Víðarr "Boris"'s Comments

Hello! I can possibly do art for this character? I am lenient and willing to do multiple pieces, no matter what they are :) and I can ship if requested! https://toyhou.se/7772058.commission-info-wip-

I apologize for not seeing this, I am curious after looking through your art

do you only draw traditionally or also digitally? (Want to be sure)

I do have access to digital tools and would be willing to try it out, but generally I do traditional and can laminate or frame it to keep it tidy! I also take photographs or scan my art and clean it up a bit in case the lighting is off and all that jazz.

Ahhhh okay !!
I will accept your offer :>

1 piece is 100% okay with me, n if they'd be alright to draw? https://toyhou.se/11691098.eden#36554923

I usually like digital art, but its entirely up to you on how you'd want to draw them, I don't mind!

Ill put the design on hold 

If you don’t mind a small wait (at least two weeks) I can do a piece in traditional first, and maybe try something out in digital to see if you like it? Possibly make a sketch on paper and finish it digitally? I would be down to do whatever you would prefer :) 

Oh course!!

Take your time, there's no rush :>

7 Replies