


5 years, 4 months ago


innocent eyes know nothing of fate

Sunny is a happy-go-lucky and often overly zealous young man full of sunshine! He is bright and cheery in all aspects: he is intelligent and has an excellent sense of perception, he is energetic and child-like in all of his endeavors, and his brightly colored fur is certain to distinguish him from a crowd. Sunny is full of warmth and radiates happiness and care for others constantly. He strives to make everyone feel loved and included, though his cheerful optimism may be off-putting to those with slightly more realistic perceptions of life. Sunny occasionally forces his own enthusiasm and positivity on others who do not take such an upbeat attitude towards difficult times, and for this reason, many others believe that Sunny is naive, childish, or foolish.

Sunny can be headstrong and, once he has made up his mind about something, it can be very difficult to sway his opinion in another direction. If he has set out to do something, there is very little that sound logic and reasoning can do to talk him out of it, even if it is exceptionally dangerous or ridiculous. Sunny does not think things through much before taking action and doesn't consider the potential consequences of his actions or weigh costs and benefits when making a decision. While others might consider this a weakness, he considers this to be one of his most positive traits. Sunny firmly believes that overthinking things would prevent him from making the best decisions for his life. He takes a, "You never know what will happen until you try," mentality towards all things. He is extremely genuine, open, and straight-forward with others, and he values authenticity in his companions as well. He wants his initial reaction, even his first thought - the uncensored and purest part of his mind - to be the one thing that guides him through making decisions in life. Anything else, he believes, would be denying himself the opportunity of free expression.

Although Sunny may be a bit off-putting to those with less enthusiasm and a stronger filter, he has an undeniably contagious smile and sweet, bubbly laughter that is certain to win over anyone's heart. He is always here for those who are in need, particularly his friends, who he embraces emphatically and does his best to motivate and encourage every day. He would do nearly anything for those he loves, but he never shies away from helping a stranger in need either. When his friend is feeling down and they don't want to talk about how they're feeling, despite his best intentions, Sunny can be forceful in his comfort. Because he has a constant desire to help others, he often begs his friends to talk about their problems and believes that talking through things can make nearly any situation better. Though his friends understand that he means well, they are sometimes bothered by his inability to see that different people cope with things in different ways.

Due to his desire for harmony and his constant upbeat nature, it can be very difficult to spoil Sunny's mood. He can often be overly enthused by things that excite him, and while others may be annoyed by his mood, he generally overlooks all social cues asking him to tone down his cheeriness. Sunny loves warm weather and spending time with friends more than anything. He is sociable and needs to be surrounded by others to feel as though he's living up to his full potential. Because of his social tendencies, he doesn't really know how to enjoy time spent alone and would rather make a new friend than spend his time by himself. He has the personality of an enthusiastic leader and quickly grows lonely when his friends are not around. His dreamland is a sunny meadow scattered with flowers of all shapes, sizes, and colors where he invites all of his friends to come enjoy the sunshine, a picnic, sweet melty treats, and a round of Sportsball.

Slightly better grounded than his queerplatonic partner Lark, Sunny takes a more serious attitude towards the world and does not have as much of a romanticized, dreamlike perception of it. Though he understands that life may not always be happy, he chooses to take a positive mindset towards it. Lark keeps Sunny from rushing into everything full-speed, while Sunny ensures that Lark can enjoy the life he is living. Though both boys have their own weaknesses when it comes to perception of reality, they take care of one another and balance each other out with their conflicting energy levels and personalities. Though Sunny may be smart, he is not wholly pragmatic. He lives for fun and adventure, and he does not feel the need to justify his actions to anyone else.

written by wesleydog 

age  80
gender  male
orientation  panace
zodiac  aries
location  dreamland
species  dootdoot
relationship  qpp
build  cherubic
❝ when the dreams you hold in your arms come to life within you ❞












keeps him from rushing into everything full-speed! lark's passive nature balances sunny's extremely active one! 


friend? owo