Jennifer Fuentes



5 years, 3 months ago



Jennifer Fuentes


Scrubs people's existence off of the face of the earth- for an appropriate price. Relocates dangerous people that are being sought by an even worse breed of man, fakes their deaths and changes their names, transports them halfway across the world somewhere off of the grid, forges a new identity for people that need to shed theirs like the snake of a skin. Peels away what makes you you, and gets rid of it.

She is the difference between life, death, and a new beginning - if you can afford it.

Careful and secretive, living in a structured way but keeping a flexible and whipquick mind. Knows exactly what it takes to survive in her line of business, and has made sure that she has it no matter the cost for the alternative is the ultimate price. Doesn't ever flinch because she can't afford the second it takes to close her eyes. Knows when to lie and has had to learn the hard way when to run, became endlessly thorough as a result and takes nothing at face value.

Mentally fiercely resilient and has staved off any sort of cynical jadedness despite the shit she's gone through and despite the times she's had to reinvent herself, foregoing nostalgia entirely for the pain and whiplash would be too great. There's no looking back. Extroverted personality, but lacks a natural charm, instead having stilted and somewhat stiff mannerisms. Can't come back from becoming the person she thought she should be - doesn't want to consider the possibility it's not a good thing.

Has nurtured her distrust for the sake of survival but cares fiercely where it matters - an unapologetic small circle of people in a place in her heart that once had no room for anyone but herself. Has towering expectations of those she loves, which sometimes does more harm than good, but adores them and they adore her, knowing her as trustworthy and protective. Surprisingly gentle, even soft, in the presence of this very few.

Fiercely believes in brutal honesty and tough love -soft hands make stinking wounds- and is often the devil's advocate, but she is never cruel, and has never been unkind. Learned to love, learned to care, and learned how to allow herself to be loved.


  • Long black hair. Depending on the day it may be worn loose or pinned up in a variety of styles, but the style is always simple
  • Warm brown eyes, somewhat heavily lidded. Thick eyebrows with a naturally sharp arch, slight bags under her eyes. A severe mouth with full lips, dimples in both of her cheeks at the corner of her mouth even when her features are relaxed. Round jutting cheekbones with a sharp square jaw. Lines and folds cutting through her face the way down to her chin. Crows feet, slight nasolabial folds. Straight nose
  • Body and face is scattered with large dark moles. The moles on her body are random, the ones on her face are not
  • Style of jewelry is modest or even non-existent. Has pierced ears and usually only wears simple earrings besides her white-gold wedding band. Paints her nails occasionally, which are always kept short (but just long enough to tap)
  • Way of dress is simple but expensive, tailored of luxurious materials. Wears mostly dark colors with colored details in shoes (usually heels), may sometimes indulge in busy patterns. 
  • Slightly taller than average, carries herself with ease though she shies away from being the center of any attention. Average build


Layout by Jayden • Recode by Vom