


5 years, 3 months ago


— Museum employee. His main job is to take objects (esp. creative works) with supernatural properties out of the world and help get them behind glass, or on record. This, however, involves stealing.

— His job is often very tricky to get right because people don’t actually Like letting go of things that could reverse their fortunes, and honestly it’s not the most ethical job at times either. It is, however, also very difficult for regular humans to be exposed to the properties of these things and remain completely unscathed. For example, “possession”, where the owner’s entire identity begins to center itself around what they were using the item to achieve, is a common side effect. There’s generally just no telling what would happen in the long run or if intercession is the correct response—the museum assumes as such, because that’s what suits it.

— Reilles himself is not totally unaffected by the nature of his work and has become much more invested in his thief persona than he was at the beginning, though he has no anomalous capabilities.

— Sometimes called white tauhou after the bird.