


5 years, 4 months ago


Sometimes scars are just scars.

Lucas is one of the more explosive members of the Broker cast. His relentless banter and loud volume are enough to drive any sane person off the deep end. Fortunately for him, he found a set of lunatics just as wild as he is. His loyalty, above all, is to his friends and those he holds dear. If someone is lucky enough to be in his close circle they've earned themselves a life time friend.
Lucas Frey
22 at start of Broker
6" or 183 cm
Primarily Norweigian
Rash, Snarky, Spontaneous
Cream Soda


He is not passive in the slightest and actively fights and advocates for what he thinks is right. His inability to lay low makes him a force to be reckoned with, and also a bad choice to bring on a task that requires diplomacy.

Lucas to boredom is like oil to water. He can’t stand it and will do whatever the most interesting option at the time is, beneficial or not. When in a group of people he feels comfortable around, he is a riot. He has a supernatural sense of comedic timing, and his extensive knowledge of niche subjects only adds to the effect. A drawback is that this occasionally comes at the expense of others. He has a need to be liked by others around him, and sometimes he goes too far. His straightforward approach can be seen as a blatant disregard for the feelings of others. His impulsve nature often leads him to speak before he thinks.

Because he generally assumes the worst about others, he is prone to overreacting. His reactions range from fits of anger to avoidance and isolation. In the moment his intention may have been malicious, but soon after he'll come running back to apologize. Lucas’s experiences with his own emotional turmoil make him empathetic towards others. Even if he doesn’t understand 100% where someone is coming from, he’ll make an effort.

His general antsy demeanor is great for high tension situations. He can react to anything in a flash. Of course, that means his flinches are very extreme as well.


  • Lucas is usually doing something with his hands, whether it’s poking someone or drumming on the table. He’s very expressive with his hands when he talks and, if he’s holding something, will often use that as a prop.
  • Lucas has an innate passion for making music, both instrumental and vocal: he has perfect pitch and a five octave voice, he can play most instruments but prefers things with strings or keys, and he has a massive playlist where songs are never taken off, only added.
  • The town he grew up in was close to the ocean so he attended a lot of marine summer camps. He’s knowledgeable in marine biology not necessarily against his will but definitely without knowing.
  • He is a MASSIVE consumer of movies, films, television, and any other moving visual medium.
  • Although he was never a voracious reader, he did enjoy shorter science fiction books growing up.
