Lyla Brangwyn



5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


biographies, volunteer work, computers, chewing gum


bullies, long hair, food crumbs, loud noises

Date of Birth

November 27, 441 PV

Place of Residence

Cross Town




Asexual (Aromantic)


5' 5" / 165 cm


129 lb / 59 kg

Eye Color


Hair Color


Dog Ears/Tail Color

Brown (her tail's tip is white)


"Watch out for snakes!"


(By now, you've likely guessed that Lyla Brangwyn is Alyce's daughter.  You probably also guessed that her father is Greg "Grizz" Lee.  But we'll pretend that's some kinda spoiler, sure.'s a secret to everybody!)

As a child of rather influential historical figures, maybe it was inevitable that Lyla would become so fascinated by them and their stories.  Or maybe, between her autism and having more bullies than friends in school, growing up to become a biographer was just the easiest way for her to get to know the people around her.  Either way, Lyla's always been an avid reader, and opening a library of her very own goes back to elementary school.  Not only can she curate the area's largest library (even larger than the one in River City!), it also gives her a place to keep all those stories she writes down.

But of course, those who dislike her parents (or animalfolk in general) see her as a target.  Even without the stories she finds, she's no stranger to danger and violence.  Due to her personality and demeanor, she and her library are also seen as a bit of an easy mark by burglars and such.  It's not long before her father teaches her a few self-defense pointers, mostly revolving around the lead pipe she keeps under the front desk.  She's not afraid to take a baseball swing at someone if she has to, but she'd absolutely prefer not to.  She sees herself as a historian and an educator; she believes that peaceful solutions and education are key to making society better.  To that end, Lyla also makes frequent excursions into the post-post-apocalyptic world, venturing into still-abandoned ruins and braving the mutant animals that live there, just to gather pre-apocalyptic artifacts.  In particular, she has an eye out for their books, and even more so for their movies.


More than anything, Lyla is a timid young woman, and she always has been.  She makes very few friends throughout school, preferring the company of her books.  That's not to say she's cold, distant, or uninterested in people, though she may appear that way to casual observers.  She simply focuses intently on whatever task she's set before herself, usually some sort of document restoration, and finds it difficult to switch gears to shoot the breeze for a bit in the middle of such a thing.  Any friends she makes, she usually makes through her biography writing, but when she does, her kindness and consideration come on full display.  Of course, this barely matches the Lyla that her closest friends know and love.  Deep down, she's a silly and positive woman who loves wearing layers of baggy clothes and hosting pre-apocalyptic movie marathons.

The research and attention to detail she puts into getting to know someone culminate in the interviewing room of her library.  There, she takes a page from her mother's book by preparing the space the way her interviewee likes it, complete with their favorite snacks and a variety of teas.  The room and its food and drink aren't just for the subjects of her books; she accepts walk-ins from the homeless, and even invites robbers and vandals to try stepping into the room for a sit-down.  Sometimes she has to step in that room by herself, though...that's usually when she's suffering an anxiety attack and just needs to shut herself in a quiet room for awhile.  Overall, Lyla does her best to make things better for anyone she can, in any way she can.