Sunny Spell



5 years, 4 months ago



Name Sunny Spell                                   
Residence Ponyville                            
Build   Short, stocky                                  
Gender   Female                                        
Special talent                  TBd
Nicknames     Sunflower                                    
Occupation                 School-filly                            
Parents Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sunburst      

  • When not attending school or playing dress up with her long-suffering best friend and honorary brother, Spark, Sunny can be found terrorizing helping out all the ponies in Ponyville, whether they want it or not
  • Lives in the Castle of Friendship with her parents, Spark, and Spike but has a tendency to overstay her welcome at everyone else's home as well
  • If lost, check every nearby home and ask if they've seen a filly looking to cheer someone up.  If that doesn't work then follow the sound of Spark fretting
  • Has so many volunteer obligations that she's barely home anymore.  Which one does she have today?  Nobody knows - including her!

Sunny Spell and her honorary brother, Spark, are two halves of a whole idiot who collectively have 1 brain cell between them.  Sunny, it seems, spends her time with it devising new brilliant, terrifying ways to 'help' all of the ponies of Ponyville.  From [plan 1] to [plan 2] Sunny has had no shortage of phone calls home from nearby businesses (and one or two from the local fire department) begging Twilight and Sunburst to explain to their daughter that not everyone needs help all the time.  So far, no such luck.

Unlike her parents, who both spent the better half of their years stumbling through life on blind luck and awkwardness so bad that somepony out there must of taken pity on them, Sunny Spell is perfectly enthusiastic, charismatic, socially adjusted, empathetic, quite the looker, just a chip off the old block—

Or, well, that's what she believes.  In reality, Sunny Spell is fueled by a bottomless pit of manic energy to rival even Pinkie Pie's and funnels 100% of this energy, at all times, towards devising convoluted schemes and contraptions to 'fix' various problems around town.  All of these problems exist solely within her head, of course, but she does truly mean well.

Somehow she's managed to survive this long without blowing someone (or herself) up, but the honor of that fact most likely goes to her right hand man and honorary brother for life, Spark, who spends his turn with the brain cell quite literally catching Sunny whenever she falls out of the sky.  Spark recognizes that Sunny is indeed an incredibly brilliant and kind pony at heart, but has trouble expressing these qualities around the endless energy stored somewhere inside of that little body of hers.

With such a loyal friend by her side there's no telling what she'll come up with next, which is why the town is on alert at all times.  Sunny's countless abundance of talents include, but are not limited to: laughing just a little too loud to be casual, giving her parents frequent heart attacks, hazarding, trying a saint's patience, endangerment, jeopardizing, and stamp collecting.

  • Sunny refused to cut her hair as a foal for unknown reasons.  As a result, her hair was almost down to her hooves until the day she tripped on it and fell down a flight of stairs.  She was "fine, mom, for Celestia's sake!" but Sunburst and Twilight quickly put an end to her shaggy ways.  These days Sunny often puts her hair up in a bun so her parents can't tell how long it's gotten.  She always gets caught.
  • Fortunately (or unfortunately, for those that have to deal with them) Spike and Sunny were born only a few days apart, much to the utter 'joy' of their parents, who now had two screaming children to care for.  The two did, and still do, everything together.  When they were young they would put on nightly fashion shows of clothes they found in their parent's closets, giggling the entire time.
  • Sunny is a true believer in always seeing the bright side, and tries to get others to see this too, no matter how much they might fight against it.  Most ponies tend to call it her 'aggressive optimism'.  Sunny has yet to learn that the world can indeed be a cruel, cold place to live where sometimes (just sometimes) there isn't a 'right' way to do something.  She'll learn soon enough.
  • It took eight years and some mean playground bullies for Sunny to learn that Spark wasn't actually her brother.  The next day Sunny made a big show of dragging Spark on top of the slide and knighting him as her honorary brother for life, then proceeded to sucker punch the nearest bully in the face.  Since that day they've not only grown closer as honorary siblings, but also as each other's protectors against the world.  Their parents worry about their co-dependency, but assume it's a phase they'll grow out of.
  • As the daughter of a princess Sunny is held up to a high standard she often cannot live up to, especially when it comes to being the best at everything magic.  Unlike her parents and the vast majority of her classmates Sunny did not find her cutie mark as a foal, and now as a teen is still on the hunt for it.  Although Sunny doesn't see this as a bad thing, she's just convinced that when her cutie mark does come it'll be something terrific and make all of the waiting worthwhile!
  • If Twilight and Sunburst are two candles then Sunny is the little ball of flame that causes the entire house to burn down.  Where her parents are respectful, soft-spoken individuals who tend to keep their cards very close to their chest Sunny is outspoken and loud to the point of being called crass by many of the Canterlot elite that have had the displeasure of seeing Sunny Spell grow up through various annual events Twilight must attend.  
  • Sunny Spell and Stellar Dawn are complete opposites in both appearance and personality.  Stellar is the elegantly poised 'show pony' that Sunny refuses to ever become, yet secretly envisions herself being.  Sunny adores her big sister to no end and admires her for her intelligence and craft when it comes to navigating the choppy waters of the Equestrian elite, hurtling over every expectation thrown before her with flying colors.   Although Sunny likes to 'follow her own golden path', as she tells everyone to do, she secretly does everything Stellar says and lives to impress her big sister.  Even if it's just a little bit.

Twilight and Sunburst always agreed on having more than one child so they were absolutely over the moon when they found out Twilight was expecting once again.  Stellar Dawn was just a little foal when her parents announced the news of her upcoming sisterhood and, although she could only just understand what was going on, Stellar accepted the news just as well as her parents had.  Everything progressed normally, the family was overjoyed and Stellar was practicing to become a big sister by tucking in her teddy bear at night and asking her mom all sorts of questions about siblings she had heard from her friends down at the kindergarten.  

The only one who didn't seem spectacularly pleased was Spike who, in the beginning, laughed and cried with his family over the news only to disappear out of thin air right before Twilight was due.  Distraught, Twilight searched Ponyville from top to bottom looking for the dragon that had become a brother to her, crying into Sunburst's shoulder at the dinner table in the dead of night when another search came up empty.  Sunburst did his best to keep Twilight calm while also reassuring Stellar for the hundredth time that, no, nothing's wrong, what are you talking about, who told you something was wrong—?

Fortunately Sunburst didn't have to pretend for long, thank Celestia considering he's about as good at lying as he is at cooking.  In true dramatic fashion Spike showed up just shy of a week later, emerging into the kitchen from a rainstorm outside without an ounce of warning.  Twilight and Sunburst raced to embrace Spike, bombarding him with questions and assurances about how mad they were but overall relieved he was back, and shut their mouths with a snap when Spike turned around and showed them the little egg he was carrying, all bundled up in a baby blue blanket.  

After a few hours of hushed whispers and big Ghibli-style tears (mostly Spike's, although he'd never admit it) Sunburst and Twilight realized that they didn't care about the origin of the egg as much as they cared about having Spike home.  Which was fortunate, considering Spike seemed like he'd much sooner launch himself into the changeling hive than tell them.

Not even a few days later Twilight gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Sunny Spell, and two days later Spike's egg hatched in a blaze of glory that scorched all the nearby books.  He named his son Spark, and the two new babies became inseparable.  

It didn't take Sunny long at all to learn her legs, and once she was up she could not be stopped.  Her parents spent the first year of her life chasing her around only for Sunny to experience a surge of magic and disappear into thin air.  Spark, by comparison, was a much more behaved child, who was content to lay in his dad's arms while all the crazy adults chased after a flying foal.  Although, even as babies, it didn't take long for Sunny to drag Spark into her shenanigans.  Sunny realized very quickly that if she was holding onto Spark when a magical surge occurred then they'd both be teleported somewhere random.

Although hilarious to the children, all three parents suffered daily panic attacks from this, especially when the two energetic children teleported onto the roof and they only found out when a neighbor called them and asked about the new castle decorations.

It was with these magical surges that Sunny Spell discovered her need to make other's smile, and likewise Spark discovered his need to keep Sunny from destroying everything in a five mile radius.


  • Spicy food.  If Sunny asks you to meet her in Pepper Palace on the far side of town do not go.  You will not win
  • Crowds and strangers (especially when they can't run away)
  • Trips with her big sister around Equestria
  • Volunteer work, any and all of it
  • Horror movies
  • Getting dressed up for events

  • Being alone for long periods of time
  • Debbie-downers
  • Tearjerker movies
  • Those heartbreaking commercials with the sad animals
  • When her parents go on long business trips
  • Trailblazer, Rainbow Dash's son

Twilight Sparkle | Mother

Like Sunburst, Sunny loves her mother will all of her heart and aspires to be just like her one day.  Talented, powerful, and in love with what she does, Twilight is the pinnacle of what a passionate pony looks like and that is all Sunny vows to be.  Twilight and Sunburst worry and fret over Sunny constantly, afraid one day she'll take a shenanigan too far and they'll have to put a stop to her 'passionate' ways.

Sunburst | Father

To say Sunny adores her father is a complete understatement.  Sunny Spell has been a daddy's girl from the moment she was born, and although she doesn't quite understand why Sunburst coops himself up in the library all day, every day, she respects the fact that he throws himself into what he loves without a care in the world for what others may think of him.

Stellar Dawn | Sister

Stellar Dawn is every bit the ridiculously perfect 'show pony' Sunny vows to never become, yet constantly envisions herself being.  It isn't that Sunny doesn't look up to her sister (because she does, immensely) but rather resents what Stellar represents.  Power through bloodlines, set purposes, and having to maintain a certain persona just to keep up with it all.  Deep down Sunny knows this isn't Stellar's fault, so while she may complain about this blasphemous lack of freedom to her sole friend Spark, she hangs onto every word Stellar says and looks at her as if she hung the moon and the stars in the sky.  Stellar was born with a job, and damn does she do it well! 

Spark | Best Friend/Honorary Brother

Sunny's very best (and arguably, the only one that can tolerate her) friend in the world is her honorary brother, Spark.  Sunny and Spark stumbled into their lifelong friendship without a second to spare, and since then have developed an extremely unhealthy codependency.  This dependency, however, is mostly on Sunny's side than anything else, which is something she'd realize if she stopped vibrating at the speed of light and saw how well Spark gets along with others.  For now though Sunny adores Spark with all of her heart and ropes him into every single shenanigan she has ever come up with.