


5 years, 3 months ago



Name Orion
Age Appears 26
Build Medium
Species Awoken
Gender Male
Oreint. [info]
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Scientist/Scribe
Creator Me
Class Warlock
Design Notes

  • Black hair, light blue skin, orange eyes with glow
  • Markings on cheeks match the orange of his eyes
  • Generally wears long robes with darker tones
  • Scarves? Sashes? Cloth around the neck? Yes

Orion is a peaceful, quiet and gentle soul. He's a lawful good, a voice of reason, and the mom friend of his group. If any of his chaotic friends are getting into trouble, he's usually the one to have to clean up the mess and scold them later. He's extremely patient, very rarely gets angry, and is a pacifist at heart. Although he's a guardian, he prefers to use his skills toward being a healer, as opposed to being the one shooting on the front line. He's a curious soul with a thirst for knowledge, spending much of his free time on researching things about the new world. Huge nerd.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis mauris vel nisi tempus mollis sit amet in sapien. Vivamus vitae egestas elit, congue dapibus ex. Nam id elit sed enim feugiat consequat. Proin sit amet accumsan mi. Vestibulum scelerisque, orci a volutpat malesuada, nisl turpis blandit neque, in volutpat enim lacus sit amet leo. Donec convallis iaculis risus in volutpat. Aliquam id metus mi. Nulla purus diam, laoreet convallis sollicitudin pharetra, vestibulum in nisl. Nunc ut turpis massa. Aenean tellus sapien, rutrum eget pharetra at, vestibulum nec sapien. Nulla varius massa non consequat vulputate.


  • Orion was deaf at birth, and remained deaf after he was revived by his ghost.
  • He gets along well with other warlock scholars and often studies with them, such as Asher Mir and Master Rahool.
  • Rahool once gave him an ancient Earth artifact as a gift: A camera. His room is now covered with pictures of him and his friends.
  • Because of his huge focus on his studies and close ties with Asher, it's possible he's on the path of becoming one of the Gensym Scribes.
  • Orion has chosen Dead Orbit as his faction.

The Golden Age : Originally Orion was from a small family on Earth. He was an only child, and lived in a small town. Though he enjoyed being in a small and quiet area, he had a thirst for wisdom that he was never going to find at home. When he was old enough, he decided to go to Venus to study at the Ishtar Academy, upon hearing that it was filled with the brightest minds of the Golden Age. He had no particular study in mind when he arrived, and ended up having scattered focuses for quiet some time. For this time he had no strong bonds with any particular people, but often spoke with other scholars that passed by the Academy.

Collapse : When the collapse came, Orion attempted to flee from Venus. He ended up being part of the group that fled to the deep black, and became one of the first awoken. Not too long after fleeing, Orion decided to turn his ship toward Earth to attempt to find his parents and see if they had survived. When he arrived, he never made it to his old house. Instead, he died in the midst of the wars on Earth.

Dark Ages : Orion was blessed with light and revived as a guardian on the Cosmodrome. He ended up at the tower, where he learned more about what it meant to be a guardian. Ultimately, Orion wasn't interested in joining the fight because of his pacifist nature, and because he was worried being deaf would make him not a valuable asset for any fireteam. Instead, he befriended Master Rahool and ended up creating a little station near the Cryptarch. Orion decided he would use his time focusing on the powers guardians had, looking for new ways to utilize the energies.

During this time, a titan named Faulkner noticed Orion and tried talking to him. Orion, being used to being dismissed by others and preferring to keep to himself, ignored him at first. Even though he was able to read lips, he pretended that he wasn't able to talk to Faulkner because of him being deaf. Rahool informed Faulkner that Orion was deaf, thinking Faulkner would simply leave him be and not come back, but he was determined. Slowly, Faulkner took the time to learn sign language, and continued coming to the tower to try and befriend Orion. This was a gesture that Orion wasn't used to, and after enough time, he ended up warming up to Faulkner.

When they became friends, Faulkner adopted Orion onto his existing fireteam. They adapted to him by creating hand gesture callouts, and taught Orion how to fight on the field. Even though they finally convinced Orion to come with them on their adventures, he still preferred the pacifist way of doing things and usually acted as a healer for the team. After being accepted by a group of people who cared about him, Orion's personality changed a bit. Instead of being closed off and mistrusting, he opened up more and became and easygoing, happy person.

Orion and Faulkner eventually became an inseparable couple, and the fireteam was like family to him. In a group full of chaos and many bad choices, Orion became something of a mom friend to the group, often acting as the responsible one of the group and helping dig them out of bad situations they got themselves into.

Though he became a member of an active fireteam, Orion still spent much of his time studying different aspects of the world. He became close friends with other scholars such as Asher Mir, and ended up considering himself one of the Gensym Scribes.


  • His Fireteam
  • Studying and Researching
  • Sightseeing on his adventures
  • Taking photos of him and his friends

  • High stress situations
  • Battling on the field
  • Being disturbed while working
  • Crowded areas

Faulkner | Boyfriend/Husband

Though opposites in personality, these two somehow ended up being an inseparable couple that adore each other. They act as foils to each other, which ends up creating a dynamic where they balance each other out. Faulkner is Orions best friend, and is the only person that Orion feels he can be completely open with.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.