


Basic Info



Name Meaning

Desdemona - A Greek name meaning "Ill-fated One" and also the name of a character from the Shakespearean play Othello


Unknown (Appears to be "untouched by time"; 20-25 years old)





Gemstone Decoration Crest



Nature and War

Personality Highlights

Manipulative | Mischievous | Conniving | Scheming | Unpredictable | Sly | Spontaneous | Selfish | Devious | Vindictive | Sassy | Arrogant | Elusive | Narcissistic | Resentful | Bitter | Petty | Methodical


Neutral Evil


Deity of the Agriculture/Pestilence (Associated with Nature/War)


[Coming Soon]


Elka's arch nemesis, Cypr'E's false security, Syoro's and Ninth's "friend", and Parthraxus' benefactor


[Coming Soon]


[Coming Soon]

Acquired Through



"The weak shall be crushed out by the strong..."

The world of Lalaika is known for it's large islands that float in the sky. On those islands is where humans call home while down below the rest of the world is plagued with a deadly poisonous gas and hostile plant life along with vicious beasts that threaten their very lives. In an effort to preserve balance and prevent the extinction of mankind the czylphs of Lalaika who act as the demi-deities of the planet decided to send large masses of land skyward. There was also an effort to petition the remaining docile trees to become homes for any who remained off the land that was not sent to the skies. Those creatures that could adapt to the poison in the air remained below while those that could not were launched into the clouds or moved to live among the tops and inside hollowed trunks of the massive and non-hostile trees that were made to serve as cities. The czylphs also remained below to try and reverse the Ruin and heal Lalaika to it's former self. However, this endeavor did not last and the czylphs began to split on ideals. Half believing it was better to keep the humans enslaved and forever reliant on their power, while the other half remained steadfast to their beliefs. This caused the formation of anti-czylph factions among the humans due to their realization of being used by their so-called deities...

Desdemona was born into the same czylph society that Elka belonged to which were known for their unusual traditions of combat among the males. Women in the society kept their hair cut short and did not participate in combat while the men kept their hair long and would fight one another for positions of power in the defense of their society. It was tradition for the loser of these fights to cut his hair and keep it short, joining the ranks among the women who kept the inner society flourishing with commerce and trade as well as tending to... pretty much everything outside of the defense of their people. The women held the power in this society and only the men who won their fights were seen as equals while those who did not were considered lesser, though not mistreated.

Regardless, the shame of having lost his trial left a mark on Desdemona's ego and he became very bitter about being seen as weak and treated as a lesser male in their society. As the years passed by and despite holding a critical role of tending over the farmers of their society, Desdemona finally snapped under his bottled and fermenting storm of emotions when a guard was unable to hold his tongue after bumping into the smaller czylph in the streets. "You should learn respect for those who will carry on our great society! The weak shall be crushed out by the strong!" Those words burned into every fiber of his being. In his rage he swore an oath to seek out vengeance against those that looked down on him, but he kept his mark of humiliation by keeping his hair cut short as a reminder of his hatred that he had to bear each day after the trial.

While Elka was doing her research for the causes behind the Ruin, Desdemona was making connections with the source and taking some level of command for the deadly Plague Wyrms. He took advantage of the lonely melwyrm and the sprite who had ties with the sentient plant life that now ruled The Abyss. He even went as far as becoming the benefactor of an outsider that originated from the world of Estaol and had cross world links that he could exploit for his own uses. While he has yet to make a move just yet, the scheming czylph has allowed much of his hatred to stew as he further develops his plans and biding his time for the right moment to plunge those who wronged him into a Hell far worse than The Abyss...




