Emperor Fehlen



5 years, 5 months ago


Fehlen [Surname Pending]

  • B2bvfx0.png
  • A smart, calculative man who could be easily mistaken for a brute, given how quickly he is to turn to violence. Overall stoic and confident in his abilities and ideals. If in a magic-oriented universe, he hates it with a passion, finding those who utilize it weak. His combat prowess focuses on agility over strength, but he is still quite strong.

  • Alignment Neutral Evil
  • Sex Male
  • Birthday January 18 [2012. Tentative; might give new Birthday on the day he's fleshed out]
  • Height 6'3"
  • Weight 195
  • Sexuality Straight (or Asexual)
  • Ailments ?
  • Aliases Empfehlen
"Stop relying on others and get things done yourself."
― Generic Fehlen


Emperor Fehlen is a cruel, Social Darwinist dictator and he recommends that you die. He's a very evil, no-nonsense dude who likes war and brutality and little else. He hates magic, claiming it's a tool used by the weak to become strong, and will gladly use his fists alone to beat someone up if he has to. He eventually loses his empire and thus just becomes Fehlen (*cough* 'missing' in German). Fehlen fehlt.
  • What I am highly considering is having Zane forced into his servitude at some point, and treated like dirt because he relies on magic to get by and is a total weakling without it. Zane, who is used to outstrategizing and overpowering people with his magic, finds himself completely outmatched against Fehlen and the rest of his troops, and despite all his plans, he can never seem to backstab him. He may have been able to escape initially if he weren't so hellbent on revenge, but by the time he finally does get desperate enough to give up and flee, it's too late and Fehlen already knows most of his tricks; maybe he even acquired some anti-magic device to make him completely powerless—and to use as an example for his crusade against magic. Zane probably begs Victoria for help when he sees her, knowing she'd want to overthrow Fehlen. Victoria turns him down—at least initially, since she knows how unthankful Zane is whenever she helps him out of a bind.
  • If this scenario happens, Fehlen is probably the only person capable of making Zane cry; as a classist nobleman, he can't stand being in a position of servitude to another. This—along with his potential inability to use magic—eats away at him more than any of the pain.
Rose to power in a coup. Oh boy. He had a lot of followers and now they're very nationalistic.

Merit is Everything

First and foremost, Fehlen cares about sheer talent; nothing else matters. Both him and his country are considered quite 'nationalistic,' but welcome immigrants into their country with open arms, so long as they are talented—of course, said immigrants will become part of his empire.

Zane Lune


He hates him for being a total weakling who (may) use magic (depending on the canon). In canons where Zane doesn't use magic, he may accept him for his smarts, even if he would still be a bit judgemental of his weak body.

  • His name is literally a German pun. Emperor Fehlen = Empfehlen = Recommend. He reccomends you die probably. Once he loses his empire, he goes missing (Fehlen).

Basic Stats

Pain Tolerance

More Stats

Red: with people he dislikes


  • Shows of Strength
  • A Good Brawl
  • Predicting Enemies' Tactics
  • Meat
  • Ale


  • Wimpy Pansy Magic Users
  • Anyone he Finds 'Weak'