
8 years, 2 months ago


Character's name
Age 15
Pronouns She/her
Height 151 cm
Birthday July 26th
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Profile template by Circlejourney

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Most of the time, Lily is very carefree and open-minded. She dislike planning stuff ahead and always procrastinate! But when she gets in the mood to do something, she usually put a lot of effort in it. Her attitude varies between people. With close family relatives, she acts quite childish and naive, while with friends, Lily tries to act tough! If you have any personal problems, she would listen through it and try to cheer you up. Even if she doesn't always understand the complicated stuff. Lily is mostly a very positive person, she hopes that the world would be a more positive place for everyone

Lily has long, straight black hair at waist-length, Her hair is tied in to a small, ring-shaped bun with a ruby-colored clip on the right side of her head. Occasionally, she is seen without it. She sometimes show her bunny ears. Her eyes are a bright blue. Most of the time Lily wears an orange tank top with a cardigan, white sweater over. There are one light green stripe near the end of each sleeves. Her cardigan was depicted as her "second skin", as she is rarely seen without it. She also wears a dark blue colored skirt and brown shoes. At home, Lily likes to wear her favorite bunny slippers. She plays a Magical Girl game on her phone when she's bored. So that's why there's a Magical Girl design of her.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut molestie eros nec iaculis tristique. Integer malesuada scelerisque elit, nec viverra leo ultricies sed. Morbi eget vehicula dui, volutpat consectetur metus. Mauris non tincidunt sapien. Vestibulum metus nisl, facilisis eget sollicitudin elementum, accumsan nec sapien. Suspendisse porttitor nisi sit amet nibh vehicula ultrices.

Curabitur interdum diam justo. Nulla lacinia elementum enim, at molestie nisi accumsan eget. Fusce at sem viverra, volutpat mauris sit amet, imperdiet diam. Aenean metus ante, consequat eu enim ut, tristique placerat magna. Vestibulum nec tempus nibh.

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  • Likes: Homemade Sushi, Green, Comfy Clothes, Sleep, BL Manga, ORANGE JUICE
  • Dislikes: Corn, Crowded Place, Hot Weather
  • Quootes:"If it doesn't take too much energy, I'll do it!" (reading BL manga for the first time) "So they put 2 guys together? Interesting~" "Orange juice is the true source of my energy!"