Beeble's Comments

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Thank you so much! ^^


congrats man!! if ur cham is ever looking for a friendship/relationship, I have a ton of chimmies who are free  for interractions :3c

YEAH!! My dear sister traded me this adorable cham and I'm so exited to draw them more ;;;w;;;

Ooh I'd love to draw our chams interacting :O
(I've been secrectly stalking your chimereon designs and they're so gorgeous!!)

Aww that's really nice of her! I do see her occasionally on the server :>

AND SAME, i'd love to draw them interracting too :D
(and thank you so much, i love them so much<3)
Tell me a lil about Beeble, I'd love to hear abt them n see with which cham they'd fit best !

I haven't really created that much story for Beeble yet,
but right now I see them as a happy but sleepy little cham who likes to grow vegetables ^^

And they sometimes get into wacky situations due to falling asleep at random places :'D

OOOO somethin tells me they might do well with Dandy here! He also takes care of plants to some degree/loves gardening :>

Maybe also teeny Ushi, that is somewhat interested in plants, but gets angry/upset easily. Or Spice

Ahh I'd love to draw any one of them!
Dandy especially seems like such a kindhearted fella ;v;

(also I absolutely adore Ushi's design, it's such eye candy <3<3)

1 Replies

Omg??? I love them??? They are so gorge! 😍