Nellie Sixteenbit



8 years, 1 month ago



Name: Nellie Sixteenbit
BIRTHDAY: May 23rd (Gemini)
Age: 21
Gender: Cis female (she/her)
Origin: New York, USA
Race: White, Human
Alignment: NG
Likes: Cartoons, reading, cats
Dislikes: Studying, sweating, fancy food

Nellie is... Uninspired, to put it lightly. Most people around her simply call her lazy and without passion, and the especially honest call her a failure. She supposes she's... Sort of comfortable with that, she just laughs it off and piles it onto her already shaky sense of identity. In a cartoon, she'd be the funny, lazy character who stays inside all day to play games, and maybe she's proud of that! Or... Maybe in reality, she's deeply depressed, full of anxiety, and a lot of other problems that have never been treated. Life is so painfully unfair, so what's the point in trying...? In crossing over dimensions to the World Beyond the Lake, she finally discovers herself - and a number of painful secrets she forgot in order to leave her childhood behind.



Nellie is generally funny and light-hearted on the surface, always adored by her friends for being the life of every party - and by every party, I mean every friend gathering where everybody hangs out and plays games or watches cartoons in somebody's room. Growing up, her teachers always loved her too, appreciating her wit and mature spirit where her classmates rarely did. She seems to take life very easy, not worrying too much about careers or college, or anything like that - she seems hesitant to really and truly grow up.

You begin to realize the depth of her heart, though, when you realize just how many of her jokes are designed to hurt and insult herself. Being told half your life how lazy and disappointing you are and only having fictional characters from cartoons and comic books to form your identity off of will do that to you. Truthfully, Nellie is very intelligent and brave, but those sides of her have withered and decayed ever since a traumatic incident from her childhood that she's forgotten.

Even deeper inside her is... A passionate yearning for adventure beyond her doorstep, beyond the daily routine, beyond the misery - not to mention a side of her that yearns for fairness and justice in the world, sympathizing deeply with those who struggle or are underprivileged.



Skill One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.

Skill Two

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.

Skill Three

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.

Skill Four

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod.


[TRIGGER WARNING: Parent death, car accidents, murder, abuse, repressed memories]

What Nellie has forgotten, is that her mother died in a car accident - an accident Nellie was present for, having miraculously gotten out of alive with no permanent issues but a weak knee. Nellie watched her own mother slip away from this world right before her eyes, bloody and twisted, and while she doesn't feel responsible, it haunts her. It was something no child should have ever had to see, of course.

She knows her mother is dead, of course! She just doesn't remember why or how it happened, and doesn't really care to know. She likes hearing stories from her dad about what her mom was like, but... She just does not want to know anything beyond that, or why she's scared of being in a car that's speeding or doing anything mildly illegal or dangerous.

What she's repressed even more strongly is the fact that her father, in a drunken rage, murdered her older sister, Hailey. She doesn't even remember having an older sister - which of course makes meeting her in the World Beyond the Lake an extra surprise, as she's the age she was when she died, making her now younger than Nellie.

Nellie doesn't remember why her dad is so hesitant to leave the house and why there's a gravestone in the backyard... Gotta be some pet she forgot having as a little kid, right? Besides, it's normal to not really wanna leave your house too much... She doesn't leave her apartment much either.

Overall, she gets along really well with her dad. They've been best friends ever since she was little... But she doesn't remember the demon inside him very much. She doesn't remember that time he slapped her so hard that her glasses broke. She doesn't remember the screaming matches full of threats and curses between him and Hailey, who was just trying to talk some sense into her dad for both her sake and her little sister's sake.

Living in an apartment funded by her dad, Nellie is unemployed, but she's currently attending a community college - also funded by Dad. She's not quite certain what she wants to do yet - everything seems so hopeless and boring, she wishes she could just make a living making games or something, but she's never even dipped her toes into the waters of game development... That's a lot of work, actually - is she even sure she'd like creative stuff like that? She feels like she isn't very good at anything, is the point.

OF course, she's actually pretty good at coming up with creative ideas, she's good at cooking, and she would probably enjoy a job as a tester for game developers. But it's hard for her to see that in her rut of depression.




Best Friends, Love Interests

Nellie and Maribelle become unlikely "biffles" in their investigation of the World Beyond the Lake, and in trying to figure out exactly where that mysterious, mischievous man went! Being very much opposites in many ways, they bring out the best in each other, but can be prone to disagreements - that they get better at solving the more they get to know each other and grow as people. Maribelle has feelings for Nellie , but Nellie doesn't realize it at first... Wouldn't they make sense as a couple, though?




Where DID that man go, anyway? He's like something out of a cartoon, making such cool little inventions and committing harmless petty crime while laughing like that! The last time Nellie saw him was when he disappeared into that lake in the forest... Nellie is, believe it or not, worried about the petty villain of the funny little cartoon of her life.



Friends, Love Interests?

Annabelle is a little stuffy and trapped inside his own shell, but Nellie inspires him to be a little more fun and easygoing, usually without even trying - she always seems able to make him smile! They confide in each other a lot, and relate to each other as "leaders" of the group who don't feel entirely ready for all their responsibility, but step up to take care of business anyway... Annabelle has a lot of feelings and desires about Nellie that she seems oblivious to, and he feels sort of guilty and ashamed of them. Unnecessarily, mind you!







Enemies to Friends




Sisters?, Friends

Hailey is a funny, nice kid, and Nellie really sees herself in Hailey... Really... Really sees herself in Hailey. Why do they look so alike? The revelation that they have the same last name is an even bigger shock. Nellie doesn't remember having a little sister, what's this all about...?



Unpleasant Acquaintances

... Why does he look so much like Nellie's dad? Why does he share Nellie's dad's name? Nellie's dad isn't some asshole drunk!!!



Enemies to Friends, Friends With Benefits

Nellie first meets the ruler of the Kingdom in Clearing when he is in a depressive haze, frustrated with the actions of his colleagues but helpless to stop them. The next time they meet, he has tapped into a power too great and terrible for even him, and it turns him into a manic, impulsive mess that could wreak some serious havoc on the world! Nellie and the gang of course brought him back down to his senses, but the experience taught her a lot about Czecile and why he is the way he is. It also taught her he has a really cute laugh, and is very attractive when he's feeling confident.



Friends to Enemies?


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