


5 years, 4 months ago


fill my heart with song

Shy and imaginative, Lark possesses a mind that tends to wander more than it should. Lark spends the majority of his own time deep in thought, fantasizing about a dream world with endless fluffy clouds, peaceful valleys, and sunrises in an array of watercolors. When he zones out, Lark enjoys watching the clouds of his dream world go by, sometimes using a sketchbook to capture the outline of playful shapes in the sky, but more often just enjoying the serene feeling of an empty, undisturbed mind.

Though Lark enjoys immersing himself in the peace of his own thoughts, he often appears absent-minded and ditsy to others. While Lark is not particularly unintelligent, he rarely lends his full attention to the reality surrounding him and - in conversation - often offers answers that are not wholly relevant to the topic at hand. Although Lark tries his best to be a kind and supportive friend, he can come across as struggling to empathize with others because he often spaces out during conversations, even the most important ones. In response to a friend in need of support, he rarely offers more than a half-hearted mutter of affirmation that he's listening rather than saying what he's expected to say in order to comfort them. He tends to apologize a lot for his distraction, though often at inappropriate times. In response to someone proudly proclaiming, "I got the promotion!" or concernedly asking "Does this make me look fat?" Lark might respond with "Uhuh" or "I'm sorry," both lackluster replies that - in either case - might anger the speaker. The majority of the time, Lark is too immersed in his own thought to be actively involved with others' lives, which leads to distant, temporary friendships that eventually dissolve when the companion tires of Lark's disinterest in reality.

In addition, Lark sometimes says rude, blunt things without intending to if he's snapped out of a daydream and hasn't grasped the context of a conversation. He's not good at listening to the inflection of others' voices to ascertain the mood of a conversation, whether serious, sad, or excited. He frequently auto-repeats the last thing that was said to him without giving it much thought in order to appear as though he's following along with the story that another is telling him. In spite of Lark's struggles to connect in conversation, he is gentle-natured and does not mean harm towards anyone else. His queerplatonic partner Sunny reminds him to pull his head out of the clouds every once in a while and enjoy life as it is, rather than as he wishes it were. Because Lark is very passive and often loses control of the world around him, Sunny's active nature balances him out and challenges him to go outside of the comfort of his own mind.

Because he is an avid daydreamer, Lark tends to believe that things are much easier or more pleasant than they are in reality. He is slightly out of touch with the real world and, while he is not necessarily naive, he is an idealist who wishes for life to possess the dreamlike qualities of his dream world. With an unrealistic perception of his own capabilities and a belief that challenging things are inherently easier than they really are, he fancies himself a hard worker (or perhaps merely thinks tasks will be easier for him than for others) and thus volunteers to take on many more duties than he can actually manage to complete. When he overloads himself with obligations, Lark becomes quickly burnt out before finishing them and consequently must call on others - usually Sunny - for help. Because of his tendency to leave tasks uncompleted once he grows tired of them, Lark appears extremely unreliable and others have learned not to trust him to take on many chores. In reality, Lark is quite lazy, and he will go to extreme efforts to avoid hard work.

Lark enjoys spending his time outside, but he is a homebody in that he would prefer to stay in the immediate vicinity of his home rather than travel. He enjoys the idea of seeing new, exciting places, though he refuses to put forth the effort of partaking in a long journey. He is generally very mellow and unenergetic, but the one thing that excites him to the point of giddiness is the sky. He is always pointing out the different hues of the sky and shapes of the clouds in real life, or describing the ones that he can see in his dream world to others. Outside of this, it is difficult to deduce what Lark is thinking about, as he is neither very emotional nor very loud. Ultimately, others consider Lark to be a quiet, passive creature who cannot relate to others well because he is more than content to spend hours alone, engrossed by the boundless imaginative possibilities of his own brain.

written by wesleydog  

age  60
gender  male
orientation  aroace
zodiac  libra
location  dreamland
species  dootdoot
relationship  qpp
build  lanky
❝ let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars ❞












reminds him to pull his head out of the clouds and enjoy life once in a while! sunny's very active nature balances out lark's very passive one. 


friend? owo