Sugar Sketch



5 years, 5 months ago



Sugar Sketch

AKA Sugar for short
  • Pronouns: she/her

  • Age:19

  • Birthday: January 23rd

  • Species: Pegasus

  • Talent:Artist/Baker

  • Home: Cloudsdale

code by [snail-legs]

  • Contents

    1. Likes and Dislikes
    2. Personality
    3. History
    4. Hobbies and Interests
    5. Relationships
    6. Trivia
  • Likes and Dislikes

    Sugar Sketch enjoys baking, painting (messily), eating sweets, reading and taking a long nap on a cloud! She dislikes not knowing what to draw/paint, feeling sleepy, having to do too much work,losing and having to be patient.

  • Personality

    Sugar Sketch is a very quiet pony when she's around others she doesn't know too well. She enjoys her alone time and can often be found painting, baking or taking a nap up in the clouds. Other ponies would typically describe Sugar as very calm, relaxed and quiet. However once you get to know her more she can be a bit eccentric, sporadic and messy. She is often very sleepy which is easily noticable by other ponies.

  • History

    Sugar Sketch dealt with a lot of anxiety as a filly. She had a tough time in school and socializing with her peers due to being seen as eccentric and strange. She found comfort in her own company taking up hobbies like art and baking as a way to comfort her. She was the last filly in her class to get her cutiemark, something that she didn't seem to mind but was picked on for. She is admired in ponyville for her delicious and equally pretty desserts as well as her paintings! She resides in Cloudsdale, she is quite fond of taking naps in the clouds and claims the views from the clouds are perfect for painting inspiration. There's no shortage of color in Cloudsdale!

  • Hobbies and Interests

    She enjoys her alone time and can often be found painting, baking or taking a nap up in the clouds. She not only enjoys creating beautiful paintings but also tasty sweets for others to enjoy! If she's not baking at Sugarcube corner then she's probably off somewhere painting or taking a nap.

  • Relationships


    One day while walking through the forest looking for something to paint, Sugar Sketch came across an elegant looking unicorn. She immediately asked the unicorn if she could paint her and the two formed a bond. They often see each other at events due to Hazel being a violinist and Sugar Sketch baking the desserts. The two share a close connection, Sugar Sketch sees her as an older sister figure. Sugar Sketch often lets Hazel be the first to taste all her new sweet treats! Sugar is aware of Hazel's ability to change forms and travel to different universes. Before they part ways when Hazel leaves Equestria Sugar Sketch will be sure to send her off with some sugar cookies as a parting gift until the meet again!

    Pastel Paints

    Pastel Paints and Sugar Sketch have been friends since they were fillies. The two of them grew up sharing a love for art and were often going on adventures together.For a while Pastel Paints was Sugar's only friends growing up before she met Ava and Straub. Wherever Pastel Paints was, Sugar Sketch wasn't far behind. Pastel Paints is often getting the two of them into tricky situations and Sugar Sketch is always trying to get them out of those situations. The two of them can often be seen together painting or goofing off. Pastel Paints also enjoys coming by the bakery to steal some sweets when she gets the chance.


    Sugar Sketch met Ava through Straub. The three of them quickly clicked and got along well due to their shared love of sweets and dreams of owning a bakery. Togetrher they decided they should all run one together. Straub could bake the desserts, Sugar Sketch could decorate them and Ava cold be in charge of drinks! Together they worked hard to achieve their dream of owning a bakery/cafe together! Ava notes that, much like Straub, Sugar Sketch is an eccentric pony with hyper habits. However she does seem to crash from that sugar high a lot easier than Straub.


    Straub and Sugar Sketch met at an event where they both were catering! Straub admired how pretty all of Sugar's desserts were while Sugar Sketch admired how much passion Straub had for baking and creating tasty sweets. From then on the two often shared baking and decorating techniques while often going out to eat around ponyville. Their favorite place to go together is Sugarcube Corner where they can dream about owning a bakery of their own and learn from experienced bakers! For a little while the two decided to work together at Sugarcube corner for more experience in running a bakery!

  • Trivia

    Sugar Sketch got her cutiemark fairly late compared to other ponies and was picked on for it. She enjoys painting using her wings as her paintbrush. Her favorite place to take a nap would be up in the clouds on a breezy day Her favorite dessert to bake and eat is Sugar cookies since they were the first thing she learned to bake! She claims that living in Cloudsdale gives her the best views and inspires her to paint!