


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


June 18th (2014)




Demon fish-cat (formerly a normal cat)


Reading | A friendly chat | Learning stuff | Good questions | Humid places | Alcoholic Beverages


Sushi | Sharp Objects| Rude students | Lazy students | Dry places



  • Markings are approximate, no need to get them exact.
    • Same with colors!
  • Feel free to draw to play around with Oki's design! He may be drawn as cat or fish-like as wanted. I love seeing different interpretations and stylizations!
    • I do request that if Oki is drawn as a normal cat, he should be a kitten/teen.
      • If drawing him as a kitten, do note that his nose and pawpads are pink.

 "Ah, and you guys may be wondering about  my... odd appearance. Well, it's a, uh, long story and it'd take me the whole class time to tell it. Also you guys are spending money to learn, not to hear an old fish tell his life story. "

- Oki, to his students.


A cat-turned-demon who teaches magic and history at a university.

WIP, but here's a basic outline of his backstory. One day I'll rewrite it into non-bullet points:
  • Was originally a cat who had a fear of water and couldn't swim.
    • Had nearly drowned a few times when he was a kitten.
  • Saw a family member (haven't decided who yet) drown during a flood.
    • Always blamed self for what happened, as he thought he would've been able to save them if he could just swim.
  • Vowed to become a master over water so it wouldn't happen again.
  • One day stumbled upon an odd looking object while taking a stroll.
    • He rubbed dirt off of it and it turned out to be a genie's lamp.
      • An adventurer had dropped the item moments earlier while being pursued by people who wanted it.
    • Genie granted a wish out of gratitude for release.
      • Oki: "I wish... to be a master of water magic."
      • Genie: "Hm, interesting wish! To be a master of water means to be  one with water... your wish is granted. It will take a while for it to  fully come into effect. Now, I bid thee farewell!"
  • Oki immediately found himself able to quickly swim and dive without  needing air. He was also now able to manipulate water with ease and turn  it into ice.
    • He didn't have complete mastery at first. He now had the innate talent, but needed to perfect his skills.
  • As time went by, however, he found himself slowly changing into a more fishy form.
    • Oki was terrified and wondered why it was happening... until he remembered the words the genie had said to him.
      • "To be a master of water means to be one with water"
    • He eventually just accepted his transformation as the price he paid to gain his powers.
  • Due to his mastery of water magic, he eventually landed himself a job as a teacher.


AGE: Old
WISH GRANTED: August 7th (2016)
HEIGHT: ??? 
WEIGHT: ??? 
OCCUPATION: University Professor



  • While he specializes in water/ice, he is also quite adept at other types of magic.
    • Since mastering water magic, Oki wanted to pursue the other elements to sate his thirst for knowledge.
    • It's also just very useful to know other types of magic. Makes life easier.
  • As the world Oki lives in is infested with (aggressive) demons and  monsters, it's not odd for his university to teach magic for more  combative/self-defense reasons. There is more of an emphasis on using  magic for more quality-of-life reasons, however.
  • The classes he teaches are:
    • Basic Magic 101, 102
      • Students are taught the basics of the four elements and healing  magic, along with general techniques for magic control. Has more of a  focus on magic for use in everyday life, such as learning to boil/freeze  water, control small fires, and healing small cuts. 101 is for complete  magic beginners while 102 is for those who already have a basic grasp  on it. It is recommended to take 101 instead of skipping to 102,  however.
    • Advanced Water Magic 211
      • A magic course focused entirely on water magic and its sub  category, ice. Students are taught more advanced water manipulation  techniques, such as creating air bubbles and moving large amounts of  water around.
    • History of Magic 101
      • Covers the general discovery/development of magic and how it has shaped the world.
  • Even though he's smaller than most of his students and has a  somewhat "harmless" appearance, everyone fears him due to rumors of him  possessing the ability to easily drown the whole school in a tsunami.
    • He's also known to punish bad students with a cold blast of water to their face.
  • Fish!Oki generally moves around via flying through the air in a pool  of water he conjures around him. When staying in place, he sets up a  ball of water around himself.
    • Oki just walked around like a cat when his backlegs were still actual legs and hadn't turned into fins.
  • Students sometimes endearingly call him Prof. Catfish or Prof. Fishface.
  • Can stay out of water for about an hour before he begins to suffocate.
  • Gets a tad annoyed whenever students and faculty say stuff like  "Okey dokey, Mister Oki!". It was funny the first few times, now it's  annoying.
  • Oki was born as an otherwise normal male cat (well, normal for the  world he lives in). But as he began to transform he ended up losing his  reproductive organs in the process and is technically sexless now. He  still identifies as male, however.
    • Since Oki was always sort of on the asexual/aromantic side this development barely bothered him.
  • An alcohol aficionado. Keeps a whole cabinet packed full of various  bottles of the stuff. Loves picking up new drinks to try out.
    • Drinkin' buddies with Beck.
  • As a kitten, Oki had a pink nose. As he got older though, it became black.
    • This is due to the lentigo simplex
    • Oki's cat nose disappeared once he was further into his fish  transformation though. He ends up with a fish nose (aka two nostrils).


  • I created his design when I was  challenging myself to create a unique fish x cat hybrid (as it's a very  popular hybrid people do)
    • Colors and markings were inspired by clownfish and koi.
  • The decision to make him a professor was just a random idea that ended up sticking.
  • The idea to make him a cat who became a fish actually came from this pic (drawn by louijana).  I just loved how more cat-like he looked in it and it made me want to  give him an alt form that was more cat than fish. And so I came up with  the idea of him originally being a cat who slowly began to transform  into a fish. I also think this gives artists a bit more freedom of  interpretation with his design, as he can be drawn as cat/fish like as  wanted.
  • Oki gets his name from the term "Okizeme"
    • "Okizeme (起き攻め) is a term used in fighting games which refers to pressuring the  opponent while they are getting up after being knocked down. Depending  on the game, there are various possible options a player can make after  being knocked down."
      • Most people shorten okizeme to just "oki".
    • I play a lot of Guilty Gear (a fighting game) and thought it'd be cool to name a character after a term from the genre. 
    • It wasn't until like 5 months later did I realize that Oki is also an anagram of koi, which is the fish he's partly based on. I hate how it took me so long to realize this lol.
  • His birthday (June 18th), just happens to be the same day as international sushi day.