


5 years, 3 months ago



Name Ceratius | Rising-Waves
Gender Nonbinary
Age 30
Pronouns They/he
Birthday 12th Sun's Dusk, 3E 397
Sexuality Asexual biromantic
Race Argonian
Role Nerevarine | Redoran Archmaster
Sign The Atronach
Theme In The Woods Somewhere - Hozier

Born in Black Marsh, Ceratius was abandoned by their family and the Hist for possessing Nerevar's soul and taken to Morrowind, where they were sold into slavery to House Dres. Plagued by increasingly strange and prophetic dreams and nightmares their entire life, Ceratius escaped captivity with the help of the Twin Lamps and became one of their agents, but that didn't stop the dreams. After they were arrested during a mission in Cyrodiil, they were shipped to Vvardenfell, where they began to unravel their past as Nerevar and their connection to the gods who betrayed them.


  • Rain
  • Ash storms
  • Swimming
  • Seafood


  • Tombs
  • Undead
  • Cliff racers
  • Cold weather



Ceratius' soul is the one that belongs to Nerevar, and while this has naturally shifted them into matching Nerevar's personality as a result -- transfering a Chimer warlord's soul into an Argonian body instead of one from the Hist is a messy process that left a lot of fragments -- it's of course been heavily modified by their lived experiences. It largely manifests in them remembering things they don't understand remembering, deja vu, and constant dreams, nightmares, and hallucinations -- if not from Dagoth Ur, then from their soul remembering Morrowind even if they don't.

With no tie to the Hist and having been raised outside of Black Marsh, Ceratius is effectively a lukiul. Though they do have enough experience being around other Argonians that they understand the minute facial expressions & quirks fairly well, they'll never be as good as someone with the proper connection to the Hist. This generally doesn't bother them, since although their situation is...unique...many of the Argonians they grew up with struggled with it as well, being so disconnected from their homeland.

Though Ceratius prefers to stay out of the center of attention, coming across as brisk and cold, they're very opinionated. It just goes well-hidden behind their surprisingly silver tongue and the knowledge that they can't indulge every one of their temptations. They are always more aggressive one on one than with others around, and they have vicious tendencies towards those they consider personal enemies -- slavers, the Camonna Tong, House Dres, preferring brutal solutions if they can get away with them.

A deeply pragmatic person who believes that the ends justify the means and that anyone thinking otherwise is naive, Ceratius is also predisposed to believe the worst of everyone. They tend to be overconfident in their abilities, cautious only until they decide they're capable of handling a situation, and controlling to a fault despite their proclivity for coming up with workable ideas. Part of the problem lies with their preference for just assuming people know what they're talking about rather than communicating or teaching, and they frequently run into misunderstandings caused by their refusal to sit down and explain.

Ceratius is a perfectionist to the point that it's hard for them to get anything done. They often need to step away from their work to stop focusing on flaws, very critical of themselves and with a single-minded focus on their goals. They're not one to take the easy way out if the harder route looks better in the long run.

playlist | pinboard


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  • Speaks Jel & Dunmeri, they are picking up Cyrodiilic.
  • They have a tame guar named Masu they use to carry their extra supplies. They bonded with her soon after arriving in Vvardenfell.



NAME [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Julan Kaushibael [ friend ]

An Ahemmusa Ashlander Ceratius met on their pilgrimage to Ghostgate. For a long while, they didn't get along well -- Ceratius saw him as naive and intensely frustrating at first, and most of their conversations devolved into some sort of argument. By virtue of mutual stubborn bull-headedness both of them refused to be the first one to throw down the towel and walk out, and through the course of the Blight they grew to like each other. They still argue, but in a...friendly way. Most of the time.


NAME [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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