Vasiyetmon (???mon)



6 years, 5 months ago



Ultimate Level - Vaccine - Holy

Holy Knight Digimon - Virus Busters

A Holy Knight who's status is almost mythical in the Digital World. Though it's not a part of the Royal Knights, its powers and reputation are similar to them. It is rarely seen and it is considered an omen of some sorts if one catches a glimpse of ???mon. The Holy Knight's armor consists entirely of Gold Digizoid, which is incredibly tough and gives ???mon great defensive strength while also being light enough to allow the Digimon to move at high speeds.

???mon is known as the Digimon who collects the souls of those sentenced to die with its scythe, (name here). It appears before those dying Digimon and without pain ends their existence. It has carried on some shapeshifting abilities from Vasiyetmon, being able to take on the form of whatever the Digimon it is collecting the soul of loves. ???mon leads the souls to the afterlife and fulfills the deceased Digimon's final wishes.