Wynter Pinestone



8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info







Dragon Type

White (Cold)


Ranger (Beast Maker)


Neutral Good






5 ft 8 inches

Animal Companion




-Loves animals and wildlife

-Does the best she can do, tries to help others when she can, particularly those in danger

-Loves exploring and foraging in forests

-Tries to be soft spoken and kind 

- Is generally very shy around others and can find it difficult to speak her mind 

-Avoids conflict and hates confrontation 

Mushrooms, Forgaging, Pine forest, Cold weather, Dogs, Glimmer

Hot Weather, one-on-one conversations, Deep water, Lightning


Wynter doesn’t talk about it, under a spoiler tag to protect from people in the campaign.

Wynter was born within a small Dragon Clan high in a range of mountain peaks. The land here was hard to live on, but the Dragon clan had little choice - neighboring towns were extremely v to them. She had a generally normal childhood except noticed her parents were far more likely to disagree with the decisions of their Clan-master, making her detest them.
Wynter's parents disagreeing with many of the actions of the Clan-Master only got worse as she aged, stating that they were too passive and should be more forceful due to the harsh environment and harshness of other other cultures around them. At around age 18, the agruements turned sour and it escalated, with Wynter being stuck between difficult choices and siding with their parents. This led to several incidences as her parents made her assist them with several attempts at assassinating the clan-master to bring forth a new era to their clan.
Unfortunately, one of these attempts was successful, and Wynter and her mother were responsible for the death of the Clan-master. This was quickly discovered by the other members of the clan, with Wynter and her mother were quickly sentenced to death due to treason. However, her father assisted her in escaping, but her mother died in the struggle to get out. Once out of her clan, she wandered the lands in search for some kind of purpose, with all of her upbringing as a dragonborn being uprooted (eg, the strong sense of honour they have to their clans and the confusion that comes with killing a clan-master whoops).
Wynter generally got into more trouble, slipping into routes of thievery and other troublesome acts while traveling town to town. A few more mistakes were made, and she avoided her general area of upbringing all together as the word had spread of her betrayal to her clan.
Eventually she had an existential crisis after a close encounter with being caught stealing and almost being killed by it, and decided to try to better her life.  
After this, she met her animal companion as a puppy, lost in a snowy tundra, and nursed him back to health. She eventually found his mother, and gave him back to her, parting goodbyes.
She now follows in a more hippy lifestyle and practiced ranging as a way to be closer to the environment, trying not to venture into towns or otherwise. Old habits die hard however but she attempts to keep out of trouble and stay honest with herself and others. She can be very odd to talk to due to her conflicting emotions about issues but is generally relaxed.
She is constantly trying to undo her past wrongs and wanted to join Redhook so she could fix her past wrongdoings. 

Current Adventure 

Wynter is currently working at the Redhook Mercenary Company in Albatross, how she found her way there is unknown, but she has a strong sense of wanting to do something for others and hence why she joined. She has undergone several missions at Redhook and has made a bit of a name for herself alongside some other members at Redhook. She’s become close particularly to Glimmer, Succio and Huck, sharing the most missions with them. She is currently in a relationship with Glimmer Glittergem.

Notes when drawing: 
- Design is flexible, you don't need to follow her ref to a T.
- Often wears flowing, green colouring
- No breasts, has a rough pear shaped body type with large legs, bottom heavy in design
