began to meet up regularly during the night and eventually during the day whenever Culan could get away from Sol and their twins. He slowly developed a crush on the mare. She fed him lies and manipulated him. She eventually told him to kill his two children, Arianna and Kate. He obliged, longing to be with Rhodaka more than Winter Solstice and murdered them in the night. When his mate came to tell him about it, he told her that he killed them and told her that he never loved her, as instructed by Rhodaka. Sol gashed him on both shoulders and ran off. He then turned to Rhodaka, eager to be with her, but was shocked as she merely spat at him and left him, saying she was tricking him all along. Wounded, he went back to his herd, only to find that the herd had found out what he had done, courtesy of Rhodaka herself. He tried to justify himself, but they refused to listen, saying that despite the manipulation of Rhodaka, it took someone truly dark at heart to murder their own children. They banished him and chased him away. He spent a lot of his time thinking about what he'd done, going through phases of righteousness and severe guilt. His psychosis began to worsen. He then came upon Wild Equines.

so far

Upon arriving on Wild Equines, Culan claimed a Dark main land and titled it Blood Moon Valley. He discovered that his ex mate, Winter Solstice was living in Dark Woods and went to pester her before being driven out. He then gathered some mares for his herd, Marionette being the first and then Zerina. He bred with Marionette, producing his first son, Latitude, but the duo soon disappeared without a trace. His other mare, Zerina was then stolen by a stag named Impulse and he searched in vain for her. She finally returned to Blood Moon Valley, beaten and bruised, but alive. He was relieved to see her and even a bit angry because he'd been so worried. She then told him how she felt about him and he told her he felt the same. They went to Silent Forest and produced a foal named Jagged Icicle, but it wasn't long before they disappeared as well. He then met up with one of his old friends, a vixen titled Death. He'd had feelings for the mare back his homelands, but never thought he'd be able to see her again. She met up with him in his lands and they spoke for a while. She had to leave though, to get back to her mate, Baron. He found her again in Tulor Woods, struggling to give birth to one of her foals. He stayed with her during the birth of her son, Torn. However their reunion was short lived as Baron came upon the scene, angered that there was another male near Death. He didn't listen when Death told him he was just a friend and Culan left before he got attacked.

Culan was devastated at the sudden emptiness of his herd and wasn't paying attention as it was challenged for and taken from him. He did not care a whole lot and went to join Kingdom of Escarnia that had been claimed by Unknown. He became the Beta Stallion, but it wasn't long before Unknown disappeared the lands were taken over by Baron/Monster and his lead mare, Havoc. Culan was able to keep his position, even after Baron/Monster disappeared and Havoc was the sole lead. He became good friends with the Queen. He found another mare in the Unclaimed Hearts, a vix by the name of Breena. She was a Neutral, but he was attracted to her and decided to take her home. However, shortly after claiming her, he succumbed to a psychotic episode and almost attacked her. He managed to stop himself and decided he needed to work on his mental health issues. Breena was supportive, but it wasn't to last. Breena disappeared, along with Havoc and, directionless again, Culan decided to leave Wild Equines.

Angered that things hadn't turned out the way he wanted, he went on a rampage, seeking out mares for sex, even impregnating a few and gaining friends only to betray and stab them in the back. He was hungry for power, but failed to gain any and eventually was drawn to the few foals he'd produced. Their mothers refused to let him see his children and for that, he returned to Wild Equines once more. This time, he was out to stay with one mare and not attempt to gain a harem or a group of followers. He met Circe in the Unclaimed Hearts and although he charmed her with banter at first, they had a true spark and he fell in love with her. They spent months in Kunipar Cliff, without a home before deciding to join in union. They had not planned for a child, but when Circe became pregnant, Culan was eager to seek a home for them to live in, as the rural and violent terrain of the Cliffs was no place to raise a child. Circe suggested going back to her home and he agreed.

When they arrived, Culan was in for a surprise as they came upon Baron's lands. He hadn't forgotten what had happened with Death and attacked Culan before Circe could explain. They eventually grew to grudgingly tolerate each other and they were allowed to stay. In their argument, Culan found out that Death had died. He and Circe had got into a nasty fight over the whole situation and Culan told her things to intentionally harm her, something he regrets to this day. They stayed away from each other for months before Baron intervened and told Culan to get off his ass and apologize. Eventually they made up. Circe soon came down with a terrible sickness and Culan and Baron united together to help save her, bringing her food, water and anything that they could find to make her better. She eventually made a full recovery. They raised Kelyn, but something terrible happened when their daughter came home bloody and shaking. They discovered that their daughter had been raped and they both set out to look for the bastard who'd violated their baby girl. They eventually found him and took their time torturing him before killing him.

Winter Solstice then came to Fading Creek and as soon as she saw Culan, all Hell broke loose. He had to explain to Circe and to Baron that he had murdered his twins with Sol, Arianna and Kate, and was under the mercy of their punishment. He was allowed to stay, but was going to have to find his own place to sleep during the night. He and Circe stayed away from each other for a while once more, but eventually made up once more. Circe then called her father, mate and daughter in a mini herd meeting of sorts to announce that she was expecting another child. Culan was delighted to have another foal on the way. Things were good for many months leading up to the birth of their newest child, a son named Fell.




roleplay colors

Slategray and darkslateblue


Faint by Linkin Park, Polyamorous by Breaking Benjamin

creation number


