


8 years, 1 month ago



Child level - Vaccine - Holy

Holy Beast Digimon - Virus Busters

Partner: Aruna

In general, Vasiyetmon are known to be extremely loyal to those they deem worthy. Only those with a righteous heart can earn the loyalty of a Vasiyetmon. Being Holy Beast Digimon, they have a connection to Yggdrasil and the Angel Digimon, sometimes even acting as helpers to the Angels. All Vasiyetmon have holy rings around their neck and feet. The rings increase their holy powers, and the monsters are significantly weakened without them.

This particular Vasiyetmon is like the rest of its species, except a bit more childish due to being young. Though it can be naive and too trustful, it has an extremely strong sense of justice and what's right. Unlike other Vasiyetmon, who's holy rings are inscribed with "Digital Monster" in Digimoji, this one's rings have "Holy Beast" written on them. (The letters are Digimoji - for drawings they can be simplified to triangles, stripes etc.)

Vasiyetmon is capable of limited shapeshifting. Its body mass cannot increase or decrease, though. If it wants to create wings, for example, the mass for those wings must come from somewhere else in its body. One of its attacks is turning its tail into a weapon, like a cleaver or a mallet, and swinging it at an opponent.

Vasiyetmon is a defensive digimon. It is capable of many magic attacks and supportive techniques, specializing in Holy type attacks. It can perform Water, Machine and Beast attacks as well.

Puttimon - Cupimon - Vasiyetmon - Zavjetmon - Sefermon - ???

Can evolve to Hikibanamon with the Digimental of Purity. Its personality will drastically change with this evolution.

(original vasiyetmon design by