Kowzo Xailaton



5 years, 3 months ago


Kowzo Xailaton
Male • 36 • Mizard • 


Birthday: Hotcoco 13th

Magic: Unknown

Height: 1'7 ( 51 cm )

About: An unusually short man who looks stunningly cute ( and he knows it ) and the vice-president of the Quest Counter located at the capital of Zangak, Gazel. Despite that, however, he always gets in trouble with other people for borrowing money and not returning it, or flirting with girls continuously, but in the end, he is simply very clumsy with others and doesn't really realize that some of the things he does are wrong. Aside from that, he is pretty smart and notices every little detail in a conversation, which makes him a great listener who can spot lies very easily. He works with his boss, General Shinda Haltrie, whom he unintentionally annoys quite a lot, and tries to find the true identity of the Head of Chatnoir Co. 

Is childhood friends with Iris Vaokan and Shinda, and prefers to stand on his tail rather than his feet. He also does magic shows part-time! 

Profile template by icecoldcoke