


5 years, 8 months ago


Cinder Mira Gasai
Race / Species
Nekomimi + ¾ English, ¼ Asian


Self-Reliant • Adaptable • Confrontational • Quick-Witted

Cinder is what one would call a very quick-tempered and restless person; she likes to get things done in a timely manner. When it comes to honesty she can be quite cunning; she's hard to get to know and is quite secretive about even the smallest things. She has a short fuse and anger issues which usually lead to others struggling to get along with her.

Despite her usual aggressive nature, she has a soft spot for humor and she grows fond of individuals she meets who can repetitively make her laugh. When caught in the right atmosphere, she can be found cracking jokes and trying to make others laugh. She has a fierce love for physical fights and will regularly seek them out. Though, to no surprise, this leads to Cinder more often than not being battered and bruised herself... (you should see the other guy).


  • Physical Fights
  • Chocolate
  • Being out at night
  • Adrenaline
  • Pain
  • Warm Colors


  • Demands
  • Making Promises
  • Opening up about her life
  • Two faced people
  • Getting Flustered
  • Open emotions
"Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it."


Cinder was born in Cambridge, England. She lived there for most of her young childhood, later running away in her early teen years with her twin sister Ginger to a place called Fiore in London; where she stayed for several years before moving off to Chigaco in America. She stayed in Chicago, now residing in her own townhome. She was born into a somewhat big family with 3 sisters. She lost her dad at a young age and ran away when she was 14 after losing her youngest sister to a long battled illness.

After losing her youngest sister, Cinder’s already unstable homelife undeniably began to grow worse. Out of her inability to cope with the life she was in, she packed up her things and left her childhood home. Her twin sister, not wanting to say goodbye, impulsively went with her and the two of them settled in Fiore London after meeting a group of people much like themselves. This group of people had built a sort of community for orphans and runaways alike, to build a family of choice. Cinder and her sister both lived with this group for 6 years, but Cinder quickly grew colder from her messy experiences with people she trusted. Growing bitter throughout the years, she found relief from physical and adrenaline inducing situations. She picked up street fighting and after years of anger and grudges, she eventually said goodbye to Fiore. She left in search of healing herself and becoming a better person. Although Cinder still participates regularly in fights, she does it more out of passion and less out of rage.


• [5'9] Has a tall, slender figure and slim legs. Always wears a giant bell around her neck.

• Her hair is a creamy white color, hair is naturally wavy/poofy.

• Hair usually seen pulled in a half up-half down look with two ponytails and bangs framing her face.

• Her tail is longer than her legs.

• Littered with bandaids; Faded self inflicted cuts on her thighs (the scars are optional!!)

• Ears are usually relaxed/droopy.

• Has a bunch of scattered, faded wounds on her arms and legs from fights in the past.


• Hates nicknames.

• She's good at being persuasive.

• She'll usually be seen with recent cuts and bruises from how often she gets into ... tussles with other people.

• Has an "XOXO" tattoo inbetween her shoulder blades.

• Enjoys over-sized/baggy clothing.

• Pinterest Board:

Current Relationships


Ginger Gasai

Ginger is Cinder's twin sister, and the only family member she has stayed in touch with throughout the years. Ginger is a lot different compared to her sister, she's open, spunky, and loud. She can become the center of attention in a room without much effort.


Lucy Matsuoka

Lucy and Cinder surprisingly got a long pretty well during their first encounter. Cinder would regularly attend the bar that Lucy worked at and this led to an unlikely friendship.



The most unlikely of friendships from those in Cinder's current life, she has a soft spot for Alana and finds it nearly impossible to be negative towards her.



Cinder's boyfriend. One of the only people she seems to be able to open up to and be close with... no matter how begrudgingly...

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