Persephone ❀



5 years, 4 months ago



"What's that word again? They call it life, oh yes-"

Name: Persephone
Gender: Female
Age: At least four to five centuries
Race: Flowering Fairest - Reigning Queen of Spring
Origin: Unknown, she prefers to not think about her life before
Height: 5'7"
Demeanor: Elegant
Design Notes

• Hair is a light maroon colour, and falls to around her upper-thighs in waves

Always has her hair covering her right eye - under her hair is a thorn-shaped scar that renders her right eye blind and has discoloured it to a deep red

Left eye is like a sunset - fading from a light orange to a bright pink

• Is covered in flowers, always has a variety growing in her hair as well as flower markings that grow and change along her skin.

• Has vine-like horns that twist and grow from the top of her head, that are usually covered in blooming flowers - she can manipulate and change her horns shape as she pleases

• Has a very curvy figure


The reigning Queen of the Spring Court in the Freehold of Milan, Italy (though the current seasonal ruler of the Freehold is Summer). Thought by many as the rightful and chosen queen, especially as she's a Flowring Fairest, she only came to her position through great struggle after she and her Motley attempted to escape their Keeper. It's was a long, bloody struggle that cost them one of their own, and Persephone's loss of her right eye, but they managed to escape despite greviously injured and mad from loss and pain.

Of course, this story is kept a secret, and instead both her Motley and herself simply do nothing to discourage the rumours that float around - the only true part is that her Motley have always been with her, and are now her dearest friends and advisors.

As for Persephone herself, she seems to embody a grand Queen of Spring - elegant, covered in blooming flowers and with a smile as bright and warm as the sun. It's rare to see her without a smile on her face, her voice always sweet and melodic as she mingles among her Court - every bit of a social butterfly as one expects a Queen of Spring to be. There doesn't seem to be a shy bone in her body, and it's not uncommon to see her flirt with those who catch her eye - able to make most all flustered with a flutter of her lashes and a gentle sway of her hips. And of course, her friendliness knows no bounds (though maybe a bit too friendly), and she always does her best to ensure that those within her Court, and especially those important to her, are happy and content. After all, what Queen of Spring would she be, if she didn't help fufill desires?

Of course, she's still a Queen. And as a Queen in a Court as fickle as Spring, where social status and reputation is what matters, she has little issue with being underhanded to keep her throne secure. Rivals and those seeking to upsure her find themselves at the centre of vile rumours, forced into situations that only tarnishes their reputation. And if anyone suspects Persephone, they know better than to point fingers. It doesn't help that she's hard to read, a smile always in place that can turn cold and sharp within a moment, especially when confronted with those that would endanger or try to suppres her subjects.

  • Buying new clothes
  • Scented candles
  • Flirting
  • "Dancing" (she means fighting, but this sounds nicer)
  • Making others happy
  • Nail art
  • Any kind of chocolate, especially orange chocolate
  • Meat
  • Strong perfumes
  • Shears/scissors
  • The Fae
  • The dark
  • Locusts
  • Very strong alcohol

✽. Came into power via overthrowing the last King, a puppet controlled by some of those higher in the social order. That group are still in the Court, and are her most well-known enemies.

✽. Is sometimes called 'Persie' by close friends.

✽. Carries a floral fan on her person at all times, the design varies, though all of them are enchanted to change into her halberd when needed.

✽. Really enjoys nail art, and doesn't hesitate to test out any new designs and techniques on anyone she can get her hands on.

✽. She's capable of proudcing sharp thorns if needed - usually through her skin or her vine-horns.

✽. The Spring Courts public front is the Galleria Vittorio, with most of the Spring Court acting as staff members within the stores. Discounts are given to those of both the Spring and Summer courts.

✽. Persephone is able to control and manipulate her hair as well, since it's basically like a plant too - it also means that she can feel sensations through it, which is why she's very against cutting it!


Summer King

[ Staunch Ally ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



[ Acquaintance ] INSERT WORDS HERE



[ Acquaintance ] INSERT WORDS HERE



[ Motley ] Gravewight Darkling, part of her Motley.



[ Motley ] Windwing Beast, part of her Motley.



[ Motley ] Waterborn Elemental, part of her Motley.



"Durance is a term used to describe the period of slavery that the changeling endured in Faerie at the mercy of their Keepers."

WARNING: Mentions of body horror and just general horror stuff, the True Fae are twisted af

Persephone's Keeper was one of many names - "Lord of 1010 Rusted Needles", "The Crooked One", and so on. The most well-known was "The Cultivator." The Cultivator was a long, pale figure - with limbs far too long and thin, with one of its many ghastly thin arms used to hold its mask in place. For it did not have a conventional face, but rather it would change masks on a whim, never allowing a glimpse of its true face. Though even its masks made little sense, twisted and contorted into shapes that made it hard to look straight at it - especially as the Fae always moved in strange motions. Walking along on many hands, rather than on two legs, its body always twitching and jerking in odd ways.

Under the watch of her Keeper, Persephone spent most of her time in it's greenhouse, surrounded by the sickly sweet scents of rotting flowers and carcasses, in sweltering heat - kept bound and chained in shallow soil, made to bloom whatever the Keeper wanted. At times, when she failed to bloom certain things in time, they would give her 'fertilizer' to help her - kept surrounded by corpses to act as compost, doused in the blood of other changelings, fed concoctions that made her skin burn. And then, during gatherings and parties, she would be made to look her finest before being placed on display - forced to bloom only the most beautiful flowers for these occasions.

And yet, when she was able to bloom as commanded, she was rewarded with brief glimpses of freedom - with boons showered upon her, with a chance to finally feel the sun on her skin. For so long, she had accepted this fate with a mindless obedience, before she came across another one of the changelings that lived in their Keepers realm - a Gravewright of pale hair, and even paler skin. That was the day she finally woke up.
