Emmett Forest



5 years, 5 months ago



Emmett Forest








5’7” ft




Delivery Person



Emmett is a full-time delivery person who delivers packages, letters, and just any form of mail within the underground Nunuke society beneath planet Xygoroth.

In his spare time, he likes to play the piano, preferring the electric keyboard nowadays, and he’ll sometimes even jam out with his group of close childhood friends whenever he gets the chance.


Emmett is that one guy who’s always trying to be funny, but in a lame and cheesy kind of way. He’s got a guilty love for puns. Even so, he’s still the life at a party and is usually the first one to start a conversation going. He’s that one slightly more extroverted friend that will order food for you if you don’t feel like ordering it yourself.

He’s pretty outgoing and likes to have the occasional late night adventure with someone.

He will laugh during inopportune timings and at your misfortunes. Like if you trip over air and fall facedown, he will laugh his ass off, that’s just inevitable.

Maybe Emmett is also an attention whore? He doesn’t like to neglect anyone or take up someone else’s spotlight, but he does enjoy getting attention.


Like most Nunukes, Emmett was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense, though he’s had no reason to actually use it so far.

Maybe he’s experienced being playfully roughhoused, but he’s never had to use his stinger tail in a life-or-death situation before.

The end of his stinger tail is made out of forest cake, which coincidentally matches with his surname.


Like a lot of Nunukes, since Nunukes are known for having mixed families, Emmett was adopted. He was an only child raised by a slightly snooty and strict family, with just a mother and a father, who wanted him to grow up as the perfect son.

They would ‘encourage’ him to stay after school for extra tutoring, extra piano lessons, extra everything. They made him play a bunch of instruments and sports and other well-rounded activities of the like, but the one instrument that really stuck with him was the piano, the only instrument that he’s never been forced to play.

Emmett willingly chose to play the piano when he first discovered what it was like to stroke against the black and white keys, to hear the different pitches and tunes beneath his fingertips. He loved having that control, he loved that he wasn’t obligated to play it compared to every other instrument that he’s had to try just to appease his parents.

During high school, Emmett and his friends used to practice playing music together, almost like they were in a band.

Though he did well in school, he couldn’t see himself taking a career path that involved more extensive studies, so he decided he’d work as a delivery person instead since he likes the unpredictability of the job. As a delivery person, you’re constantly transported to different places everyday, some vaguely familiar and some completely new. There’s always something different to do.

Even though his parents objected to him doing this, Emmett decided to ignore them for once in his life and just do what he’s chosen to do.

Now Emmett’s currently just content with working his delivery job and lives in a small rent house that he shares with three of his close friends. These are the same friends that he went to high school with, and also the same ones that he’ll jam out with during his free time.


Emmett always has a gray fox companion named Gray on his cake-like stinger tail. Gray doesn’t really do much other than eat almost anything he can get his paws on and maybe hop off his tail to take a walk whenever Emmett is outdoors.

He’s always has heterochromia, ever since he was born and for as long as he can remember, and has two unattached eyes that just float and follow him everywhere. Sometimes he’ll leave one of the eyes behind in his house whenever he’s going out late at night, just as a cautionary thing to do.

Though he currently lives in the underground society of the planet Xygoroth, one of his buddies (Andy Evans) lives up on the surface, so he’ll travel up to the surface every now and then to see him.

Emmett has this sort of weird quirk where nicknames don’t usually click with him. Unless you have a really long name, he usually doesn’t call people out by nicknames, even those close to him.


008-EDB88-676-F-4348-BC14-2-CCE8-E99-E80 Andy Evans

close long-distance friend

3-BCDA5-A1-01-DD-4291-AD6-C-1-A485084184 Jack Bode

close friend and roommate

BB49-DDB1-11-B7-49-A4-A383-D5-E8-ECDF7-B Breanna Boohoo

close friend and roommate

A66-EC349-4-DE0-4085-887-B-116-C6-C0507- Gina Giles

coworker, close friend, and roommate

yncOX8E.jpg Ollie Nerium

that one creepy classmate back in high school

4hmTgtJ.jpg Emma Calypso

annoying cousin

E423-AFAB-8224-4-BC5-861-A-04-AC3-B6-E44 Charlie Giles

one of his friend Gina's younger siblings

svahSHQ.png Leah Giles

one of his friend Gina’s younger siblings

Hey guys, I think I accidentally drank a little food coloring last night. I ended up dying inside.
