Tony Starkster



8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Tony Tömörbaatar Starkster

Name Meaning:

Tony - English form of the Roman family name Antonius | Tömörbaatar - "iron hero" in Mongolian | Starkster - from a nickname meaning "strong, brave"


Atar[prefered], Shellhead[Cap only], Stank[Cap only]


wears the armor to make his girlfriend, Cap, happy; doesn't mind it, but could do without it too | often gets dragged along on her adventures to the MCU though he would greatly prefer to stay at home in his library | aspiring author | knows how to solder and weld, built the armor himself | bit of a cheap-skate, won't pay for something unless he has to; even then, it must be the. best. deal. | loves to read all sorts of things, but mysteries are his favorite | he got into a nasty accident which resulted in the shattering of his rib cage and sternum; in order to keep the bone shards from piercing his lungs and internal organs, they surgically implanted something to keep it all suspended, theoretically, while it heals. But it was a highly experimental surgery, so it has some nasty side-effects; such as glitches and small shocks, these side-effects actually prevent the bones from actually healing, so he's stuck with it now | Cap talked him into dressing it up like the arc reactor from the MCU