


5 years, 5 months ago


(Link to FR here)

Geinkiin was the first hatchling to be born in the Tavern, and his vivacity was an immense relief to his parents, Kulaas and Vahlokdozii. They had been concerned for a long time that because of the ethereal nature of the Tavern, the usual magics and methods would not produce healthy offspring, but were beyond delighted the day he hatched.

From a very young age Kulaas doted on him constantly, worried growing up in the limbo between worlds would be dangerous, but Geinkiin positively thrived. He grew quickly and began exploring outside of the Tavern, eager to learn about the strange flora and fauna that roamed nearby. He developed a fondness for insects, reptiles, amphibians, and all things muddy - Kulaas often had to drag him out of mud puddles at the end of the day amidst protests of “just let me catch one more frog!”

When he was an adolescent, his parents finally allowed him to try to leave limbo. For a long time they were fearful he would not be able to “manifest” in the physical world because of his birth in limbo, but he was successfully able to leave and explore the world. He traveled to the farthest reaches of Sornieth to find the most unusual specimens, finally returning to the Tavern to study them.

By the time he returned, there were dozens of new guests taking refuge at the Tavern, and Geinkiin elected to stay and help his parents run the place. It did not take long for him to begin to regard the permanent residents as his extended family; for example, he thinks of Agvokun as his fiery sister, Morokei as his excitable brother, and Zegur as a close cousin and esteemed scientific colleague.

Though Geinkiin can often be found in the Sunbeam Ruins helping his good friend Sutok caretake Shi'Kahr's familiars, his newest project is curating a museum in the Tavern to display the countless specimens he and Miiraad have found in limbo. As they explore deeper and deeper into the dangerous expanse of limbo, they've encountered more and more volatile wild- and plantlife. Since neither of them are skilled warriors, they've enlisted the help of a guardian from Shi'Kahr, Sen. The three of them have just as much fun getting lost and spending time together as they do discovering new specimens.

If you were to ask anyone who had met Geinkiin to describe him, it is likely they would simply smile and say, "He really, truly, loves frogs."